Marvel of Hindu Chisel that your eyes just won't believe !!
Unbelievable !!
Marvel of Hindu Chisel that your eyes just won't believe !!
Unbelievable !!
wow his penis is like a toothpick
Doesn't belong on Yas Forums but still very cool.
I dont understand what is special about having a space cut out in stone work.
It's an astronomical achievement considering the work expectations of today and how everything is about money
but holy fuck you could have had a team of guys under the kings retainer who would spend their days casually building shit like this.
"marvel" it marvels the mind of a brainlet
>Indra hates niggers.
Indra in battles help his ARYAN worshipper, he who hath hundred helps at hand in every fray, in frays that win the light of heaven. Plaguing the LAWLESS he gave up to Manu's SEED the DUSKY skin;
Rig Veda book 1 HYMN CXXX-VIII
>Indra loves Aryan blondes
At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with YELLOW beard and YELLOW hair. He, Lord of Tawny Coursers, Lord of fleet-foot Mares, will bear his Bay Steeds safely over all distress.
Rig Veda book 10 HYMN XCVI-VIII. Indra.
>Indra kills shitskins with supernatural might
O'er Sire and Mother they have roared in unison bright with the verse of praise, burning up riteless men, Blowing away with supernatural might from earth and from the heavens the SWARTHY skin which Indra HATES.
Rig Veda Book 9 HYMN LXXIII - V
Shitskins, say thank you at least
get rekt dusky skinned
this was not a drill?
A lot of these kind of hindu constructions are found in dravidian lands, where there was never a high concentration of Aryans and 90% were dravids
Take the POO to the LOO.
the Rigveda is the work of white aryans and poos worship it
how does this make the poos feel?
violation of chinese curflu
Pajeets having fun.
Freaking hell always in the ass
The great pyramid contains all the most important engineering mathematics.
>dick on the mind all the time
Could the Finnish word "Perkele" be a name for this thunder god? Perkwunos, Perkunas - Perkele? Perkele is commonly understood as the devil, but this could have been a christian catholic conversion. Take the name of the old god, Perkele, and make that in to the name of the devil, so that the converts don't turn back in to the paganism of old. The thunder god remained, but was only known colloquially as "Ukko", or "The old man". Thunder became therefore known as ukkonen.
All false gods in the image of Lucifer(angel of light). Pagans are devil worshipers.
all of that is irrelevant to the one true god, tengri, my mongolian friend
Very cool and hot take
Now recreate it by yourself w/ no modern era tools
Well I can definitely see the similarity between that kind of mongolian animism and shamanism and the old hunter gatherer shamanism of Finland. Our original culture is very similar to that of the mongolians, but this European colonialist filth has buried that original glorious "mongolic", or shamanistic animistic hunter gatherer tribe culture under this so called "civilisation". The Europeans, whether we're talking about the Swedes, or the later wannabe-Europeans of Russia, they're all the same kind of European colonialists, and in our soul we have more in common with Tengri worshipping Mongolians, than with these Europeans.
Drilling a hole in stone is not a major accomplishment, Pratesh.
Zach, you're fag. Love you.
>Our original culture is very similar to that of the mongolians
can't imagine why :^)
what a brainlet take
Those holes are the accumulation of generations of knowledge by craftsmen, you dont just chisel tiny holes into brittle stone with that consistency with "casual building", especially considering all they had was hands, a bit of metal (maybe) and other stones. The real beauty of it is the fact that all this effort, all the care, has been put in just to make beautiful some fucking vase. a show of force and manpower and a celebration of ones culture
Tackwelded by brahmins
>Oldest religion on earth is about worshipping a tall blonde thundergod who slaughters millions of niggers
Oy fucking vey
Meme flag who has never touched a tool in his life except his feminine benis
Yeah it was just dumb slaves doing exquisite stone work in granites
in the bronze age. They just had ages to do it. Thats how they create literal OOPARTS.
Too bad India got jewed twice (first by aryan gypsies then again by english hook nosed nobility descended from aryan gypsies).
Not just that but all religion worships the Atlantean aryan race. They were halfbreed pledians who ruled here until giants from mars came after the destruction of tiamat. Shits crazier than we could ever imagine in our mega brainwashed end of days times.
Big yikes.
Have you been to Hampi?
Yeah, the 10 % were aryan elite soldiers who put the dravidian niggers to work
the muslim conquest of India too 80 million lives
it also looks a little bit gay
Spoken like a man who's never tried to create anything with his hands and tools.
faggot detected
Yeah before they all got clumped together in a hateful union, there was a ton of cool shit going down over there. Shit just pop open any of the vedic texts, shit is ABSURD.
They had a golden age much like turkey did, truly unbelievable stuff for the time.
Shame they threw it away to be a 3rd world industrial power, when they could have been a 1st world power going their own way.
A sloppy copy of something already limping didn't suit them or their people.
These days? Mostly a dump, I blame dravidians.
prabhupada doesnt deserve such treatment. he proclaimed that aryans were white, the indians should have never race mixed, india is an unrecognizable shithole since the british left, democracy is a false god, etc, etc,
Indira isn't even a God in Hinduism. He is a demi God. We replaced the elemental Gods - Indra (thunder), Agni (fire), Vayu (wind) - with a trinity of Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu.
Of these, Shiva is darkskinned while Vishnu's most worshipped avatars - Ram and Krishna - are both dark skinned
Pol btfo
Literally nobody cares about your shit sandwich of a culture
How can India simultaneously make refined shit like this, and let their country turn into a pigsty at the same time?
Is it the caste system or what?
>he threw the fucking stick at them
>Is it the caste system or what?
It's not the fault of the caste system, it's the hordes of low IQ dalits who make it necessary to have one.
>it's the hordes of low IQ dalits who make it necessary to have one.
No, yeah, that's what I meant. Back when it was in fashion maybe the street shitters and golden toilet shitters were separated.
Maybe getting rid of it broke their society.
Thanks fren. That was a nice chuckle. He threw the fucking stick at him
kek, anyone with a mask and stick can do this, seems fun
That's what I'm Saying. I have trouble cutting a gasket right. Let alone Cutting or joining wood.
You know the Higher cast folks kind of all look around each other wondering what this is about. Then we realize Penis envy, or 3rd grader. Who pray tell, gives a damn if white are amazing. We know that. We knew about this since we were there when you were. And it never bothered us. Why feel bad? We were in great company! This is like being pissed off at Olympians. Why?
Pride? If you want to find people who want to copy what you do, just to hide their Jelly, I get it.
And Of course... I can name a few "people".
I second that.
Why do poos love whacking people with sticks?
i feel like i'm getting a seizure whilst reading this
i don't know if i suddenly became illiterate or drunk
when they send their H1Bs they're not sending their best
Back to mine slave, we need more stones so we can build pretty buildings.
Vedic chariots will drive semitic shitskins into dirt once again. Soma for all Aryans!
Christcucks invert shit on purpose and make it into dualistic narrative, they did same with loki, could be. Or it could be that Finnish chads were kicking Aryan ass and they called it Satan because well, Aryans were annoying trying to conquer em and you had trouble keeping all the captured Aryan slaves, joking, but word for slave in old finish is Aryan, so...dont know bro
You worship a god that mutilates babies moron.
Indeed, our languages are even closer FYI
This is why dusky skinned are inferior, they are stupid and weak. We shit on Hinduism. Hinduism is nothing. Old Vedas are not Hinduism. Indra is most mentioned god in Vedas, he is god there, later when dusky skinned shitskins started to make up their own shit we dont give a fuck, we just chariot you into slavery, drinking soma and praising Indra who hates you btw. All your dark skinned gods are shit and cover in fear when faced with Iron soma drinking Aryan with Yellow hair and Yellow beards.
>a "king's retainer" would be so unimportant that they are relegated to duties such as stone work, carving, and masonry (inexplicably) as opposed to defending his Lord's estate or overseeing the security of the King and his family, or whatever political / security / military related tasks are desired currently
The Vedic Hindu likened the Celtic Druids to Brahmans.
You have to have a good 3D spatial awareness to make things like that.
Its mostly excess manpower, Aryan elites had to keep those nigger busy with something. Its like giving mone some trivial job so they keep busy in house, same here, they gave poos jobs that take forever so its easier to maintain order plus they get nice buildings to live in. Very white things to do desu.
>a needle fits in this hole that was poked by a needle