anyone else disgusted how this guy worships nigger rap music? I can't take his opinions seriously because he listens fucking cringe nigger noise
Anyone else disgusted how this guy worships nigger rap music...
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you just can't understand ebonics.
>Spic listens to Nigger music
This is surprising to you, how?
>hurr he doesn’t like the same music as me therefor I won’t listen to his ideas
There is no greater form of cuckhold than listening to the invading tribes music
I Literally believe that he only does it to use as protection from criticism of being a white supremicist
"Im not a white supremicist, see, I listen to Black music!!!!"
I just want to go back to the catboy posting
Life was so much simpler then
Idk man, letting Tyrone fuck your girl or letting Muhammad cream pie your son is pretty cucked
No he's like 19, he doesn't know anything else. All these young white people have grown up where this is the only music they know at all. I'm sure they are aware of other kinds but since they didn't hear them in their formative years it doesn't stick
I guess ethno-nationalism doesn't matter if your top pundit listens to rap music.
Backstreet boys is the best boyband ever.
Ok keep submitting to your nigger masters
start listening to black metal
You should have stopped listening to him when you found out that he is a mutt
Fuck off faggot. Nothing beats one direction.
>zoomers like rap music
imagine that. and millennials liked indie music. and gen xers liked grunge music. and boomers like classic rock. it's almost like a generation gravitates to whatever music is promoted to mainstream status in the industry. it's almost like they change this on purpose with each generation to create social distance and conflict between them.
>b-but i listen to metal and i'm a zoomer
you're just an incel
what music does Yas Forums listen to
Nick is 100% nigger, I'm disgusted you listen to him
Can I get some antisemetic black metal recommendations?
Already heard Grand Belial's Key.
nah thats satanic music and therefore NOT WHITE.
I don’t like rap either but it’s kind of a dumb point to get bothered over.
>what is a coalition
He prefers a white majority in the USA. He prefers traditionalism.
What’s wrong with that?
True zoomer right here
based. do you like death doom?
>he doesn't know Yahweh is a demon that feeds on suffering
Hurry everyone is a wignat except for the actual wigger
Like MSW? Yes.
Bible choruses only
New kids on the block was the best boyband ever.
sure, but I'm more put off by the fact that he likes getting fucked by guys whomstdve dress like cats
This little spic is A FAGGOT. Of course he listens to nigger music on top of it all. He exists only to derail legitimate conversation.
Chief Keef
Black metal is 100% more faggoty than rap
One direction was good untill Zayn left. Zayn is based. Harry was such a loser.
ITT: We Now Post Our Favorite Current Rap Songs.
How fucking stupid can you actually be to give any semblance of a fuck about what kind of music he likes
Neofolk is objectively the most Yas Forums approved genre
So, watching another man who is dressed up as a little girl and sucking a fake horse cock is "traditional" now? You are a complete fucking idiot.
Name 1 (one) antisemtic rap album.
You can't faggot.
Now go suck off your nigger monkey pals.
We all know that despite being 13% of the population, blacks are 60% of fags & trannys.
that lad is queerer than a 3 dollar bill.
Zayn is a spic and likes jews. Harry is white. So Harry is better.
Disgusted at his coronachan fear mongering. Must be nice to be a 22 yo kid living with mom and dad "stuck" in quarantine.
Literally the whole music industry is controlled by Jews, you are just picking your poison.
>work grocery
>stocking before the store opens
>have to hear nigger babble blaring or blacks singing shit like smoke fucking weed
Getting real tired bros....
Most zoomers are like that, they toy around with racism and jokingly use the word nigger on the internet but they worship nigger pop-culture like dummies.
>Jews are behind black metal
Take your meds.
Death Metal
OMG I love Harry so much. Check out this video of him singing about the JQ. He names them.
>listening to literal satan worship music
Him being an alt light guy who sucks cock on the dl didnt do it? Liking rap music is what turned you off of him?
He's milo tier
yes goy dont listen to these nationalists and nazi metal bands they are worshiping satan!!
Honestly yeah that's probably what it is. I'm younger than he is but I've always hated most modern music. Probably because of an autistic natural aversion to it and because I wasn't exposed to it a ton when I was younger. I do think Nick genuinely likes a lot of rap, probably because he's still stuck on the "Kanye West based black guy" trope.
>some high school graduate e-thot is a disgusting zoomer who likes niggerbeats
many such cases
>worshipping a rabbi as a god
He is just a walking poltard, he literally just repeats the memes from here and capitalizing on the zoomers. He is lucky to be an American, with his track record he wouldn't survive a day in a godless continent like Europe.
>he's still is in love with his Jewish volcano demon that calls itself "God"
boybands are for girls