Never got to reply to this poor soul

Never got to reply to this poor soul.

Jesus Christ's followers converted the whole of Rome who were persecuting Christians at the time. To change the minds of a nation at the hight of its power is nothing short of a miracle.

If you're an atheist, your mighty Rome fell to a few men preaching a new religion, just finding it's footing in the world. Not so mighty.

The Bible speaks of the synagogue of Satan and Jews being children of Satan. Your position makes no sense. It could not be a Jewish sect.

Jesus loves you man. I hope you find it in you to return the love he has for you.

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to idiots arguing about history they don't know.

Zoomers dont care about these things
>911 controlled demolition
Zoomers are now considered OPTICSBOIS
They care more about their image and popularity then true redpills

Their leader is another zoomer who lives in mommy's basement.

Beware of these anons, they are blackpilled beyond belief and spread misery around them because their power levels are too low, too weak
>redpills cannot save them
Because they care too much for OPTICS..

They will use buzzwords that dont mean anything anymore like
>zion don

They dont have KEK anymore only BLACKPILLS, only despair

So my question is how do we save them or do we cut them off to be hardened by the world?
I feel these new OpticsBois are irreparable and non fixable as they are in a POPULARITY CONTEST with eachother and other retards

Zoomers also hate god

Never got to reply to this poor soul.

Mohammads followers converted the whole of Rome who were persecuting at the time. To change the minds of a nation at the hight of its power is nothing short of a miracle.

If you're an atheist, your mighty Rome fell to a few men preaching a new religion, just finding it's footing in the world. Not so mighty.

The quran speaks of the synagogue of Satan and Jews being children of Satan. Your position makes no sense. It could not be a Jewish sect.

Mohammad loves you man. I hope you find it in you to return the love he has for you.

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Christian persecution basically didn’t happen in Rome except for a few rare instances, unfortunately. The rest of your post is cope.

>Rome who were persecuting Christians at the time.
That never happened. Rome basically left them alone, except that one time Nero got pissed because christcuck judeans tried to burn down Rome.

>Rome fell to a few men preaching a new religion
Constantine's mother converted and that's how it went from a creepy little religion full of homosexual gnostic pedos or humbled christian judean larpers to something larger

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Rome largely treated Christians as all the non Roman religions/Jews in their empire when Christians tried converting their citizens the Roman state would oppose that and execute some Christians.

>Rome fell to Christianity
You're an idiot and anyone who even considers what you said to be non-laughable is, too.

Many Christians trying to proseltyse Romans were crucified, Rome's religious plurality and tolerance for barbarian religions to exist is what doomed them to the reign of Constantine who genocided non Christians except for Jews.

Rome fell because of fiat currency and importing foreign workers.

Based. Carry on brother, godspeed.

>nation at the height of its power
Rome at the time was neither a nation nor at the height of its power. It was an empire sinking into decadence and slave morality.

>The Bible speaks of
It doesn't fucking matter what the bible says. The actions of the churches speak for themselves.

>any answer other than "Rome fell due to a massively complex puzzle of internal and external affairs coupled with several critical failings in sociopolitical and socioeconomic fields. No specific isolation of events is justified as being attributed as THE cause"

Christianity = Communism with Yahweh

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Both reasons played a role in it, yes. But it was the inner spiritual decline that caused these things to happen.
Collapse was inevitable.

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>only the smart and ethical ever reached power
Lol has he even read about the emperors...?

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Right it wasn't the rampant inflation, plagues, barbarian invasions, famines, constant civil wars as generals kept having themselves acclaimed as imperator and marching on Rome, a breakdown in any kind of political life or meritocracy as the principate transitioned into the dominate and rule became increasingly autocratic, or the insane policy of "pay the soldiers as much as possible and keep paying them more or they'll overthrow you". It was those darn Christians.

>only the smart and ethical ever reached power
Nero, Caligula, Commodus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Elagabalus, Didius Julianus...even a lot of the pre-Christian Emperors we consider competent like Augustus and Hadrian were hardly ethical, they were brutal cold-blooded killers. Idk where this notion that every Roman Emperor was Trajan or Marcus Aurelius comes from.

the fact that his 12 followers were all willing to die torturous deaths for what they saw is alone proof that what they preached was genuine.
no human could possibly go through so much suffering for a lie. its simply not possible.

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>no human could possibly go through so much suffering for a lie
Tell that to the millions of dead and tortured of the Russian Revolution. On all sides, whether Red, White, Black, Green, or (non-Russian) Nationalist.

>no human could possibly go through so much suffering for a lie

Praise jim jones the prophet they are in heaven as all his people believed he was the truth, Jim Jones warned of false prophets.

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>sociopolitical and socioeconomic fields

Yeah fiat currency and foreign workers...

Augustine wrote a whole book about the “christianity destroyed Rome” argument

>You think all these 7 billion Christians and Muslims and Jews believe in a false religion?

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Tell me the reason you believe one God exists and I'll prove to you multiple gods exist

>it was fiat currency and FOREIGNERS
>oh rome totally botched relations with goths and made some real dicky moves?

Look at your country mutt.
That what happens when masses don't.

Before Constantine took power tell me the situation of Rome.

What are you talking about?
The degeneracies of the masses could be subdued through the theocratic Hellenic Roman faith banning all degeneracy.

Blessed and Christpilled.

I'm not arguing for specific religion, just that there is must be one.
Current year christianity is already borderline a larp
Pagan religions are just a cargo cult at this point, no one will believe in them

>To change the minds of a nation at the hight of its power is nothing short of a miracle.
kinda like what happened with usa? its not a miracle you stupid bibletard, its called jews

>before Constantine
>like half of "Roman" history
Lol retard

These are the qualities of life to which every citizen should aspire. They are the heart of the Via Romana--the Roman Way--and are thought to be those qualities which gave the Roman Republic the moral strength to conquer and civilize the world:

Auctoritas--"Spiritual Authority": The sense of one's social standing, built up through experience, Pietas, and Industria.

Comitas--"Humor": Ease of manner, courtesy, openness, and friendliness.

Clementia--"Mercy": Mildness and gentleness.

Dignitas--"Dignity": A sense of self-worth, personal pride.

Firmitas--"Tenacity": Strength of mind, the ability to stick to one's purpose.

Frugalitas--"Frugalness": Economy and simplicity of style, without being miserly.

Gravitas--"Gravity": A sense of the importance of the matter at hand, responsibility and earnestness.

Honestas--"Respectibility": The image that one presents as a respectable member of society.

Humanitas--"Humanity": Refinement, civilization, learning, and being cultured.

Industria--"Industriousness": Hard work.

Pietas--"Dutifulness": More than religious piety; a respect for the natural order socially, politically, and religiously. Includes the ideas of patriotism and devotion to others.

Prudentia--"Prudence": Foresight, wisdom, and personal discretion.

Salubritas--"Wholesomeness": Health and cleanliness.

Severitas--"Sternness": Gravity, self-control.

Veritas--"Truthfulness": Honesty in dealing with others.

All of these virtues will be required by law to be followed.

Homos crucified degenerates crucified reactionaries crucified etc..

absolutely based

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thats unironically how we look mutt
you are probably black haired, short, and hairy like most kikes are

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It should’ve said CHOORCHER

you obviously know zero about the law
or Yas Forums
go back to plebbit faggot

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>In time of doubt we shall keep the faith

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>and are thought to be those qualities which gave the Roman Republic the moral strength to conquer and civilize the world:
They conquered the world because they had an insane amount of manpower relative to their neighbors (which is what let them come back after Trasimene and Cannae) and a fully professional military while most of their neighbors were still just cobbling together temporary armies of farmers and tribesmen.

Isn't Russia a much better example of what happens when the masses don't follow a religion? You guys had state-enforced atheism for the better part of the last 100 years

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are you implying christians dont get married?
welcome to Yas Forums

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That's too. We, for all our faults, are at least somewhat back on track.

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lol just wait faggot :)
you guys are going to pay for siding with china

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Its the
>of satan

>instead of taking care of your husband take care of your boss
That's such a gay fucking meme. 90% of "careers" are dead end meaningless jobs that don't bring any meaning or satisfaction.

>Jesus Christ's followers converted the whole of Rome who were persecuting Christians at the time. To change the minds of a nation at the hight of its power is nothing short of a miracle.
It was done by the Roman authority and most people who lived in Rome were slaves.

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jesus was hung from a cross for subverting the Roman Empire from within and causing a slave revolt

Typical jewish things

It’s almost as if jesus was an Arabic jew sent to destroy Rome from within

Crucifixion was typically reserved for traitors and spies in Rome, Jesus was a jewish spy who was rightfully killed for subverting the Roman Empire

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Almost like the romans fucking killed him under jewish orders and created their own theocracy to subvert his teachings for an ever expanding oligarchy in a foot race against god

>To change the minds of a nation at the hight of its power is nothing short of a miracle.
Sounds like some shit a subversive Jew could do nowadays too

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>Rome listened to the Jews
>one of their most problematic provinces
>that explicitly rebelled because Rome wouldn't listen to them
>3 times
>for reasons

>and created their own theocracy to subvert his teachings
But Jesus died more than 300 years before the Roman Empire adopted Christianity

Don't forget Hadrian dismantling Jerusalem and trying to rename the entire city because the Jewish rebellions were getting so irritating.

Its like the wire, you just manipulate factions and it works because of the pyramid scheme structuring of our society

300 years is plenty time to get gentiles acquainted with a militaristic crusader's religion

Under their 'atheism', they were all educated, they were citizens and they could own land outright instead of 49 year leases. And instead of being forced to send all their bread to Moscow, the provinces could keep as much of their wheat as they needed to avoid the famines caused by imperial neglect.

If you understand the economics of Russia, it all starts to make sense.

I understand why Rome wanted to control the area. Great reasons. But shit just let the province do their religion and pay taxes. Make up some bs religious justification why it was ok for the Jews to practice their faith within Roman ideology. Idk why they were so adamant about being dicks to the inhabitants. Stupid pissing match when they could've mobilized against Persia.

you fckn idiot the jews just subverted an emperor and he mandated christianity
thinking a sole god woould be easier to manage
like egyptians tried before
>the bibile speaks of the synagoge of satan
no chriscuck cult is against jews and most are judeo-christian
>If you're an atheist, your mighty Rome fell to a few men preaching a new religion
rome was not atheist idiot

Cannae maneuver (pincer) is still taught in military battlefield sims

>If you're an atheist
Rome was pagan dumbshit.
The cult of Mithras was simply subverted and used by ChristJews as a vehicle to spread their poison. HMMM where else have we seen this behavior?

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The Christianity of the crusaders had very little in common with Early Christianity. It took nearly a millennia of changes to get to that point.

>Make up some bs religious justification why it was ok for the Jews to practice their faith within Roman ideology
The monotheism was the sticking point, Romans would have been happy to incorporate Judaism into their rituals if the Jews hadn't been so fucking stubborn about the whole "there's only one god" shit
>Idk why they were so adamant about being dicks to the inhabitants.
That was just kind of what they did with the people they conquered. Look how long it took them to give the rest of Italy voting rights after the other Italians had fought and died for Rome over and over again.
>Stupid pissing match when they could've mobilized against Persia.
Trajan slaughtered the Jews and conquered most of Persia so it's not like the Romans couldn't multitask

almost like he never existed in the first place

> The Bible speaks of the synagogue of Satan and Jews being children of Satan. Your position makes no sense. It could not be a Jewish sect.

Your god is referred to as rabbi, uses a jewish temple and the name of a jewish demon to refer to his enemies, people he considered enemies for running the jewish faith in a way he didn’t approve of. But sure, none of this has anything to do with Judaism

Eh so just do the stupid "oh dude it's 1 god that can split himself up into equal parts! You guys worship the same "god" we do, just differently!" that Christianity re-branded to appeal to pagans later anyway.
>dicks to conquered
I think there was far more leniency towards other areas at least at that time. Short-haired gauls were probably more dissimilar to Romans than the inhabitants of modern Israel but were "incorporated" with more logic looping.

Ya I can't argue they didn't "do" it, but the internal rebellion problem diminished the front with Persia significantly. Also Trajan was a PR disaster for pacification of Judea.

>They conquered the world because they had an insane amount of manpower relative to their neighbors
Msot Roman manpower was used for garisons.

Roman effective penetration to fight was not very large.

Romans never declared war or had conflict without either motivating an enemy to give them a cause for war or from enemy reason for war.

If the Romans fought you there was always a justified reason for doing so.

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>always a justified reason
>why are we in Dacia again?
>lol i dunno kill some dudes

Modern day history teaches us that if you're a sub-group in a nation getting persecuted by its natives(whom have centuries-long established customs and traditions) to defend), you're wrong and should die without making a noise.
That or GTFO.

>always a justified reason
>why are we in Dacia again?
when the Dacians defeated a Roman army at the Battle of Histria.[2]:215 In AD 85, the Dacians swarmed over the Danube and pillaged Moesia[

It was illegal to declare war without a justified reason to do so.

>it was illegal without a justification!
>aren't some of these justifications idiotic or false to propagate a desire for us to pillage?
>lol so what, we justified it! Let's vote in the totally still powerful senate on it!

The Jews requested the Romans and so the Roman were invited to judea for the Romans might

The Siege of Jerusalem (63 BC) occurred during Pompey the Great's campaigns in the East, shortly after his successful conclusion of the Third Mithridatic War. Pompey had been asked to intervene in a dispute over inheritance to the throne of the Hasmonean Kingdom, which turned into a war between Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus II. His conquest of Jerusalem, however, spelled the end of Jewish independence and the incorporation of Judea as a client kingdom of the Roman Republic.