Say something nice about Belgium

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It could be France

They must have lots of food there.

What the fuck is that?

The fries are nice?

lol fpbp

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you know what nevermind

the belgium minister of health.

wait why do i have this gay memeflag on im not even jewish

Cheecha walla krinka, Solo. Jabba watta tango. Jabba oesht Skywalker.

don't know throw it a waffle, see if it chases it.

It's been much cleaner and more pleasant since Corona-chan came calling.

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Decent Flag colours, nothing else.


Jabba the Minister of Health

Nice waffles

How is she still alive?

They speak French, at least

fuck you it's trash

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good location for blitzkriegs

Best to stay inside and find yourself something nice to eat my fellow Belgium citizens.

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Belgians are French

Fuck you you dirty Yugoslav.

I bet she's purple without makeup

Jabba the Belgian

Literally called Maggy the Block

They make good waffles. That's about it.

Omelette du frommage, nigger


Do you know how the Belgian minister of health came to be?
She was human once.
Taken by the dark powers.
Tortured an mutilated.
A terrible and ruined form of life.

Played wow with a belgie before, was a nice dude we had good times.

el creatura masono

Why is she american?

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wait, is this not sarcasm?

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We've explained this before. She eats all the unhealthy food in the country to stop everyone else from eating it.

apparently there's a woman in there somewhere

No, her name is Maggie De Block.

She is the real minister of health in Belgium. Name's Maggie de Block.

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She's a big girl

Is our world become some sort of tragicomedy?
It's feels like this shit plot came from fucking satire.
How in the real worl this walking garbage could become Minister of fucking Health!?

More like Fattie the Blob

Look at that solid flemish phenotype.

Jaba no pasa kaloma. Ba needa kooloo daloo ma na Wookie. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Maggie de Roadblock

Imagine the shits this thing must take? Probably like rock hard mini logs.

careful with that pin, maggie

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I just realised that's a scarf and not her neck.

they have big fucking horses

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Diversity hire, put a morbidly obese fat fuck in charge of health to demotivate people so they kill themselves?

Why does that thing look like its about to rape something?

say something nice about jabba the hutt

For you.

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they are not niggers maybe? don't really know why this country exists

Myths says that one of her shit weighed 330Ib

If she stopped eating would she die?

I bet you'd like to incorporate it into russia and have its male life expectancy drop by a good 15-20yrs.

reminds me of the witch from the moving castle

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my friend loves their chocolate

looks like a reanimated corpse desu

Why do we need cucked netherland waffle eaters?

Elites like playing jokes

It scares the immigrants to surrounding countries.

Belgian waffles. That's literally the only nice thing about Belgium I can think of. And I don't even like them that much.

The spice is life

Did it help?

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i think i have seen her in star wars

Life is a fucking parody if itself.

it's not Angola.

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