@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpTweet: USNS Comfort Arrives in (((NYC))) 3/30/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/30/20
>Pres Trump on F&F 3/30/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 3/30/20
>AgSec Perdue on FBN 3/30/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 3/30/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 3/30/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on GMA 3/30/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on (((FakeNews))) 3/30/20
>FHFADir Calabria on HughHewittShow 3/30/20
>ArmyCoS Gen McConville on CBSThisMorning 3/30/20
>NORAD&NORTHCOM Comdr AFGen O'Shaughnessy on F&F 3/30/20
>HHSVideo: 5 Things To Know About Household Cleaning 3/30/20
>StateDeptVideo: Assisting American Citizens Abroad 3/30/20
>WHVideo: Pres Trump's Actions on Corona-chan 3/30/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/29/20
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Supply Chain Distributors 3/29/20

OP pastebin:

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How is this allowed?

Previously, this had only happened to bloodthirsty dictators like Khamenei and Maduro.

This is preposterous!

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Why are we sacrificing our economy for something that can't even kill you?

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The governor of Virginia has extended the statewide stay-at-home order until the day after the Republican state senate primaries, June 10th

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This is gay and retarded and abusive and constitutional and I hate this country

Spaniards and the American economy and government on suicide watch

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Get it trending everywhere
Expose this freak
>pics taken during an important coronavirus briefing

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Jej, who wants to see nudes of Ben Shapiro's sister? Just google "abigail shpairo nudes" and click the first link.

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Oh wow, that doesn’t sound good.

Chinks must sink. This a threat.

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>you're supposed to stay locked in
>but criminals are allowed to go out
I think it's about time we all take up arms, head out and go back to work - and if anybody attempts to stop us, just shoot them through the head.

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You can clearly see the balls on his cross bar nipple piercings under the shirt

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bloody hell
a shnozz like that puts barbara streisand to shame


There are only about 400320 short minutes until January 3rd, my gretachad friend.

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based. kill all boot licking cops

lets admit he is a major disappointment on immigration

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In Minecraft.

These governments are beyond fucking worthless, they're white genocidal.

We need a civil war to take back our freedom!

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Coonman couldn't be more blatant there.

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Fucking Niggers

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So much this. Bidens got this in the bag.


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It would be better for everyone if you didn't force niggers to go to school

The time for the armed revolt has come, anons.

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fake and gay

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me on the bottom left

i'll just fish for the time being

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jannies pissed

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Trump and Republicans are so goddamn incompetent that they have allowed the Democrats and media to turn the blame for the Chinese virus away from the Chinese to Trump

Trump and Republicans are goddamn stupid

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Why is /ptg/ literally the only group that supports landlords?

UH guys, Trudeau created the 'royal guard' regiment to protect Meghan and Harry but now they've left and Trudeau has repurposed the elite group as a personnal bodyguard unit and named them after himself. CANADA RISING. THE Northwest Angle IS OURS BY RIGHT. EVACUATE BY MIDNIGHT OR WE WILL OCCUPY THE TERRITORY!!

We don’t

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Trump has his highest approval rating ever and hire than Obama at this point in this Presidency. Trump is becoming the most popular President since JFK.

>this forced landlord meme

kill yourself


aren't you a landlord? gtfo nigger

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>the commerce clause says the govt can impose quarantines
>you can get arrested for having a church service
is this legit? how the fuck can a clause supersede article ONE of the bill of fucking rights?

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Trump says VT is lying about US Army origin of CV19 in Wuhan, we say he is “Full of Shit”

In October 2019, the US brought 172 (really 369) military athletes to Wuhan for the World Military Games. Despite having the largest military in the world, tenfold, the US came in 35th behind nations like Iran, Finland and Slovenia. No video or photos exist of the US team, no records were kept, a huge team but a pitiful performance for the best military in the world. The US team did so badly that they were called “Onions Sauce Soldiers” by the Chinese. In fact, many never participated in any event and stayed near the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the disease is said to have originated only days after the US left the area.

The US team went home on October 28, 2019, and within 2 weeks, the first human contact cases of COVID 19 were seen in Wuhan. The Chinese have not been able to find “patient zero” and believe he was a member of the US team.

COVID is now officially the JEW FLU.

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my landlords are my parents

imagine living in virginia like a slave. are virginians even human?

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All the jannies could disappear and the quality would fluctuate between the same and a little better.

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True. They just go to disrupt the white kids out of spite anyway.

Except it isn't. Chad Wolf is importing these fucking shitskins at a record pace. Yet I constantly see you fucks on here praising him. So which is it:
>Trump is against this but Wolf is working behind his back
>Trump is for the importation of shitskins so Wolf is just following orders

Duh. My college teacher is organizing online chats to answer question and give information on the material and barely 10% of students show up. I'm surprised the number is so low.

>and hire than Obama

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Every Tweet under this trending Hungary story is by this kike

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Do you own a house?

> and the American economy and government on suicide watch
JEJ, not in any particularly greater way than all of the EU, for instance.

Burgers may have missed it but Dutch Finance Minister said something to the effect of
> well, after Spaniards stop dying they must be investigated for running their finances so badly they need an EU bailout
> which Netherlands will oppose btw so stop being poor, stop dying and get ready to be audited
Spaniards tucked their tails behind their legs (because beggars can’t be choosers) but Portuguese PM said something to the effect of
> if that’s the way nothern Europe countries tries want to conduct business when an actual crisis arises then there is no actual benefit for an union to exist and the EU is dead
And he meant it and stood by it when pressed by the international media.


> CuomoTheHomo
You surely know that would just increase his voter base right?

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WTF is that thing? Is it even human or a lab experiment gone bad?


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I live on the moon but I frown upon this monkey business from on high and know that only the deep dirty south where not even state governments go and which has little to no niggers is the last, best hope for humanity if they aren't evangelcucks.

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>the blame for a nothingburger
Oh no.

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My uni require attendance (for some classes). I’ve got good grades anyhow


>(very) (Joe)

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Trust the plan.

What were productive north europeans thinking when they invited poor slackers like spain in their union?

Ching chong ching chong, you dog dick eating communist niggerspawn. Where's your queue, you dirty slave of Qing. Post your queue right now, nigger.

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>Why are we sacrificing our economy for something that can't even kill you?
user, they tried to frame trump for literal treason with completely fabricated evidence. i'm surprised they didn't try nuking the economy with a fake virus scare sooner.

Wut? Why would a property owner need “support” from anyone?
> there are people in your property on the condition they pay a certain amount
> amount ceases to be paid
I truly fail to see any other outcome being correct other than said people being remove from your property

>4 years
>150 miles of fence
how much jewjewcum can one man pump

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Shills mad (x24)

>still posting that
That's not how naturalization works, nigger. And Trump is lowering immigration by the way. Stay nigger.

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>lets admit...
>can we all agree...
>its time to say...
>face it...

wrong user dummy and the deep south is for lames and sucks, the upper south (of which missouri is a part) is eden

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Someone give that town the message that jews are exempt

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I can save them a lot of money for a modest sum and give them a Yas Forums post about why Spaniards are lazy niggers and don't work and that's why their finances are shit. The EU is completely impotent and harmful in every aspect and just a puppet for German socialists and jews. End the farce already. I wish it was that the PT PM wasn't just blustering for better protections against PIGS getting slammed by Berlin but I don't believe EE or PIGS want the gravy train or favourable debt conditions to end.

The IRS sent me a letter saying I owed them $300 in December. I put it on hold cause I was busy moving into a new place and they sent me another letter a week ago saying I owe them $1000.

Am I still getting Trump Bucks?

You’ll get $200

don`t know.
so how much do you pump?

Why do you guys talk so much about sucking cocks and eating cum?

lol cringe

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Can't imagine why nations kicked these people out so often.

> What were productive north europeans thinking when they invited poor slackers like spain in their union?
This. Also, what were they thinking when they added a massive customer base that purchase products denominated in the common currency (meaning countries can’t just devalue theirs or impose tariffs to increase competitiveness) and then complain said countries aren’t competitive.
The EU was a huge mistake for both sides of that divide

It's really far north and I love all the deep south's blatant anti nonwhite and fire and brimstone shit. People fear god and the outside world so much that they stay a lot more upright. I went to a camp of militant christians and such and I still remember vividly a pastor standing up and making a speech about how a man needs to live upright and that he supported the death penalty for children guilty of high crimes.

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He is not a disappointment on immigration. Naturalizations dropped the year after
Growth in America means non white growth
Before February 2019 - August 2019
Central American surge
After Surge
> U.S. authorities apprehended 29,200 people at the border in January, an 11 percent decrease from December, according to preliminary Customs and Border Protection (CBP) numbers obtained by The Hill.

there's a lot of people trying to support the idea of the government freezing all rent and loan payments, like there's any feasible way the government can prevent private companies from kicking you off their property without just publicizing everything
basically the poor think they have the solution to the upcoming 40% unemployment, -50% GDP problem, by instituting communism and calling it necessary

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why are you autists even replying to that faggot

This is really Hilldawg country.
Reminder that Trump lost by 6 million votes.

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>lawful permanent resident status is usually given to people who’ve been here more then 5 years not new arrivals
> WASHINGTON — President Trump’s immigration policies — from travel bans and visa restrictions to refugee caps and asylum changes — have begun to deliver on a longstanding goal: Legal immigration has fallen more than 11 percent and a steeper drop is looming.

For real? Theyll work that shit out themselves? I dont know how I messed up my tax return and I dont understand how it went from 300 to 1100 in a couple months. I really dont have time for the IRSs bullshit so if they clear that up the fuck themselves that would be great.

> The number of people who obtained lawful permanent residence, besides refugees who entered the United States in previous years, declined to 940,877 in the 2018 fiscal year from 1,063,289 in the 2016 fiscal year, according to an analysis of government data by the National Foundation for American Policy. Four years ago, legal immigration was at its highest level since 2006, when 1,266,129 people obtained lawful permanent residence in the United States.
> And immigration experts say new policies will accelerate the trend. A report released on Monday by the foundation projected a 30 percent plunge in legal immigration by 2021 and a 35 percent dip in average annual growth of the U.S. labor force.
>but 270,000 have come in from those banned countries
No TRS is referencing an article from 2017 that states that since 2007 the US admitted 270,000. In short they’re lying to you.
And immigration experts say new policies will accelerate the trend. A report released on Monday by the foundation projected a 30 percent plunge in legal immigration by 2021 and a 35 percent dip in average annual growth of the U.S. labor force.