>"17" year old Syrian refugger punches a German man and kills him
>gets probation and community service
Rate my country
>"17" year old Syrian refugger punches a German man and kills him
>gets probation and community service
Rate my country
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Cry harder retard, cherry-picking is for faggots.
Take your meds Angela
>lefty faggots harper on about dylan roof and brock turner for years
>but picking up on black people frequently getting away with murders, rapes and terrorist attacks is "cherry-picking"
You deserve everything your country gets
>b-but i'm black stupid whitey boy, I'm the one raping the women
You'll still suffer the failings of your kin like zimbabwe did
Based. I hate Germs. All of them are faggots, all of them, even türks.
The german attacked him first
>migrant calls u name
>instead of just ignoring him run up to him and push him
If he was ready to start a fight he should have known what he was getting into he didnt even attack him in a group and still died i say he deserved it lmao
How the fuck do you get killed with a sucker punch?
well the migrant showed them the middlefinger as they passed by with their bikes because they got already once in trouble with that guy some days/weeks earlier(which i'd find interesting what it was, the site doesnt point out the former issue). The migrant appeared with his friends and basically stalked them to their destination, so this migrant indended to cause troubles. Yes the german dude should have just ignored the retard migrant incel, I mean whats the point of fighting those shitheads? in the end nothing in your country will change, you'll just hurt yourself and him a little bit because he threw some mean words towards you. I mean yea the immigrant disrespected him and that such a situation can actually happen in Germany just points out the severe cultural issues, but once again you should always check what you could gain and loose in a fight, like this one was just 2 idiots, both larping as "alphas" and one punched him at the right spot, koed him and unfortunately killed him. Yes that he laughed is fucked up. So I agree Punishment should be really stronger. I'd see something like that as an opportunity to set an example what the govt does against such a behaviour.
Hey, I heard the germans were forming biker gangs that go out and hung sand-niggers: is this true? It seems to be happeneing but I cant find any info?
He was obviously feeling oppressed and an vilified by the German man minding his own business.
The family of the dead man should all have to take mandatory diversity training.
87 percent of germans are fucking leftists. Show me a reason, why I should be angry?
Iam just saying if youre ready to start a fight you shouldnt be a pussy about it when you lose
Theres tons of crazy retards outside
Trying to start a fight with them is never the answer unless its about defending yourself
Is that syrian future 1 punch man?
Kill him?
Its current age, krauts aint got no balls.
>fall back
>hit head on concrete
>fractured skull
This. I encourage this infact, as most leftists only realise their error when they're facing the consequences of their action/inaction. I genuinely hope that every single progressive suffers the consequences of what they spout.
Traumatic brain injury when your skull bounces off the pavement. Buy you have to have a brain in the first place, something you clearly can't identify with.
ok achmed.
Taharrush in all your cities on Christmas
didnt a bulgarian sucker punch a german women on subway
The “””””justice””””” system of the west is really something.
You cant suppress genetics. The kikes cant help but be vampires and the Germans cant help but be stoic warriors.
Obviously not, if Germans actually had the balls to go out and kill these subhumans then the media would spring into rapid action and the police would miraculously become competent again to catch them.
Most of the germans are not german.
>rape of berlin
>rape by allies
They are as mutts as you and me.
Good thing kikes got the best Germans killed and are now replacing the survivors with subhumans.
>Arabs throwing punches
Yeah OK, I've never seen an Arab syrian or other wise throw punches usually here fights start with shouting and shoving and then people come and separate the brawlers.
Jesus this is fucking pathetic
>der ewige Untertan
I’m sure your average Arab would feel more inclined to throw punches when there is literally no consequence and you don’t have to worry about the victim attacking back.
For example, shitskins like you only understand violence and brutality, they will only follow orders and laws when they know that pain will come from disobeying them, over in the west and especially in places like Britain or Germany, we are so cucked that we (natives) almost never use violence anymore and our leaders are traitorous faggots so they make punishments far less unpleasant, this usually works if it’s just us, but shitskins simply take advantage of it.
The hundreds of child rape gangs being the best example because if they were caught doing that in the Middle East, they would be tortured and killed, but we actually let them off with a slap on the wrist instead.
disgusting. I hope corona-chan brings down the whole fucking system.
there is a nothing wrong with dead whitoids, based syrian chad
If you're a white german why are you so eager to side against your own people at every possible turn? It's sickening.
How the fuck do you die to a punch from one of these Auschwitz mode manlets lmao
I was saying dawg
if the nigga died from getting punched (even if he got KOd and hit his head) he was never going to make it anyway
By punching and unaware victim in the back of the head and then they hit their head on concrete on the way down causing brain damage.
cope harder proxy anglo
some older members of them have a problem that the younger are siding with sandniggers
deswegen soll man sich jeden scheiß gefallen lassen oder was
you mean like dis?
Are you pure german?
Good luck surviving out there, remember to pump out lot of german warriors.
>claimed the driver said something racist.
>audio recording said otherwise
>he a gud boi tho
>Are you pure german?
yes Im more german than hitler
>Good luck surviving out there
I mean its bad but it also really depends on the part of town. the brainwashed majority still feels too comfy I guess
The worst thing is most women are too brain dead they just go on with the mainstream and do what the medias told them.
>OMG its current age I should get a black BF, just like the movie
>OMG I should ride as many cocks as I can, I'm young
Germany YES!!
its okay. imo you cant even be mad at them the propaganda package the kikes are giving us is pretty good. they are everywhere and they dictate our state TV since after ww2 so
That is not 17.
Tits here
Stfu stupid cunt!
So how many black cocks you got?
And how many simps you got?
Who creates those pictures, seriously.... evil but genious
Now to the situation: How can we know if Death was intended or not, and that's the main point for me here, it doesn't matter if it was a sucker-punch between X and Y or someone kicking a ball against a passing bicycle etc...
If the actor is doing it with full intend then he/she needs to be put away until there is no danger for society anymore, giving a real chance for re-adjustment.
If it was an actual accident, then the actor might get out of prison being more of a risk to society than when he went in, and a lighter sentence would be better for the whole of society, despite the anger of the victims family.
None and none.
How many chinks and abos did you fuck?
neither was the Syrian refugee. so what was your point again?
Im pretty sure our Media would have memed that the punch totally, absolutely had nothing to do with it if taht was really the case.
I remember a similar case where a sandnigger girl was killed in a McDonalds that way by some K*rd and the press tried to frame it exactly like that
Then why are you mad?
OMG I only ride white cock, although I rode more than 20 cocks, but some simp will pay me anyway.
>media lie
What a breaking news
no, they're moving into villages, but they're already being tracked down
I'm not mad.
You're the one having a fucking issue with so "called white" jumping on niggers' dicks.
Imagine being such a pussy faggot you ignore someone calling you names
Kys beta
>gets probation and community service
While a German got 6 months for posting illegal opinions on facebook. Germany sucks. Merkel should be guillotined.
Yea I have issue with brain dead woman.
And simps
And jews
And niggers
And eastern jews
so tits or gtfo
Same shit over here.
Not most. All of those women which the media chooses to show you. A bitch sucking refugee/nigger dick, she gets elevated by all the media outlets. A woman who thinks black cocks aren't as great as the same media makes them out to be, that they feels unsafe around refugees? Those women are ignored. Not even slandered cause that might put the spotlight on them.
Stop sucking up the media's lies.
gtfo facebook faggot!
>tits or gtfo
is this way stupid cunt!
Some german should hunt and gun him down
actually they got jailed. The prosecutor challenged the verdict.
>medias show woman ride on nigger dick and praise them
>brain dead woman want to be famous like them
>they ride the jamal's dick too
>said trend keep spreading
>Why are you not riding jamal's dick? Are you racist?
Stop tolerance (((media's lies)))
Yas Forums is the new Yas Forums
no tits with time stamp? Stop using tits as your arguement.
What are the names of the judge and prosecutor?
ok, but stalking the guy to suckerpunch him when hes not aware to defend your "Honor" is the biggest pussy move ever.
for how long, 3 months?
a second is too long but i get your point, its basically judging them as if they were germans with the same mindset.
1,2 and 4 years. They were minors, hence so short.
>Yas Forums is the new Yas Forums
>no tits with time stamp? Stop using tits as your arguement.
You really are new aren't you?
Suck my clit virgin!
sanjou! hisshou! shijou saikyou
this. imagine a real german doing the same
Times fly by when you have nothing to do but sucking cocks in the jail.
Ethnic cleansing when?
>Muslim country's woman
>with a clit
Post ur hot beurette ass pls
Prison tends to be hard for rapists.
Not too hard when your prison is full of rapist sand niggers.
>So, what did you done?
>Raped a virgin white girl, about 13, a bit hard to get in but me and ahmed have our way
>Sweet, how long they gave you?
>2 years, fuck, you?
>Yeah, too long, raped and kills some german girls, they gave me 4 years. But at least they didnt found the other 2.
>Damn bro, can't wait to go out and continue to rape some virgins pussy.
Mfw 16yo are arguing with me.
Ok tranny muslim, time for dilated.