I'm tired of Poles in my country

Why don't you Eastern Euro scum just pack and leave, shit I'm so tired of you, you're worse than Pakis. Both ugly and spectacularly dumb. NETHEREXIT NOW!

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Poles are based. Stop being a faggot OP.


They're literal snowniggers. I only wish Hitler had gassed them all during WWII, same goes for Romanians/Russians/Ukranians etc.

We don't want those who left us
A lot of them are scumbags who just want easy life

I'm sure you know, amerimutt

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> flat faced
> dumb gaze
> rough cranial angles
could easily pass for a dutch anywhere.

The lowest tier of people are the diaspora who go west I'm glad they are in your country not mine

Shut up mutt


I think you're talking about Shitalians here retard


You guys are hosting the worst of the worst from Poland.
The best remained here, which is why Poland is a peaceful country with a booming economy and literally no multiculturalism.

You jelly, brah? You mad? You aware? Enjoy the diversity, cuck.

I saw a clip when 1 polish dude beat up 4 Dutch police men.

No wonder you hate poles you Dutch faggot.

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Can Styxhexenhammer stay?

you're the niggers of Poland though

Whiter than you, mutts

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this, gastarbeiters are universally hated among their home countries

I'm not disagreeing that we are bad just pointing out that the diaspora and leeches that go west are worse


Many of these people also have a criminal history like drugs, stealing

When are you going to realize that people who migrate are most often worst part of the society which cannot survive in it's normal society
That's why mass imigration is always wrong
But you are still gonna cry on bad Poles
That's not our fault but your government fault

How can anyone fault someone for going where they can have an easier and better life? That's common sense and human nature. You're right, the only one people should blame is the people letting them in.

they tend to be in organized robbery, but at least they don't rape and murder people.

If you stop buying their services because they're doing work for cheap they'll stop coming.

Fucking idiot.

>implying shitlibs havent their death well earned

it's true, usually most of those who migrate west are the worst of the worst, with notable exceptions

van der cuckenomer here is angry because eastern EU workers disrupt their top of the line, carefully-organized supply of nigger dick. more eastern EU means less nigger dick which apparently is a necessity in the west

don't worry, when corona is over they will come back to rob you

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sorry to disrupt your importation of NIGGERS into europe HAHAHAHAHA

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They aren't called Snow Niggers for nothing.

Poles are cockroaches, but nowhere near currymonkey rapist pakis

I would still want to have rather their worst of the worst than the same amount of turks, arabs and nogs in my country

A swede calling other people rapist is rich. Care to tell the burgers what your country did to Baltic volunteers? you know your country is still protecting Stalinist war criminals from persecution in Poland? we're cockroaches so what is a swede?

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Well at least they don't live on welfare and commit a lot of violent crime.

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based. fuck toothpastnigger

you are a massive fag, bro.

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CHUJ ci w dupe suko


>Poles are based. Stop being a faggot OP.

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lmao cope harder poorfag
the people who migrate are by default smarter than those who stay in their shithole of a country, you're just assblasted you couldn't leave so now you're pretending like you're better than them

>at least they don't rape and murder people.

okay Chinaman

>rapefugees mass sexually assault women in cologne on new years

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many such cases, another has-been European great power lost to shitskin infestation.

Dutch vrouwen are built for these inaders.

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seethe more dumbfuck

chink gook fried rice dog slant chow mein


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Why not both though?

are you asking him?

Because as for now you're not resolving any of these issues.

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>turkish knife gangs roam streets of frankfurt

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LMFAO cry some more polaczek, I didn't realize how subhuman polacks were until I rented a flat with 2 other polaks.
Absolute animals and it's females I'm talking about, polish men are even dirtier and more animal-like.
It's a shame I had to be born in this shithole of a country but at least I barely have any slavic genes in me.

>t.bong using VPN

Clearly polish truck drivers and nurses and elderly home workers are the issue on the same level as the rest.
Clear that fucking polish vermin.

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>t. eternally butthurt belarusian

t. Cuckrainian

Why such assumption? No, I actualyl have Norid genes in me. Some of Germanic origin (Germany and Austria) and some of Northern Italian.

kek okay Dmitry it would at least explain why you talk like such a cuck

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>hasn't heard of the massive unemployment benefits scams polish/slavtards do by working for a while then applying for unemployment gibs and receiving plenty while living back in Poland where costs of living are africatier


Akcually there are no Turkish knife gangs in Frankfurt as far as I know. Lebanese Clans maybe. I have however been assaulted with a knife by some Slavmutt. Might have been a Pole, or Russian-"German". And another time definetely by a Pole in a fist fight. As for diversity: That was one time so far. But roaches and Nafris actually can't fight for shit.

So it's 2:1 for Eastern Untermensch vs Nafri. And then there is of course the ethnic cleansing of Germans and annexation of German lands to create fake and gay "Poland".

I have no reason to like muh based Poland, which only German hating Brits do anyway.

> I actualyl have Norid genes in me. Some of Germanic origin (Germany and Austria) and some of Northern Italian.

Yes I can almost see your Alpine cheekbones..

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HAHAHA yes yes "ethnic cleansing of germans" indeed. have fun with Nafri

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Poles are good slaves. I need someone to pick my vegetables. It would be better though to keep the poles in a hole in the ground instead of family homes in the middle of town.

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I hate poles more than niggers

shut the fuck up mutt you know nothing

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UK HATES them Germany hates them now tooth paste join the club.

How you feel Eastern scum

yes you're a real master

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fuck poles

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nobody cares what you think, nigger enabler.

I wish I can see you country becoming minority white in two generations. Fuckign idiot.

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Always found it hilarious how your kind say Poland is an artificial country, when a united Germany is still six centuries younger than Poland; even younger than the US.
Still buttmad over Silesia, Hans?

I saw a pole were 1 gypsy was gangbanged by 10 Dutchmen.