White people are doing it to themselves plebes. The Jews and Asians aren't marching in on their own. Look at your fucking leaders. Some are Jew, but most white. The people below them white. Only white people could take down whites.
Christian Wilson
Henry Collins
No one here denies that the jew is a expert swindler, and it's why they are scum.
Because white people are the only ones capable of creating heaven on Earth through the combined balance of intelligence, empathy, beauty, and spirituality.
Jeremiah Lewis
Nice vpn faggot.
Ryan Campbell
Because whites have a terrible flaw called compassion that prevented us from genociding them while we could.
Thomas Jackson
We have too much empathy and a saviors complex
Jayden Davis
>t. Juden
Carter Nelson
Checked. I only have 50% European ancestry and I believe this to be true. At the end of the day I'd much rather live in a society comprised of Europeans than one comprised of Asians, Africans, or Jews.
Charles Taylor
Empathy is not a flaw. Empathy allows you to connect with God.
Austin Powell
Yep basically this, whites are a low iq slave race. Without jews, they’d still be eating bugs in some jungle of Germany
Wanting to protect your race from evil and harm is not the same as saying you are superior in every way
Camden Stewart
The world we are living in right now is the direct result of empathy and compassion. Any other race would've genocided the others, just like we should've.
Connor Ortiz
The world we are living in is a direct result of Jewish subversion. Europeans made the mistake of projecting their better qualities onto the lesser races of the world. They gave them the benefit of the doubt. Since then Jews have used minorities as biological weapons against whites, and the minorities have been complicit (albeit largely due to brainwashing).
Josiah Jones
because of self hatred and white guilt that has been brainwashed into white people the past 80 years
Empathy is a double edged sword. It has been the source of many of our greatest accomplishments as well as the cause of some of our largest failings.
Hunter Peterson
When a child hits an adult. An adult does not hit back user.
Cameron Morgan
It depends on the environment/circumstances. Between Europeans empathy functions as intended amd without drawbacks. Once you introduce lowly minorities then Europeans become at high risk of being blindsided by the dishonorable behavior of said minorities.
Christopher Nelson
because we try to make good example and be nice to people. this way if they cant appreciate it we will be able to exterminate them with no remorse as they had their chance for peace but didnt want it obviously and put us against the wall
Gavin Moore
>while we could Never too late
Justin Gomez
Whites are cowards and won't meet up and network like the others.
Michael Wood
logistics my math inept friend. we simple lack the numbers. if there were 2 billion whites and only a couple million of the other races it would be over. and its only white women the jews have fooled
Blake Williams
>exterminate them with no remorse You're right. The conditions that allow for this are crucial. As empathetic as whites are, it would be a great weight on their conscience if they were to exterminate sub-humans without giving them a chance to attempt to be civilized.
White man's burden. You're gonna carry that subhuman whether you like it or not.
Liam Gray
You have mistaken our patience and tolerance for "cowardice". That's on you. We have our limits. There is a reason your very blood is terrified of "The Crazy White Boy". It would seem you need a slight refresher? You have received far more warning than you are worth.
ps. Just because we don't mob in the streets like screeching retards, doesn't mean you aren't completely surrounded. Good luck to you.
The flaw of the white man is the endless ability to have compassion for others, empathy and the optimism in thinking that others can change. That others can become greater and better than what they currently are. The never ending self crippling for the sake of others.
I sometimes wish whites could be as cold to other cultures as the Chinese are. The second invaders and "others" step out of line, their men are sent to "reeducation" camps and women forcefully bred by Chinese men. China is doing it now with certain groups. People whined about it, China ignored/told them to fuck off. End of story. Then again, i'm sure it would mean losing something important if white people did that as well. Maybe it's worth it?
Dominic Diaz
Leo Diaz
It's more or less everybody gets fucked by everyone. It's melanin and upbringing, so everyone has the capacity to be a tumor on society :)
You mean Whites who hire immigrants while other Whites live in poverty?
Wyatt Barnes
Why would I ruin the surprise? Besides, this is the best part. Where your arrogance begins to crack as you realize how deep out in our silent waters you have strayed, and realize the current now has you, and the tide is going out. You can no longer even see, nor remember what the safety of your shore looked like.
What was that? Did something just bump your leg?!
How deep are these dark waters? What's down there, do you suppose? How many are there?
No. This, your abject terror, and paranoia, are the best part. ...so far. Sleep well.
Oh, I get it now. How you doing, spicspam, you retarded fucking street dog? Still glowing with this failed idiocy, I see? Let it go already, you dumb nigger. This lame forced meme is NEVER going to take. It doesn't even make any logical sense, you dumb nigger.
so a meme? i was asking about your education and the root of your beliefs and where they originated, i see your point and i agree.
let me ask you this: where is the line between white pride and racism and who determines it? who decides what is fair and nice?
Jackson Morgan
Oy vey. Hello fellow Nazis.
Caleb Nelson
Benjamin Sanchez
It can all be broken down to the white mans greatest weakness. >empathy and compassion White people have the greatest empathy and compassion and it is used against them.