Until everyone agrees on what should count and what should not, all the statistics are fake and gay.
Also, everyone technically is excluding no-symptoms infected because they dont go to get tests.
I don't anyone is suprised the chinks are liars.
It only works for you to bump your own thread once.
No shit. China has been lying from the start. Every thread, about the tally, half the threads have people saying they are liars.
you can't bump your own thread retard
Not surprised. I bet they're lying about the 1500 too.
>chinese lied and produced low quality numbers
We've been sniffing this shit for a long time. But it's the first time China admits it.
This would actually mean the mortality rate that was based on Chinese data was significantly lower than the original estimates which drove the intense response.
>Until everyone agrees on what should count and what should not, all the statistics are fake and gay.
Exactly this.
If you get liver failure and have a coronavirus infection = you die of coronavirus
If you get liver failure and have the flu = you die of liver failure
It's called lying with statistics.
Failed glowfag OP, new to Yas Forums?
More confirmed infections that don't result in death = a lower mortality rate. So who the fuck cares?
Oh no, China lied. Again.
oh noooo, and i belived all along, how can a totalitarian regime that has no value on human lives what so ever and forces people to sacrifice thier lives for the sake of the party lie? i feel so stupid now, if only the starbacks was open so i could drown my sorrow in latte
We all gonna git it. Hell some of us prolly already done got it and got rid of it by now.
you mean coronahoax is a hoax that kills 0.000001% just like every fucking year during flu season?
that would really be embarassing.
The public policy response was driven by the estimates of a mortality rate several times higher than ordinary flu with millions of potential deaths. We shut down the fucking economy over a somewhat bigger than average flu.
Fucking Chinks
>Commie regime downplaying disasters
Never ever happened, it's definitely a glownigger CIA propaganda
Fuck China
Who could have predicted China would be lying?!
why would they if it doesn't affect them?
After few months they might also tell us finally the real number of dead.
Realistically, I would say the number of infected and dead in Wuhan is 10 times larger.
The numbers are crooked, but the same are the numbers in eg. Sweden or even Italy. The statistics tell you only those tested and the death statistics might exclude many dead for several reasons.
Rude, he's just Russian.
This and similar shit is why other countries didn't get a good picture of the disease and how dangerous it is (requires total lockdown because the asymptomatic and mild cases are so many and spread it)
This is bioterrorism and a war crime.
Same as the US desu. The numbers are being inflated is my guess in places like Jew York.
Transparent kike liar detected.
China was always clear that this was the case.
>cooked the numbers
Bullshit. The numbers they’re sharing with the world are fabricated out of thin air. This is damage control to try and own the obviously fake numbers they’re sharing, and pretend to save some face by pretending as if it was simply our fault for confusing infected people with people who’re infected AND showing symptoms. This right here is real Chinese propaganda.
TLDR, the real number is higher than anyone will ever admit
Meh, sorta. You're assuming we have the medical resources to intubate that many people and put them on respirators. Mortality rate would be even higher if we ran out of resources to combat the disease and because it spikes so quickly, that's a real possibility.
>Transparent kike liar detected.
>China was always clear that this was the case.
chinese shill detected, if we knew since the first week in december then china new as well.
Imagine being a healthcare company. CoronaChan comes along, all of a sudden if anyone dies they got a scape goat. If they had corona and died it was counted as a case. Theres a yuuuuuge ethics problem here anons.
timing is important
Its pretty damn likely that intubating people right away lead to more deaths.
Sedating lowers your immune response, and beibg intubated over days pits extreme stress on the body.
Corina lead to tobs of oeopke getting intubated who probably didnt need it.
except it's a telecom company, but yes we do in fact understand.
>trump gets elected
>flies around to world leaders
>look man im sick of this kid fuckers and blood drinkers. you know they own all the national banks? they have 600 trillion dollars of our gold. they stole it from all of us.
>yeah the pentagon had a plan but it was pretty crazy
>well invite me over again later and maybe i will tell you about it
>so we make a fake virus and fake infect the whole world with it, which completely shuts it down. we were thinking about doing this in individual countries, call it swine zyka or whatever, and then take it over. like syria, but instead of taking over a country we take over the illuminati
>we can even pretend that billions of people are dying and that the entire world economy is falling apart
>they will get scared and try to go in their bunkers, and they will move their money around. when they do it, we will intercept the money and them. it's that simple.
>maybe we can even make them think the virus is their idea. have you seen what bill gates is working on? we could just false flag him with a meme virus.
>the best part is that nobody dies, we defeat israel and the iluminat, and we take back our gold, in every country, working together, all at the same time.
>it might take 2 terms but we have to try because they will pull this shit on their own eventually and you know it.
right so china thought, USA must be playing trick, will keep the 600 trillion for itself! we must build a REAL virus, and then we will destroy the USA because everyone on the team "knows" the virus is a nothingburger, all the while our completely real virus destroyes america!
that's why trump thought it was nothing. he now has to reconcile with that one country betraying all the rest to try to steal the gold for itself. all the world leaders are in on this gambit, and china stabbed them all in the back. pic related
I'm with you user, this whole thing stinks all the way to the top.
Here's a cocaine.
>every country's numbers are off
It's not about this. China claimed they defeated the virus and insisted they had 0 new cases. Yas Forums was right about this one
Rude. I was just unaware of this shitty rule.
I told you idiots. You fools trusted the Chinese.
>china lied
how is this a surprise to anyone
desu I love this theory.
Good read
The estimated need was based on official Chinese figures.
I found a chick on tinder who’s in Wuhan. She says she thinks there’s more cases but not as many deaths that people think. Half her building was infected but she said the only people who died were over age and most are simply fine recovering in and just hanging out in their rooms. Apparently it’s been a fuckfest out there Wuhan and most nights are just filled with people banging each other and having a good time.
I also asked her why 21 million cell phone users “disappeared” and she said nobody is using phones anymore since everyone is just playing vidya games or doing online school.
Most people in Wuhan are doing fine apparently they’re just waiting for lockdown to lift but the consensus of most people are used to staying inside and don’t have much motivation to go out anywhere since groceries and other things are given to them regularly.
People in Wuhan were definitely dealt a bad fucking hand and it’s hard to think that most of them are ordinary people just trying to live their lives aside from the bullshit CCP.
The bottom line is it’s everywhere now and nobody wants to be dealing with this bullshit. It is what it is
kys leaf
>A Chinese not told me China is good
What a fucking retard you are. That or your the shill. This has to be copy pasta. 21 mil aren't gonna decide to kill there number. Also isn't phone numbers tied to fucking banks there? 21 m decided they don't want to bank anymore either? Retard.
>It fuk frest here in Wuhan. Come here me give you sucky sucky
Youll just get infiltrated again.
>Top Chinese health official says country will start reporting the number of asymptomatic carriers
>only 1500 excluded
Nothing burger, china did a great job.
Unlike America with proportionally x4 more infections.
Keep worshipping your jewish leaders fags.
You need a phone for fucking everything in China.
this is huge information you niggerfaggot OP's doing us a favor go suck a chink's tiny dick
You afraid they're gonna pull the aid to your country if you're not cheering hard enough for them, Paco?
>I also asked her why 21 million cell phone users “disappeared” and she said nobody is using phones anymore since everyone is just playing vidya games or doing online school.
Exactly, plus many were probably extra phones for work. Either way, anything from China should be assumed to be a lie.
This right here. This other faggot is a total shill faggot kike
Fuck off I know China is shit and she does too. I’ve been spamming her with anti Chinese memes and she loves them. Fuck off you kike
Says the mexi-nigger
not seeing how this fits in with bill gates microchip. did the cpc hoax this in order for bill gates to give their citizens microchips? does not compute.
Nice argument, go back to licking jewish feet.
Implying Chinese aid could be useful? Yeah, that proves they got things done.
I honestly don’t care I’ve been sexting the shit outta Wuhan girls cuz they’re all horny as fuck and it’s a good way to get info, fuck off. I’ll be banging the shit outta all these Wuhan bitches by the time this is all over, I’ll be the Chad of this pandemic while your inceling In your parents basement while I’m getting my cock sucked by a bunch of chinky bitches and filling the whole world with my spawns. Fuck off im taking down China one horny bitch at a time until China is filled with Whites
It takes a long time to truly determine the nature of these things, partly cause people trust feels over reals. In this case they assumed the worst case even with a margin of error of 99% and China also didn’t allow any foreign access.
fake news
So the real number is what? 400-800k in china alone?
Anything coming from the CCP is a lie. Much like the western media, the best they ever accomplish are halftruths.
t. chinaman living in mexico
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Same here they won't test you unless you been out of the USA or come in contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus.
Now many are not sure if they have coronavirus immunities and can go back to work
No lmao they just didnt count 1500 ppl
>Anything coming from the CCP is a lie
Anything coming from any goverment is a lie.
I'm vely supplised
Beg harder for those faulty masks Paco. The Chinks made you sick now demand you suck their dick since they stole your proper masks and are selling you garbage.