Have you ever lived in a dictatorship?

Day 1, it's pretty comfy.

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Planes are grounded here, it's nice and quiet. Great for hunting deer.

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If it's a dictatorship then all responsibility for all crime is on the dictator

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What goes on there?

Hello Romanigger, jelly huh?

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What's life like in Hungary? Is it based? My grandparents are Hungarian but I've never been there.

God bless you János, I’m so happy for Hungary

lumberjacks and alcoholics

my grandfather was a Hungarian immigrant. till the day he died he never liked Romanians and never trusted Russians

Your grandmother was a cunt and a slut. Deal with it.

Thank you Giovanni, I hope you are seeing the end of this Chinese plague. Maybe we can discard the EU soon.

It got a lot better in the last 10 years, and we were top 2 or top 3 in GDP growth in the EU until this pandemic broke out. If we can stop the virus by summer, we have good chances of avoiding recession. I can't wait for normal life to return asap. Right now it's been slowing down for several days. Peak maybe late April, early May.

Relations to Russians got better, but Romanians are still hated like thieves, gypsies and other rats.

Everybody's grandma was a cunt, though.

can you read aussie fag?

they usually start good but turn for the bad in the long run. Hungary just began their slow descent into a banana republic lmao

Stay mad, sewer dweller.

>romani gypsies with hungarian birth certificates pimping gypsie whores abroad
nothing to see here

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How much immigration there on Tasmania, I hope not too many chinks.

I'm sorry: grandfather. I bet he looked like a donkey's arse.

i hope hes burning in hell
10% of your population is gypsy laszlo

Jesus, who would dare to fuck gypsy

90~95% white/european

even greeks are welcome here. everyone except asia and africa.

All Democracy means in this day and age is rule by globalist (((bankers))). Dictatorship is infinitely preferable.

And being rotted from the inside-out by soulless kikes is better?


>It got a lot better in the last 10 years, and we were top 2 or top 3 in GDP growth in the EU until this pandemic broke out. If we can stop the virus by summer, we have good chances of avoiding recession. I can't wait for normal life to return asap. Right now it's been slowing down for several days. Peak maybe late April, early May.
Glad to hear hungaryanon. We are going to enter a recession in my country, our currency is falling hard to other currencies, I'm unemployed and the federal government have banned gatherings of 3 or more people. I live in a safe area so all is well.

Will the EU try to kick you guys out of the EU? If you guys left wouldn't it be a positive outcome anyway?

Englishfolk. I met one dude who retired in Hungary but still comes to the UK to do business and he told me he found the gypsy whores lining hungarian interstate hot. Absolutely no standards here.

>And being rotted from the inside-out by soulless kikes is better?
you lived all your life under democracy, you parents and grandparents aswell so you don't know how bad it is to live under a authoritarian regime

You are all gypsies, except for Hungarians, Székelys, Csángos, and Germans.


Our currency has also fallen, but that's because at the beginning of this crisis everybody assumed this would be the Black Plague + Mongol invasion + WW2. This virus has probably done less damage (

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When will you open chink concentration camps? will we be able to ship our chinks over to your camps down the line ?

I'm watching that democracy sell out my people and have had to watch my hometown turn into a shitskin infested rathole. At this rate I'm going to a foreigner in the land I was born in, so yeah I'd prefer a dictatorship to that.

Gypsies are not a majority in any country, that's why they're gypsies.

They should be shipped back to Wuhan to dig graves. Real death toll, based on the number of urns handed out, is probably 40,000.

Yes, amazingly comfy. Especially so in times of a pandemic.

I hope you get out if this plague, quickly. Good luck, kardeş!

Is that true that Hungary told IMF to fuck off? And that you no longer collaborate with them?

Unemployed, homeless gypsies are called gypsies, those with jobs and a house are called Romanians. It's just semantics.

so you want to jump from one extrem end to another?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-12-03 Romania’s regions Bucharest is now richer than Budapest, Banat and Transylvania are more developed th[...].png (862x785, 543.55K)

This is not true
>not to be confused with Romani people

Yep, they got kicked out several years ago.
>pic related
Note the "former" part.

Come on, this is based on fake data, debunked long ago.

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let's see if he goes full natsoc or only does the shitty 3rdworld shit- wish you luck and max comfy-ness hussar-bro

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Neither, I guess. He's just a nationalist leader.

Based. Why are Hungarians so much more successful, wealthy and accomplished than Romanians? Could the answer be in the fact that, as opposed to their retarded neighbours, Hungarians are actual humans? One ponders...

I'll jump to whatever extreme leaves me with a country when all is said and done. Mexicans and niggers aren't my countryment, are not my people and never will be and our democratic (((leaders))) have decided that they are the perfect consumer base and the wave of the future. Democracy doesn't mean rule by the people, all elections amount to are a circus act meant to give people the illusion of control. In reality rich financiers just buy out the government one office at a time and subject you to whatever policies best support consumerism. Shitskins are the perfect debt-slaves so your (((democratic))) friends will always prefer them in the end.

What VPN are you using?

I am in Romania my dear cocalar

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he's basically quoted hitler before
>We are fighting an enemy that is different from us. Not open, but hiding; not straightforward but crafty; not honest but base; not national but international; does not believe in working but speculates with money; does not have its own homeland but feels it owns the whole world.
- Orban in march 2018 (theguardian.com/world/2018/mar/15/hungarian-leader-says-europe-is-now-under-invasion-by-migrants)
>The struggle between the people and the hatred amongst them is being nurtured by very specific interested parties. It is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning the people against each other, that does not want them to have peace. It is the people who are at home both nowhere and everywhere, who do not have anywhere a soil on which they have grown up, but who live in Berlin today, in Brussels tomorrow, Paris the day after that, and then again in Prague or Vienna or London, and who feel at home everywhere. They are the only ones who can be addressed as international elements, because they conduct their business everywhere, but the people cannot follow them. The people are bounded to their soil, bounded to its fatherland, bounded to the possibilities of life that the state, the nation, offers.
- hitler in 1933

What ethnicity do you identify as? Why are you in Romania if you hate it so much?

because they are ruled by a gypsy

with that mentality you will have a hard time in life friend


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this is just sad

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That didn't take long.

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when are you going back to your shitty country subhuman?

You have no idea how good you have it

since cheeto hitler got elected, yes

Wow. One in 8 germans are Muslim immigrants. They're total cucks

lmao look it's a fucking hobbit gyppo. none of your business

when are you going to accept that the only thing of value ever created in this country was done by germans and hungarians. don't talk to me again, serf.

oh yes the real WHITE SAVIOR OF EUROPE

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None of you have shit on our dictatoress.

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Sweden 1 in 5

Bazzeg :D

Yes, but don't take it literally. Orbán can say things subtly, but he is far more moderate than what liberals accuse him of.


Romania is such a shithole, even Romanians are trying to escape it

>(((Hungarian Free Press)))
Jewish website from Canada

Thanks, Pekka! Hyvää onnea!

That's not even a nationalist, you bicycle thief. Vona is fucking liberal.

I am not a gypsy. Did a Romanian bvll take your girl or something?

grew up in one, it was dope but then we got democracy and now the mafia is in power, I miss slobo every day

I wish we were taught other languages in school like Europeans. Being bilingual would be cool.

You are right, sorry. Hungary is white and has no horrific crime epidemic and useless police.

Keep lying like a good little Chink.

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Switzerland the most cucked (even more cucked than Sweden almost 1/3rd

Yes, I live in the United States. It’s a social dictatorship rather than an economic one. Dissenters against the status quo are silenced via a technocratic monopoly on speech, and ostracized by there fellow man due to non-stop propaganda. You won’t be thrown in prison, but you can have your career taken from you. In an extreme case you will have to form a new identity.

if we would persecute them you get upset if we allow these filth to live you upset make up your damn mind you liberal marxist scumbags and they are gypsies not hungarians also we are not a dictatorship just a corrupt postcommunist shithole a decade ago i wouldnt ever imagined my shithole would be better than the west you are all going down hehe you spoiled liberal commies enjoy your diverstity

>bunch of gypsies like in Romania
What did you expect, gypsies/romaniggers hate us, because we are getting ahead and they don't.

Respect. Your politicians need to teach (((ours))). Those retards are planning to take another 6-8 billions during upcoming weeks :(

Living here is based. I teach in a secondary school in a small town. One day two hook nosed guys come in the classroom to measure how big the room is. As soon as they leave the whole class starts shouting that "they looked like fucking jews". That was the day I learned that the next generations are not lost.

all hail the supreme leader

the only valuable thing about hungary is your bitchy faced sluts that do porn

doesn't really matter how much they breed, they start huffing glue at age 5 and die by 30, those demographics are going to stay exactly the same

She's been in that office for 14 years?

Based kids.

like what?
some shit buildings?
kys faggot
the only reason transylvania still has those buildings is because Wallachia and Moldova protected it


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I agree, Merkel is actually a dictator.

If it's a dictatorship then this shit will finally stop, right?


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Yes and it was bad enough to raise suicide rates by 400% (by the gov own statistics). Not comfy.

Lmao, the only reason Wallach and Moldova existed is because they were Hungarian vassal states.

Ease off Slota, your heart's not gonna take the seething.

>lamo lol kek
you know what? go and argue with bulgarians you pathetic shits they say they have greater claims than you

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he just mad your kulen is better than their kulen, also if import of kulen stops I'm charging the border

>also we are not a dictatorship just a corrupt postcommunist shithole
A corrupt postcommunist shithole can be dictatorship.
He just doesn't care about you.

>a decade ago i wouldnt ever imagined my shithole would be better than the west
It's not better at all

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To be fair it depends on the dictator. Its like a king, could be good or bad. If its bad you cant get rid of it by legal means. The king knows and then it gets super bad. Openly mocking dying citizens on TV

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Stay mad, Romutt.

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>Have you ever lived in a dictatorship?
sure, an entire quarter of century. not all of is here are 12 years old.