Wtf is this psyop?

in this video that is playing on netflix they say aliens are definitely real, but they dont want nukes in space and that the american gov will do a false alien invasion to justify space nukes

and we should not to believe it, because if we put nukes in space the aliens will get angry,

is this a deep state cia/mi6 operation for us to reject trumps space force, as it is the only thing capable of beating the 5g digital artificial intelligence control grid

due to my retarded inversion vision it makes me want to have nukes in space, I dont trust anything on netflix

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Other urls found in this thread: of ningishzida.htm

made for big PULSATING white cock

yes she is, but that doesnt shed light on the alien question

/x/fag here. There is a consensus from channeled works that nuclear war is what fucked Mars (formerly named Maldek) and extraterrestrials/non human entities abhor the use of nuclear weapons. Here are a few explanations from Ra/Law of One.

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the fact its channeled is my problem becomes bullshit, and makes me want space nukes

when you channel demons you get demonic info, thats just how it goes

The fact that it’s a boomer larp and a lady calls herself “Arlac” which is just Carla backwards. How do retards believe this?

yes i agree, its all rubish. but it still doesnt shed any light on the insanity of the doco netflix is pushing that says aliens are real

Yeah i saw this thing too. obvious disinfo. I suppose to send people waking up to the truth down the alien blind alley? But then, nobody who was waking up to the truth would take netflix seriously, so...i dk

>a literal cuck

Oh that’s more related to project blue beam and things along that vein, that may or may not be real. The quick rundown is this: be govt, hire people to make shit that looks like aliens, hire some scientists who will blab, show them Hollywood effects and big numbers, then kick them out. They blab and then the press and everyone involved spends years trying to sort out “the truth”

i've noticed too that many ex cia/military whistleblower types end up half insane going on about aliens...

Tiddies for ants?

Believe what you will but writing off all channeled works without having an open mind is juvenile.
Youre making the assumption that positively oriented beings/angels can't communicate through these channels or methods. The messages in most of these works are overwhelmingly positive.

white cocks are tiny

I for one bow down to our new big tiddie antlien overlords

I dont think you understand whats being disucssed here, or you dont understand english. just who is it you think im cucked by?

Always retired personnel. That bald bull neck guy is on lots of different documentaries. I really can't take modern "first hand experiences" seriously.
Symbolism reflected by a greater culture though, not just paid counteropp actors, that I can really get into.

you are making the mistake of thinking that anything other than the holy spirit is a demon.

the mistake of not thinking that anything other than the holy spirit is a demon.

yeah its weird , old men going crazy

Head in sand. Ignorant to information freely available because it doesn't conform to normie propaganda approved narrative. Why even live user? Just neck yourself.

your the insane one. the whole world rejects jesus, its you who is the normie. ive watched thousands of hours on channeling bullshit, i just dont fall for it like you. realy think for a second, do you think most people hate christ like you, or belive? i think you will find its you who are like the normies, have fun with the cat women witches who think they are channeling

Your id idiot

so you cant answer the question? such a faggot.

Why do you need nukes in space, retards? Why do you even need nukes? Is it too hard to stop masturbating sociopaths and psychopaths, assassinate all of them and guarantee your long term survival and wellbeing?

nope, when the world goes under the 5g control grid, but the usa has space nukes and can break free from the nwo. i will be praising them

You're also mistake of thinking a book written by men and edited heavily over millennia is the only source of divine truth and wisdom.

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Your mothers penis is an exception, not the rule.

yes sorry i have a bigger copy, i chose the wrong one

nope, no mistake, I have experience with exorcism, have delt with demons and know the standards of the holy spirit

So you're an exorcist? Tell us more about your work so we understand the perils of channelings.

This narrative is so retarded on many layers I can't even begin to explain how stupid it is.

The holy spirit is a jewish egregore used for their jewmonic rituals, kike.

>message full of love
fucking bogan

No? Lack of magnetic field fucked Mars. This is high school tier knowledge you absolute brainlet.

Every New Age scammer, cult and thot works like that.

>literally free online
fucking toxoplasmosis

>proud of curriculum made by kikes
go back to your country you fucking shitskin

Blue Beam redefined. But it's more like, how to make it presentable so that everybody doesn't lose their minds and start killing everyone. If you know that crazy reaction, it lurks in humans too. Religion was bad idea, no hard feelings.

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They bait you into bigger shit slowly, retard. Some of them are paid shills.

Real channeling is so transparent you have a hard time knowing it was channeled material in the first place. And it happens everywhere all the time.

The War on Sensemaking, Daniel Schmachtenberger

Part 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government
Part 2: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer, Exposes Shadow Government
part 3: CIA Officer and Whistleblower Kevin Shipp
Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job (Complete)
Counter Intelligence | Part I - The Company
Counter Intelligence (Part 2) - The Deep State
Counter Intelligence (Part 3) - The Strategy of Tension
Counter Intelligence (Part 4) - Necrophilous
Counter Intelligence (Part 5) - Drone Nation

Cosmic Abandonment
Natural Law pt. 1
Natural Law pt. 2
Natural Law pt. 3
De-Mystifying The Occult pt. 1
De-Mystifying The Occult pt. 2
De-Mystifying The Occult pt. 3

THE NEW WORLD ORDER - A 6000 Year History

Wake Up Call – New World Order

"FINAL WARNING" ~ Jesuit New World Order ~ Pope Francis ~ Obama - Putin - ISIS ~ World War 3

David Icke on George H.W. Bush
Angelina Jolie Admits Attending Illuminati Sacrifice in Leaked Video of ningishzida.htm

Attached: 9cac35949e3024941dbc9bdd70d8cce4.jpg (736x854, 72.94K)

Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 1 - Mike Maloney

Fall Of Empires: Rome vs USA (Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 9)

Seven Stages Of Empire - Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 2 - Mike Maloney

Impossibly Huge Megaliths That Show Signs of an Ancient Technology We Cant Explain

History of NWO chart:

Zbigniew Brzezinski to the Mujahideen: "Your cause is right and God is on your side!"

WHAT ! 'Imagine Dragons' Admits I'm Part Of The Illuminati !

Rule from the Shadows - The Psychology of Power - Part 1

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Reversed the thread number there.

Forgot to say a lot of channeling is LARPing and real channeling comes mostly from human sources, it can contain lies, distortions... no matter the source.

10/10 rack

incarnate vs discarnate channeling

you are gonna clickbait and only give us a thumbnail. You fucking FAGGOT OP.

>Source: Ra
Fuck off nigger

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(1) They control religion
The Anunnaki control the religion and education and make the people difficult to gain the knowledge. They use the propaganda to confound the people they enslave. They make the people fool and make them useless tools.
(2) Connected with stars
The Anunnaki are the people who come from stars. The best example is “wrist watches” which appear mostly in every single representation the Anunnaki.
(3) Clay tablets
During the 19th century there were nearly 22,000 tablets which are directly connected with the Anunnaki.
(4) No distinct appearance
They don’t have a distinct appearance; they usually look like humans in their original forms and have a large height by long pale hair.
(5) Reflection of gold
Gold gives an infrared light. The light which you can’t see, but it can be interacted in the form of heat, the radiation interacts with our molecules and that makes them to vibrate quicker.
(6) Cosmic civilization
The Anunnaki people are cosmic civilization so, they could perform transmutations from radiant energy.
(7) Ancient mankind
According to the antique theory, the Anunnaki hereditarily changed ancient mankind and created a labor force which makes them to mine gold faster.
(8) Creation of mankind
According to the Zecharia Sitchin, “the Adamu” was the first modern humans, which was created by Anunnaki 432,000 years back by mixing the DNA with that of primitive mankind and obtained a labor force which the Anunnaki wanted.
(9) First people
The Anunnaki are the first people who came from the stars to dig gold and other natural resources.
(10) Anunnaki laboratory
In the Anunnaki laboratory the first humans were created in the south-east central Africa above the gold mines. This falls exactly on the map where the mitochondrial DNA “Search for Eve” places the first women Homo sapiens in the same period.

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(11) Developed tax systems
The Anunnaki developed the tax systems by keeping the rich and poor separately. They divide the rich and poor people where the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer.
(12) They extract energy
The Anunnaki extracts the energy by creating wars, conflicts, national boundaries, religions and class systems etc. They also impose drugs to the people and create a cruelty to humans.
(13) Create a war economy
They run a war economy, and they don’t prefer peace. They waste many resources to keep the people enslaved.
(14) Created buildings
The Anunnaki were the first people to create the building and cities, which we see in the modern world of today by the ancient alien theory.
(15) About Anunna
In the book the “The Earth Chronicle” the author describes the alien race is known as the Anunna who came to mine the gold.
(16) First man
The Adam is known as man in Hebrew. The Sumerians refer the Adamu as the first man the Anunnaki slaves.
(17) Solar system
The Anunnaki aliens come from the planet in the solar system before 3,600 years.
(18) Specialize in mind control
The Anunnaki are specialized in mind control. They are also perfect in economic control with the development of money and the usury system.
(19) Great collision
There is great collision in earth and the solar system is also affected so, this makes the anunnaki to come to earth permanently.
(20) They planted hybrids
The Anunnaki planted hybrids from the other world on earth when they came. They also use people for, experimentation in different fields.
The above review portrays about the Anunnaki aliens and their main facts. Even now the debate has been going on whether they are alive today. They are people who came to mine gold and they are also come from another planet in our solar system according to the ancient theory.

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literal space nigger
how can they even compete with angelic vega aliens

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what is this?! a Thot for Ants?

Well, they're demons.

Was Mars named Maldek in English?

Holy shit schizo
Adam and Eve aren't real people, we evolved over a solid chunk of time.

what a low life

Evil doesn't care about money

adam was created by yahweh
not all humans on the planet right now are descendants of adam
there's adamic man and pre-adamic man
the pre-adamic men are what's recently called NPC
they're slave race but are older than full rainbow spectrum hue-man which is adam and his descendants

They also created you. Are you gonna hate your parents? I get it, it's year ~ 432 020 since human creation, it's been a bumpy ride.

Yeah there was seven humans at start, they couldn't reproduce back in then, but they needed constant supply without tube work. You got everything you need in those links btw.

they created pre-adamic man, slave race without free-will
i'm a fully awakened kundalini master angelic spirit from vega star system which is probably higher in spiritual density from all these annunaki reptilian greys low lifes
can't believe you people can be scared of these low lifes the literal ancestor of niggers


Here are some of the most important gods involved in the quest of harvesting gold on Earth, and their names in different tongues.

Enlil, Elil, Ashur, Ilu-kur-gal, El-Shadai, Zeus, Yahweh, (Jehovah) Jupiter, God, Allah. He was the chief of the gods on Earth until ca 2000 BCE.

Ninlil, Ashera, Hera, Juno, Enlil's partner.

Ninmah, Nin-Hursaq, Demeter. She was a half sister of Enlil and Enki.

Ninurta, Ares, Viracocha, Mars, Gabriel in the Bible. He was a son of Enlil, and the god of war. Nin-urta means "Hero of the Lord". Gabriel means "Strong man of El".

Nannar/Sin, Michael in the Bible. He was a son of Enlil, born on Earth. Na-nnar means "Bearer of heavenly power". Michael means "He who is like El"

Ish-kur/Adad was a son of Enlil. Ish-kur means "Great physicist". Rafael means "healer of El". He was the storm god with the ability to cause plagues!

Enki, Ptah, Nudinmud, Poseidon, Neptunus. He was the great scientist who created the human race. He was a half brother of Enlil and Ninmah.

Ningishzidda, Thoth, Hermes, Quetzalcoatl, Mercury. He was a son of Enki and the most well educated of the gods.

Marduk, Ra, Amun, Bel. He was a son of Enki who challenged Enlil, and eventually replaced him as the chief of the gods on Earth, at about 2000 BCE.

Inanna, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Venus. She was a daughter of Nannar and a grand daughter of both Enlil and Enki. She was known as the goddess of war. It's quite unexplainable how she became the goddess of love!
Utu, Shamash, Uriel in the Bible. He was a son of Nannar and twin brother of Inanna. He was the chief of the air forces of the Enlillite administration. Utu means "Shining". Uriel means "Fire of El".

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