So are we going to occupy these assholes again or what?
So are we going to occupy these assholes again or what?
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Trump already occupying it retard.
With what? pallets of free money?
they're working for a terrorist organization.
there saved you the effort.
The only thing you’ll ever occupy is your mind with cope about footing the bill again, wagie. Keep paying your bills or I’ll give the house to your wife’s bull.
Occupy yourself instead, communist!
by draining the swamp since day 1.
>Stick to the plan
>The plan is trillions of dollars in corporate bailouts.
Fuck off Qoomer
We were never able, remember the last time how they destroyed the movement from the inside by playing identity politics? This bastards know really well how to divide people.
Society realized it wasn't wallstreet that was fucking us over.
It's jews
>communism is being pissed off about the government robbing tax payers and giving it to billionaires.
Do words even mean anything anymore?
vote in Rand Paul then, pussy
Money is printed out of thin air by the feds, it is best it goes to people not big corporations like Obama did.
Differences in racial interests are real and that's why identity politics was effective in distracting people from the wallstreet bullshit. It's because at the end of the day, the wallstreet stuff isn't that important. Being rich isn't that important.
Having a community that is occupied and regulated by your own people is the most important thing.
Yes, but can they divide bullets? In Minecraft
What is there even to respond to here?
Assuming a total of 200,000,000 people are eligible for the trumpbux it adds up to about 240 billion dollars. Versus the multiple trillions of dollars in corporate bailouts. You're getting screwed even harder than the last time and being given hush money. Not even that much either.
How is anyone getting screwed?
Are Qoomers actually this mentally retarded?
It's a fair question since the "corporate bailouts" are money that's going to be used to pay employees
>Having a community that is occupied and regulated by your own people is the most important thing.
You really think that? You think that a family of 100K annual income has the same necessities than a family of 20K annual income?
In my personal experience I have found out that class unity form a better community than any other factor.
Typical resorting to insults. You aren't worth my time bye. Hope you have a good day user.
The Yas Forums shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But criticize capitalism or Trump's pandering to capitalistic interests and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Not necessary since your legislation doesn't have a lot of conditions, nothing stops a corporation from downsizing and putting the bailout money into their own stocks or buy futures or increase equity.
>Not necessary since your legislation doesn't have a lot of conditions, nothing stops a corporation from downsizing and putting the bailout money into their own stocks or buy futures or increase equity.
I think you're wrong about that. The money is conditioned on keeping a certain number of workers employed.
Now, it's not a perfect solution and, as with all socialist ideas, some groups will find ways to take advantage of/parasitize the government money. But it's just meant as a bandaid to get us out of the harsh times.
>You really think that? You think that a family of 100K annual income has the same necessities than a family of 20K annual income?
I don't think they have the same necessities, but their necessities overlap on the most important issues if they share the same racial interests.
>thinking that the American people are the ones to benefit off of this pandemic
Occupy and demand sound money.
If that were to happen, people would have to be 100% more vigilant in order to spot glownigger infiltrators.
>OWS started as organic
>Commies, NatSocs, Libertarians, etc. all agreeing that bankers are a problem.
Some agreed that the bankers were kikes, others didn't, but at least kikes got blamed in the crossfire
>CIA infiltrate OWS groups and push a new narrative by posing as "speakers" for local chapters
>Narrative is flipped from (((bankers))) to "old white men."
>SJW mainstream culture is born immediately after OWS
who said that, literally no one?
This time the middle class should lead the movement.
Not before feds infiltrate your group fag. That is, if you're not a fed. Every group that goes against the elite like this will be infiltrated. Plain and simple it happens every time to white nationalist interest groups. Why wouldnt it happen to occupy when you're completely out in the open about it?
Only of we block out the identity politic faggots and weirdos that fucked it up for us last time.
It wouldn't matter who leads it. Last time the middle class led it and then these new people (CIA agents) posing as middle class civilians came in as if the had opinions or ideas and took over the movement. Essentially the CIA pulled a "How do you do, fellow middle class?"
if anyone can outsmart trump, its justin
>it's best it goes to people
Okay, then why isn't it?
>draining the swamp
By giving trillions directly to corporations
>no one's getting screwed
The general public is.
Could have implemented policies of rent reimbursement while quarantine continues. Could have stocked up on medical supplies for months which would be economically beneficial.
None of this is targeted at helping the average American, sans doing everything he can to keep the market (businesses) making money.
>Be Justin Trudeau
>offer companies a payroll subsidy "to keep employees employed."
>don't hardcode it as a stipulation
>companies still lay off nearly fucking everyone anyway while lining up for the subsidy.
At the same time the lack of free hush money for Canadians has began to redpill Canadians on the outright contempt leftists actually have towards the working class.
With concise goals feds won't get a grip. For example a movement with only the goal to reinstate sound money is hard to subvert. After the victory a new goal will emerge.
If businesses die how are you going to get food? Think about it.
>reinstate sound money
Ah. I see. Concise.
End the fed. Done.
I dunno, the grocery stores that have been mandated to stay open during the quarantines?
If the goal was to help the general public, you could, I dunno, heavily subsidize grocery store staple food products so that the economic strain is less significant on the American family?
Ooooooorrrrr... give trillions to businesses to make the stock market better during election year and then convince LARPS like you that "I'm here for the American people. The middle class. Hard working Americans. I am taking the control out of the hands of the large and placing it back in the hands of the people."
It was a dumb and pointless movement. Exposing them, their scams, not giving them your money, pushing to cut their gibs, proposing less stupid alternatives... is more boring but less stupid.
In the end it doesn't matter because you are all retarded anyway.
People are still spending money on food. Grocery stores are making a killing right now. And by association so are businesses in the supply chain. As long as the general public still has money to buy groceries they won't die. Taxing the fuck out of them to hand over trillions of dollars to the banks will ensure that people run out of money at some point. Go fuck yourself Qoomer. This is why your threads get deleted.
This is why people dogpile you.
It's not some big conspiracy
People are just suck of your insufferable BS.
How? Who would take on all the debt of digital currency? When we trade with foreign markets, are we shipping them pallets of gold? No? Okay, so then we'll I guess print a currency that takes the place of the gold backed by the idea that we have a lot of it in reserve, but then have less than every other country in the world since debt borrowing is a global economic policy that would have to be instated worldwide for it to be feasible and would lead to the collapse of many innovative and progress generating businesses?
Concise. I like it.
And which race do you think controls the hedge funds on wall street?
hahahaha no
People need money to buy groceries, and that means they need jobs, that means businesses.
It's both, but the point is you need to attack the disease, not the symptom
Businesses that took bailouts last time still laid people off. They just squirreled the money away offshore never to be seen again. You fucking retard.
What makes you think they'll do anything different this time? Because MAGA?
Drink bleach.
> (You)
>How? Who would take on all the debt of digital currency? When we trade with foreign markets, are we shipping them pallets of gold? No? Okay, so then we'll I guess print a currency that takes the place of the gold backed by the idea that we have a lot of it in reserve, but then have less than every other country in the world since debt borrowing is a global economic policy that would have to be instated worldwide for it to be feasible and would lead to the collapse of many innovative and progress generating businesses?
I don't know what you're talking about. Are you Keynesian?
Or, they need the government to pay for the things that they need for a while while businesses that have a large risk of spreading a pandemic are on hiatus. I think trillions of dollars could feed 300 million Americans and keep them in their houses while also making sure businesses don't get foreclosed on.
Orrrrrr..... just give it all to businesses that are capitalist by definition and then their inherent charge is to make sure that they keep as much of it as possible while barely meeting their goals since that's their goal.
Look man, no matter which way you split it, this policy was not done for you, or for me. Do you even realize what you're espousing is trickle-down economic theory?
>zuccoti park was basically homeless bums fucking smelly hipsters
>actual "protesters" on wall street were forced into a small portion of the stairs of the building you see in op's pic
>that building having nothing to do with the inner workings of wall street
get cucked again
What's wrong with that homo?
No. And if you don't know that the entire rest of the world doesn't operate on a gold standard anymore, then you have no business talking about a national economic policy lul
Nice buzz-word, I hope you're not sad that prom is cancelled.
1. There's no such thing as trickle down economic theory. It's just a political slander term.
2. If all the businesses go bankrupt, the US will fall into a horrible depression. The bailouts are not extremely efficient (some money will be lost to parasitism which is why socialist policies are generally bad), but we just want to avoid crashing into the dumpster fire depression that we're otherwise on a collision course towards. Efficiency isn't the most important thing here.
actually the citizens demanding an end to corruption, insider trading, regulations that prevent small business from competing with big corp, taxpayer kickbacks, and a thousand other illegal things the jewish corporations do is a legitimate request. asking for parity is not communism. bernie's solution would be, but not common sense retribution to elitist corruption.
There's no point in a discussion with me if you can only imagine something exists if the government does it. The problem that the world has with America is its cuckold relationship with the jewish mob. The fed is nothing without the federal reserve act. The act can be repealed. Only boomers can't imagine doing it. Also kick out your jews for crying out loud.
OWS was subverted faster than you can say nazi pinko shitskin, leftists are too dumb to actually organize by themselves, they are like the marching band in Animal House
I know there's no such thing as tricke-down econ. But that's what the other user is saying:
>Give the money to the businesses so then the people can make the money they need!
Also, there are plenty of ways you can prevent the bankrupting of businesses that is not the way it's currently being approached in washington.
I agree with the point that efficiency is not and should not be a goal right now. I'm just saying that there are more direct ways of supporting the average American. Any direction we choose is going to be hard, that's why this is such a serious issue. But for the other user pretending that Trump is the saving grace of the average American through this stimulus is borderline incoherent.
OWS wasn't inherently leftist. People forget this.
The only movement that maintains its integrity is an ethnically aware one. So like before with freeing the niggers from slavery it will be up to white people again to end slavery. The movement to end the fed will be White.
Okay. Let me put this clearer for you.
>We do it in America!
Yay! No jews!
>The rest of the world doesn't.
Boo! Now we don't have the imaginary capital afforded to CHINA RUSSIA IRAN SAUDI ARABIA. They can now economically out-compete us through the artificial value of their digital currency! Now the American economy is significantly weaker and continues to hurt as professionals get poached by countries that can offer a larger financial incentive!
Concise. Nice.
this. now everyone tags it with communism. some coopt it to put regulations on middle class. what happens is jewish corporations play the occupy side, use whatever puppet to say more regulations are needed. now any middle sized business is working on the same regulation the big business can afford. the big business takes a hit, but also insulates itself from competition.
leftist ops are constantly subverted, women’s marches being ran and funded by Islamic terrorists, talking heads being convicted of a litany of charges including child molestation, co-opted orgs pushed by elites. Then there’s antifa.
If they weren’t so gleeful in their own destruction it would be sad, but alas they deserve it for idolising grotesque sins and facilitating mass propaganda
>Also, there are plenty of ways you can prevent the bankrupting of businesses that is not the way it's currently being approached in washington.
Such as? We want the businesses to stay afloat WHILE keeping their people employed. How can you do that without giving them money? I think you can't.
>>Give the money to the businesses so then the people can make the money they need!
No I think you're making a strawman here. The user is talking about the effects of what would happen if the businesses aren't able to afford keeping workers on the payroll. In other words, he's talking about what a depression looks like. Nobody has jobs, nobody has money.
>Yay! No jews!
Clearly you'd profit a lot from reading about what's going on. Read The Culture of Critique for example.
>>The rest of the world doesn't.
That's a feature, not a bug.
>Boo! Now we don't have the imaginary capital afforded to CHINA RUSSIA IRAN SAUDI ARABIA. They can now economically out-compete us through the artificial value of their digital currency! Now the American economy is significantly weaker and continues to hurt as professionals get poached by countries that can offer a larger financial incentive!
Don't worry about all that jazz.