/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2763

► Detected: 803,548 (+18,832) ► Died: 39,046 (+1,263) ► Reset: 12:06:58

— 3.8 billion people put under lockdown —
— 204 countries and territories infected —
— 2.1x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,434 different strains have been sequenced —

Dead bodies are loaded onto refrigeration trucks in New York

Austria forbids entrance to supermarkets without masks

Japan finance minister calls out WHO, praises Taiwan

25% of Britain's NHS doctors are out sick or in isolation

Trump's best-case scenario is 100,000 dead Americans

17 year old in the US dies from infection, no previous conditions

Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

16 year old without health conditions dies in France

Virus affects blood circulation

Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

People are not being tested in Japan despite symptoms

Reports of "atypical pneumonia deaths" in Mexico embarrass health secretary

Engineered SARS-related bat coronavirus caused polemic over risks

US testing delayed, short on crucial chemicals

Wuhan biolab sold lab animals as wild-caught to wet markets


13:01: 110 new cases and 2 new deaths in Saudi Arabia.
12:49: First death in Tanzania.
12:36: 160 new cases and 1 new death in Poland.
12:39: 204 new cases in Japan, including 78 cases in Tokyo.
12:29: 65 new cases and 2 new deaths in Puerto Rico, United States.
12:25: 77 new cases in Croatia.


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Godspeed Corona chan!

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Most people who test positive show no symptoms, because the virus doesnt even exist. It has never been proven to be the cause of disease. The tests are all false positives. Everyone naturally has the genetic material they are testing for. The only difference between a positive and a negative is the number of cycles it takes to detect the genetic material. Nobody has this virus. It's a hoax, obviously


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Remove that video of me now

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So, how many cases in Italy today?
My bets: 4000 new cases 600 deaths

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~400 UK deaths today
don't have the full numbers yet

Nothing worth saving

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No virus has ever been isolated from a human subject. Everything we know about viruses is a lie. What are identified as "viruses" are a most likely just one form of a pleomorphic germ created endogenously in the human body, and used to break down diseased tissue to prevent aging. Viruses do not pass Koch's Postulates: they have never even been proven to exist, let alone proven to cause disease. Stefan Lanka's claim that measles has never been proven to exist was upheld by the German federal court. Germ theory is wrong, and Louis Pasteur was a fraud and a plagiarist. Bacteria and so-called "viruses" are a symptom of disease, not the cause. The tests for coronavirus are fake. Every single person who has tested positive for COVID-19 recieved a false positive. The tests are for genes nonexclusive to COVID-19, and we have no reference to validate the accuracy of the tests. Dogs, sheep, pigs, have all tested positive for COVID-19, which is 100% impossible. Viruses are specific to the cells of the species. Viruses cannot mutate across species. It would be about as likely for one of your cells to suddenly start producing dog cells or sheep cells. It can never happen.







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Not like anybody there has to worry about corona...

Or the evidence.

Hazmat Template pls


and nothing of value was lost

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Spain-tier soon.

Take my energy Corona chan!

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The virus that killed Drumpfs presidency

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Women shouldn't have political rights

After all of this settles down no one will ever remember this ever happened in the first place. Nowadays people like to play the amnesia game and treat events as short term consequences rather than life-changing circumstances. That's just the way it is. If 9/11 happened today, in the span of one month, no one would ever remember it.

Rollin for them all to die from corona

>People with AIDS filled compromised immune systems are going to get Corona.
Well, you might call it one hell of a self correcting problem.

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19 year old with no health conditions died

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Dear schizos,

Back in January you all insisted that by March we'd have "millions dead". Now, it's April and we barely hit 40,000.
It's time to realize that this little virus is an over-hyped nothing burger. It is not too late for you. You have to understand that you are living a lie. There is still time to save your brain. Remember the doctor your parents used to take you to as kids?
The one who just talked to you? Help is only one phone call away. There are people who want to help you overcome your delusions. All you need is pickup your phone and call them.
There will be no "millions dead". Life in China is already normal again. The curve is flattening. Your 'happening' is over before it began.
Stop these threads, they are not productive. They help nobody. They only harbor and reinforce your delusional fantasies.

Come back to the real world.

deaths: 800
cases: hope for at least 4000
> there is a chance of other outbreaks, especially since the south is not gonna comply that easily to quarantine from what I heard

Post more!

good night I've ruined my sleep schedule

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United States 164,665 (3,177) Italy 101,739 (11,591) Spain 94,417 (8,189) China 81,518 (3,305) Germany 67,051 (682) Iran 44,605 (2,898) France 44,550 (3,024) United Kingdom 22,141 (1,408) Switzerland 16,176 (373) Belgium 12,775 (705) Netherlands 12,595 (1,039) Turkey 10,827 (168) Austria 9,974 (128) South Korea 9,786 (162) Canada 7,474 (92) Portugal 7,443 (160) Israel 4,831 (17) Brazil 4,667 (166) Norway 4,599 (36) Australia 4,561 (19) Sweden 4,435 (180) Czech Republic 3,002 (25) Ireland 2,910 (54) Denmark 2,815 (90) Malaysia 2,766 (43) Chile 2,449 (8) Russia 2,337 (17) Romania 2,245 (72) Poland 2,215 (32) Philippines 2,084 (88) Luxembourg 1,988 (22) Ecuador 1,966 (62) Japan 1,953 (56) Pakistan 1,865 (25) Thailand 1,651 (10) Saudi Arabia 1,563 (10) Indonesia 1,528 (136) Finland 1,418 (17) South Africa 1,326 (3) India 1,251 (32) Greece 1,212 (46) Iceland 1,135 (2) Mexico 1,094 (28) Panama 1,075 (27) Argentina 966 (25)…

United States +821 (+21) Spain +6,461 (+473) China +79 (+5) Germany +166 (+37) Iran +3,110 (+141) Switzerland +254 (+14) Belgium +876 (+192) Netherlands +845 (+175) Austria +356 (+20) South Korea +125 (+4) Canada +26 (+3) Portugal +1,035 (+20) Israel +136 (+1) Brazil +37 (+3) Norway +154 (+4) Sweden +407 (+34) Czech Republic +1 (+2) Denmark +238 (+13) Malaysia +140 (+6) Russia +501 (+8) Romania +136 (+7) Poland +160 (+1) Philippines +538 (+10) Pakistan +148 (+4) Thailand +127 (+1) Saudi Arabia +110 (+2) Indonesia +114 (+14) Finland +66 (+4) Mexico +101 (+8) Argentina +146 (+2) Serbia +115 (+7) Slovenia +46 (+4) Estonia +30 (+1) United Arab Emirates +53 (+1) Lithuania +42 (+1) Hungary +45 (+1) Lebanon +17 (+1) Bosnia & Herzegovina +43 (+2) Tunisia (+1) Kazakhstan +34 (+1) Macedonia +44 (+2) Azerbaijan +25 (+1) Albania +20 (+2) Belarus (+1) Channel Islands (+1)…


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Guys is 37 (98,6) temperature normal?

Kill yourself

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literal herdfags

b-but what if they can't get AIRBORN AIDS because they already have AIDS ?

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No bro. Lol. You'd be boiling by now.


No you have AIDS. Kill yourself immediately

5000 More infected with 700-750 deaths


could be just allergy

fever is near 38+


Am I fucked?

Ok, so I've seen her being posted here almost on every thread, what's the story, who is she?

Lol. All anecdotal. Give me one concrete proof, just one.

Copy pastas getting worse and worse. Come on chang do better!


Putin is next

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No. But your thermometer is.

>Dogs, sheep, pigs, have all tested positive for COVID-19, which is 100%
Sauce please

Well here commies rallied for the "Día del joven combatiente" last sunday, even while having a de facto lockdown.
It seems CCP Virus will take care of them as well.

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I have nose closed, no cough, no chest pain, no breathing problem.

Yesterday when I came home from working alone, my wife called me her "conquering hero". Thanks frens for sticking a boot in my ass in January to stock up for 2020. Feels good.

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Dare I say it? The final solution to the faggot problem.

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OK, guys, the happening was fun, but now it's time to stop.

>removing the majority of personnel from a deployed U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier
>rapidly deteriorating

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Yes. Prepare for imminent death, say good bye to your loved ones if you can still manage that...

we dont care

You're on fever-borderline zone.
Check your temperature one hour after.
If you're 37,5 or more, then yes you have fever.

Based faggots

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my mother is currently in the hospital waiting for lung photos and heart photos to come back in

Reminder: China covered it up

>Bacteria and so-called "viruses" are a symptom of disease, not the cause
How do diseases work?

Yeah, the virus only infects gays.

37 Celsius is normal

38< and you should worry

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Aids isn't real, FAGGOT

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12 year old girl died here no underlying health conditions

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oil going down again :(

Top fucking kek.

United States (-0.69%) Germany (-0.66%) France (-0.30%) United Kingdom (-0.05%) Italy (+0.14%) Switzerland (-0.33%) Spain (+0.43%) Austria (0.00%) Poland (+1.97%) Netherlands (+0.55%) Hungary (0.00%) Russia (+3.38%) Greece (+0.00%) Brazil (-1.09%) Japan (-0.84%) Hong Kong (+1.37%) China (-0.46%) Australia (-1.81%) Singapore (+1.87%) India (+4.03%) South Korea (+2.15%) Taiwan (+0.07%) South Africa (+0.12%)

Sydney (-6%) Tokyo (-14%) Beijing (-25%) Wuhan (-17%) New Delhi (-66%) Dubai (-23%) Moscow (-59%) Rome (-29%) Milan (-15%) Berlin (-32%) Munich (-23%) Brussels (-19%) Paris (-38%) Madrid (-17%) Barcelona (-21%) London (-26%) Johannesburg (-10%) Sao Paulo (-58%) Buenos Aires (-57%) New York (-50%) Washington (-50%) Miami (-41%) Toronto (-38%) Chicago (-23%) Houston (-22%) Mexico City (-66%) Los Angeles (-37%) Seattle (0%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) United States (261m) Pakistan (211m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (70m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Poland (37m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m) Russia (20m) Romania (19m) Netherlands (17m) Ecuador (16m) Rwanda (12m) Belgium (11m) Tunisia (11m) Czech Republic (10m) Dominican Republic (10m) Greece (10m) Portugal (10m)…


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It is over.

So pathetic how you niggers always highlight the one young person that died but ignore the 1650 others who died (faggot ass boomers).

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I miss Asuka fag already.

New old pasta greek fren
Nice to see you're well

Corona kills some young people without preexistent health problems. At least some of them will kick the bucket.

aren't they a little low?

mine are just under my armpits - these look nearly half way down his body

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Another carrier the USS America has already been deployed to the region
no biggie

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