What is your personal experience with Pajeets programmers and in tech in general
Indians in Tech
They do the job without asking for exorbitant pay. Sure natives would do a better job but they money they demand is way too high. Moreover they are mostly docile, do not interfere in our affairs. A lot of them are also republicans and they are a community who Trump can win over. On the whole my experiences with them has been pleasant.
You ever hear one of those fuckers say "widget" on a conference call?
Absolute minimum required to achieve a task, which usually leads to hardcoding something that should be much more flexible and has to be redone if the parameters change.
If you ask them to make a program that will multiply an input number by the day of the month but they know you will check their program on the first of the month they will just have the program spit out the input number and pretend the code is fine.
sounds like cope bullshit made up by pajeet internet defence force
poos constantly demand higher pay, and promotions
and constantly argue and think they’re smarter than the board and try their own shit before it fails usually
and they overwhelmingly vote democrat
>t. literally an American worker stranded in India
I found a way to block them on my xfinity land line.
Indian Americans, particularly the ones trained in american universities and can make it into the US private sector are sharper than americans, on average.
It's a white cope that they're somehow inferior workers. End of the day, money talks and tech share prices keep increasing. This is in large part due to the facts that everyone woke up to whites being uppity, inferior workers with low IQ. this is why they've been rapidly cucked out of engineering and medicine.
In 50 years whites will be a second tier race in the US. Ahead of blacks but underneath asians
they're very good at selling themselves so I see why HR karens love them. if you ask a pajeet, "can you do [x]"? he will always say yes no matter whether he can or can't. they've very good at getting jobs. they all have university degrees (that are from a village schoolteacher declaring they watched 10 hours of coding tutorials on youtube and can copy paste shit from the net) for the price of a goat and 4 chickens. when it comes to delivery they shit the bed, and then they run off before they face consequences for it. wash and repeat.
>the ones trained in american universities
rarer than not. 90% of them have degrees from some no name literally where in india, not exactly known for educational quality. but HR weighs these the same as an actual american university degree because they dont' want to seem "racist". you can't argue some indian squathouse with 1500 (not even kidding) students to a classroom with all of 5 computers between them is going to have the same education quality as an american school.
This is a turbo cope. HR Karen's arent hiring these guys. It's engineering managers with technical know how.
The typical white trasher resume is like 2.5 GPA, 2 years experience at Cleatus's Carwash, and will spend 4 hours a day talking about shit they plan to buy with their overinflated salary
Indians have advanced degrees with high GPA's and a genuine interest in the things they're studying. Really the only problem with them is they tend to be a bit more timid than their white counterparts, but that is usually because they are treated with disrespect by their arrogant white colleagues
The level of white delusion is insane when it comes to the topic of Indian workers in the US
>HR weighs these the same as an actual american university
Wrong. The Indians who are American university graduates are eligible for an OPT Visa, meaning they do not require sponsorship and this makes them far more attractive candidates for employment than a raw H1B hire. Racism is still rife within hiring too, btw. I can tell you dont work a private sector job
Pajeet programmers are like a 1 in 10 chance of hitting gold. They are about half as cheap as the average American programmer but with a 90% fuck everything up rate. Some companies decide their software is not so critical that if they fill the company with pajeets there is a chance there is at least one that isn't retarded and can be exploited to make it economically worth it. Most businesses that do this end up failing, but the ones that pull it off make ridiculous profit that makes other companies foam at the mouth.
Basically if a company has any semblance of integrity and respect for its customers they won't hire pajeets en masse. Sometimes if you really REALLY need someone to fill a small gap in your workforce quickly for a non mission critical job until you can find someone better it is better than nothing, but not by much. If you don't have good QA or other developers to temper their stupidity you're better off just having the job go undone until you can find someone worth it.
Ok benchod
Can any of the white trash copers ITT explain how if indians are so inferior, as they claim, both Microsoft and Google have Indian CEOs?
White trash anger
>Can anyone define nepotism for me
Absolutely incapable of autonomy. They require constant babying and supervision to stay on task and to perform tasks correctly. If you leave them alone they will fuck everything up and try to hide it, and then blame someone else as a last resort.
>well so and so told me to do it this way
>this is how I was trained to do it
And my personal favorite
>you told me to do it this way
What happens when you put an Indian in charge of Indians is a total breakdown in processes as they collectively revert to "look busy so white man pays us" mode. Projects experience enormous delays or restructuring or are often scrapped completely because what was created without proper supervision was either plagiarized or simply doesn't work.
About 1 out of 10 of them is a decent human being, and as I understand it they are usually part of the higher caste originally, which seems to be a mixed race of white/persian+Indian which may explain why they are capable of actual thinking.
These potbellied smelly manlet parasites will be the downfall of the American tech sector.
Please share user
indians are disgusting, disgusting slave like servile mentality as well
the ones who grow up here exhibit similar behavior but instead of naivety they have arrogance and delusion
t. 6 years in software development
they are better than chinks from an empathy/human behavior standpoint that's for sure though
1/1000 goes beyond the call of duty and isn't a complete simpleton, the rest is completely retarded and unfit to live in modern society where honest cooperation is needed
there are some geniuses but i guess they just stay in their homeland
So you're saying the shareholders of all these companies are primarily indians who installed an indian CEO at the expense of whites?
poo in loo
racial foreigner rage, alliennation from civilized european society must be a bitch
theres a reason indians bleach their skin and americans dont cover theirs with shit to appear browner
0.0000000001% of indians are smart and successful out of a population of 10 gajillion wow who would've thunk it
for every indian with an iq above 100 there are 100 with double digit iq
>two gigantic evil companies use a minority puppet to virtue signal while crushing the rights of Americans as they loot and exploit their government.
>Indians are proud of this.
>These potbellied smelly manlet parasites will be the downfall of the American tech sector.
People still buying iPhones tho, cletus. Hows that employment check treating you?
Look at this street shitter he's so upset. If anyone in this thread wants to piss off a poojeet in public just call him a benchod. It's hilarious when these retard scammers call acting like your PC has been locked and you call them benchod. They absolutely lose it.
I went to a technical school there were a lot of poos going to school. They would cut each others throats to get good grades. Would trick team mates on projects into doing all the work they than would sabotage the group and take credit for saving the day. They are more about looking the part than actually doing the work. Copy past kitty's most of them. They don't have any creativity or problem solving talents good for mindless coding about it. You are better off hiring guys in japan off Craigs list. In japan they learn to code western stuff for fun because it is way less complicated.
You're funny, Patel. I'll make sure to pop you in the dome so you don't suffer, when it's time to clean house.
not just that, indians have a beta/servant like nature to them, they'll always work hard (most will work hard but stupid), but the smart ones will work hard
it's like they have something to prove, they usually have nothing else going for them in life
I would dedicate myself to my craft as well if I had to go home to a fat poo wife and poo children every day, would marry my career if that happened tbqh
almost every indian I've work with in high tech copes by using escorts after finding out women don't actually want to be with them
Lol did your whore mother get scammed by a based Indian scammer, Eric
99.9% is scammers.
It does not matter if they are good or bad. There is 1.4 billion of them, and they are racist against us.
We dont need them, and the ones here have to go back.
Ok benchod
Pajeets belong in the fields picking fruit with the spics.
Dirty ass no good bums with no spirit other than playing with poop and being poop.
Idiots who have the most rudimentary knowledge ,but if they have a problem they need to figure out they make excuses and say it can't be done or is impossible.
We do not need either.
indians are not racist to whites, they are just jealous
an indian would sacrifice his entire village just to spend a day with a white woman and would sell out his own wife/daughter to make his white boss proud
Lots of dalit cope in this thread. However anybody posting here has to realize that no insult you can give an Indian is worse than the one the universe gives him every time he looks in a mirror.
>I would dedicate myself to my craft as well if I had to go home to a fat poo wife and poo children every day, would marry my career if that happened tbqh
Suddenly it all makes sense. If existence is suffering then even mind numbing office bumbling may be a release.
Indians systematically infiltrate American companies. They start by working their way into the HR departments. Once they have control of hiring decisions, they start referring their families and start shipping them over one by one. As soon as one Indian become a manager, they will start promoting other Indians who will back them up and favor Indians. They slowly creep their way up and rot a company from the inside out. Outsourcing will provided short term gains in labor cost savings, but in the long run, companies that are taken over by poos are terrible investments; it becomes a castle built on a foundation of sand.
Have you tried resetting your router?
Get a job and stop larping online, autismo
So sad but so true.
>an any of the white trash copers ITT explain how if indians are so inferior
Why is India such trash?
>that no insult you can give an Indian is worse than the one the universe gives him every time he looks in a mirror.
this man
one of my closest friends is indian but he pretends to be arab or persian when we go clubbing lmao
Honestly? I work as an algorithms researcher for a firm you all know, and pajeets are very rare here, the way they write code is very inefficient, they cant write documentation for shit because 10 minutes after they finish they forget how the thing works because they just add patches as they debug instead of rehashing problematic parts of the code.
In my experience, if you want natural talent, go for russians, I have seen russians coming up with some incredible stuff, most of them have natural talent for this, perhaps its the bad whether or something.
Also remembering the NSA grade russian ransomware which hit masive corporations with billions in losses.
You didnt answer my question, Steve
>indians are not racist to whites, they are just jealous
It does not matter. There is 1.4 billion of them, they take 2 years degrees that then get counted as a master degree in usa. Their 0$ education is conflated with out 100K debt based 4-year education.
They have to stay out\go home.
Nobody knows, they stuck in mud division screaming gibberish, throwing poop all day.
the ceo isn't coding all day. CEOs dont do fucking shit.
the indian ceo is responsible for nepotism, and is why they hire so many shit assed pajeets to begin with.
you get just one of the leeches in a position of power and suddenly your entire city stinks of curry and you have 1200 pajeet cramming every street in town. they're humanoid cockroaches capable of taking over entire cities.
Tell that to Google, Microsoft, PepsiCo, MasterCard, Adobe, etc. When you start your own multinational corp you can ensure we stay out
My job for several years was to wrangle you little subhumans. Now I do penetration testing which is IMPOSSIBLE for you shitskin fucks due to the requirement of critical thinking and problem solving skills. Pen testing and high end cybersecurity is 95% white thank God, and it will stay that way due to rigorous testing and performance requirements.
No go sweep my street, Rahj. Better yet, go back to India since its so great. They need superstars like you there asap.
disgusting boot lickers i honestly despise them
in my experience they have a bizarre aversion to asking questions or clarifying a problem. they will happily toil away on a task they have absolutely no clue how to do, because wasting 2 weeks on a task that could be done in a day is somehow better than admitting you don't know something.
i've resorted to carefully explaining a task to them while the pajeet in question hurries me along with "uh huh. yep. right. uh huh". I then ask them to explain it back to me, which is met with a blank expression followed by that weird indian head bobble
i theorize that this is related to their caste system
It's the same logic as
>Jews are inferior
>Jews own and rule everything
Damn, you're in the trenches. I don't envy you
>all massive, evil, corrupt fuckup companies
>Patel is STILL proud
Still throwing poop no matter how rich they become by scams.
>his example of successful Indian companies are American companies that have been taken over by Indians that now produce dogshit products
I had an indian ask me how to write a very simple query.
niggas getting fired for underperforming soon and this is a "high caste" IIT grad
they poo all over the keyboard
There is nothing worse than being indian, all indians know this. The only indians that can cope with being indian are ones that are 6'+ and are relatively good looking.
Yes termites defending destroying the house.
Go talk to Boeing you disgusting lying sack of shit. Every single one of those companies minus fucking Mastercard who don't have to do shit have degraded in quality in the last 15 years. This is 100% due to hiring street shitters and their pervasive nepotism.
You're dumber stinkier Jews. Your hive is only marginally less disgusting than China.
Redpillowed af.
They are going to fire you for being racist. What dont you get about being genocided?
Indians are literally less intelligent jews
>they just add patches as they debug
explains why winblows 10 wants to update every fucking week. i disabled the updates, every time they put one through it broke random shit that i can't even figure out how or why it would be affected. i don't even know how these pajeet fuck up that badly.
this. there are 2 standards: ones whites get held to and the lower one that everyone else is held to. we have all of /g/ unemployed and trump talks about importing another million h1b streetshitters.
then these filthy pajeet come here, can't find any woman who will fuck him, so he imports a mail order bride and 20 family members. overnight an entire city goes from white to currynigger.
Yep this is someone who has actually worked with them. They cannot admit they don't know shit.
Jesus friend, how did you get stuck in such a smelly and shitty situation?
Study pic related.
We dont need you. you are a biological weapon set upon us by globalists.
I'm not sure you understand the concept of a parasite, the concept of the greater good, and how evil awful things can destroy something beautiful. This is a failure of your culture and possibly your genetics.
>GPA means something..
>are sharper than americans, on average.
that's because they're a selection from a 1bn population.
there are more than 60 million niggers over 100IQ in Nigeria, the problem are the other 130 million niggers.
>be me
>t. mutt White man
>interview for programmer job
>not chosen but offered different job
>breddy gud $$ so I accept
>meet poo woman who got the programmer job
>t. diversifucked
>few months later
>working with poogrammer on a project
>"halp pls user why do leading 0's go away when dumping data into excel"
I've worked with quite a few poo's in my time. My experience has been if a task is not clearly defined and requires a flexible approach they are completely lost. Nice enough people but I'm not a fan of curry so I could do without.