So THIS is journalism!
So THIS is journalism!
Made for McDonald® ice cream
big BALKAN cock
Is coffee good for you?
You can all joke but this roastie is right
You fucking absolutely dumb as fuck idiots are wrong about 99% of shit.
>inb4 stopped the great Seattle happening, trust the plan.
Leave then, idiot. See how that works? Kys
don't shit on the small vanilla cone, its top shelf.
Leave then, idiot. Or is that not how it works?
Cool glasses, would let her suck my dick.
>don't point out we are wrong just go away!!!!
this used to not be a circle jerk for schizos, maybe you should run back to /x/
In reality she probably does enjoy BBC as white men don't like white women exhibitionists who lick ice cream in public like some nigger whore.
>the most relevant crisis right now Yas Forums was ahead of the curve by 2 months
Ok retard, you can go back now
We're right about everything, including you dying by firing squad
>The day after one of the worst mass shootings in recent US history, Yas Forums fooled everyone about who the gunman was.
>Sam Hyde
Are our enemies this stupid? Is this an act?
anyone ever figure out how to block that stupid fucking we want to spam your email pop up without disabling the entire page?
Stay tuned and find out while we run the story for the 5th time this year.
(((They))) spooked by us
¡Dios mío!
wow so shocking
i hope all these companies go under and their fake faggot staff have to suck pozzed cock to eat.
>This article is more than 2 years old.
He'll probably tell you he comes here to be amused like every other no life tard who deludes themselves into believing they're above this place while spending 10+ hours a day here
still a better track record than maddow
If you’re into bbc, I highly suggest you quit now
As a recovering blacked addict, I can attest that this fetish will seriously fuck you up. It’s really much worse than other fetishes. One of the most powerful and destructive of them all.
It all started when I was browsing /gif/ looking for something to fap to. I came across a thread dedicated to “monsters on human girls” or something like that, mostly sfm. I really liked it, but since it was such a niche genre, I figured, “hey, interracial is the next best thing”.
From there, I pretty much exclusively fapped to blacked shit. Initially, I didn’t think much of it, I just figured this was something really hot to fap to. But then it started to get much darker.
There’s this general on /trash/ called /BLACKED/, and it fucked me up in ways I couldn’t imagine. Tbh, I was already fucked up before I went there, but I think that place accelerated my decline.
I started hating white people, and couldn’t stop imagining every girl I saw getting blacked, including my own sister. I started cross dressing and craving black dick. I created an entire persona with a backstory and everything, then I’d go onto Omegle and talk to black guys about what a slut I was. For about 2 weeks, I genuinely thought I was becoming tranny. I would roll up my bedsheets into the shape of a dick, and then imagine I was deep throating a black guy. I think that’s the point where I realized I was really sick.
Since New Years, I’ve been making an effort to cure my blacked fetish. I’ve had a few relapses along the way, but lately I’ve felt good.
The only problem is that, no matter how much I cut down porn, the THOUGHT, will always be there. That’s the hardest part, removing the THOUGHT, because right now, women getting fucked by black dicks will ALWAYS be hotter than white dicks.
If I can remove that thought, then I will truly be cured. Until then, I guess I’ll be stuck fapping to solo images and cartoons.
Checked for KEK.
>...other troll scholars like Gabriella Coleman and Whitney Phillips have extrapolated on this
Where are these great academics today? I was so overjoyed to learn of these accomplished ladies and their seminal works that I would be most upset if academia had lost their brilliance and they've returned to stocking shelves in Walmart.
Stupid whore. People who are in favor of any kind of censorship should be banned from the internet.
I used to type in "pol" in google search when I wanted to browse Yas Forums on my phone when in the toilet (that way was faster than typing in Yas, but few months ago Yas Forums stopped showing up. I feel robbed
Kys niggerfaggot
>You fucking absolutely dumb as fuck idiots are wrong about 99% of shit.
That's 1% more than the media.
What are these things?
fukkin lmao she linked the Wikipedia page of the gay nigger association of America.
No. That’s just spam you post every time you don’t like something. Google did that a long time ago. Hundreds of threads have already been written about it.
no one even said anything bad about it, the only reason i go to McDonals is for the icecream
4ch is blocked on my home uverse internet. fucking att
I'd rather Yas Forums was really white supremacist message board instead of having such shitty journalism tbh
That poor fucker has been btfo’d by Yas Forums a few times... no doubt
You can chip away ice with that chin.
>he fell for the coronahoax
That's right. Just sit back and relax while the government enacts a totalitarian communist police state. The government will pay for everything you need while you are in "lock-down". No need to worry. Just sit back and consume our media. We'll make sure to ban anyone with opposing viewpoints as they are dangerous for your health. Perhaps you could pass the time by watching Netflix original shows. Just make sure you take your mandatory injections when this is all over. It's just a vaccine to keep you safe.
It doesnt work it would take him 45 years to bake all of that
> Fruzsina Eordogh. I am a freelance technology and digital culture reporter who got her start covering student finances and local news back in 2008. Nowadays I cover web phenomenon, new media, digital revenue streams and business shifts. In 2015 I worked as a producer for TouchVision TV where I hosted a video game-related show called Hardcore Casual. I was originally born in Budapest, Hungary, and grew up in NYC. When I am not writing, watching the latest viral video or on some dark corner of the Internet, you can find me video-gaming, gardening or thrifting.
Say something nice about "her".
This is the whackjob who harassed TBs wife after she passed from cancer
People who subscribe to leftist nonsense are often nasty individuals bc they associate progressive values with virtue- they have no respect to anyone unless they're a shitskin minority
Who the fuck uses google anymore anyways
Nice try, Ronald.
>people insist they are only “pretending” to be the worst trash you could find on the Internet.
Just bantz m8.
>blacklist Yas Forums
>the miasma of shitposters floods the rest of the internet
>the web becomes completely unusable
>normalfags demand that Yas Forums is unblacklisted so they can get back to their regularly scheduled programming
>nobody messes with Yas Forums ever again
Nice sunglasses. I would steal them,
Forbes is assuming that we need google to grow stronger.
Only cumbrains like you take it to this extreme
wouldn't that be a good thing no more election normies like op advertising this site
only if she agrees to lick my anus clean
>On Yas Forums, Yas Forums’s politically incorrect message board that leans white supremacist but people insist they are only “pretending” to be the worst trash you could find on the Internet
Wait you all are just pretending?
Just like you are pretending to be a nigger, Justin.
OY VEY ids anuda shoah
That shit should be illegal. Women should only be allowed to lick ice cream in the privacy of their own homes.
I thought Yas Forums was already blacklisted and didn't appear in google or any other search engines?
Is that you Tiffany?
just imagine they both have the clap/herpies - associated nigger dick with std, go look up some pictures of nigger dick and white cunts infected with stds, you know how wiping hard drives work faggot? you delete the file, it can be recovered from the deeper layers of the disc, what you actually need to do delete a file for good, is to overwrite the memory clusters that held that file with a different file, then repeat the process on said cluster so it overwites the deeper layers on the disc. wanna stop associating black cocks with sex?
overwrite the file
that thought "im blacked is hot" that is fed from your core memory to your working memory.... aka from your hard drive, to your ram. Go look at std infected cocks and vaginas for a week or two. ull soon find when you think about black cocks you try not to throw up.... congrats overwrite complete.... YOUR WELCOME
The second page of the catalog shows up on page 2 of google results
>>the miasma of shitposters floods the rest of the internet
80% of everyone here don't have the guts to mindlesslesly shitpost like they do here on social media or elsewhere(except maybe unmoderated video games)
20% are retarded and probably take the board seriously so the moment they do that they're going to get fucked up by reality such as being banned or doxxed.
>I've told you a million times not to exaggerate