Yes that will be $37k

>yes that will be $37k
>plus tip?
>yes, plus tip
Peak American.

Attached: hospital_bill.jpg (750x697, 211.4K)

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and if they did 1 thing wrong, there's an entire industry of shekelstein lawyers hoping to sue for millions.

$7k to mutilate your infant’s genitals and cause them sever trauma and pain. I guarantee they never tell people how much it costs

>plus tip?
You're a master of sarcastic wit.

Dumb muddnigger. In America, we don't have to pay that bill. They'll get it deferred for the next 7 years at which point, will drop off their credit report. And it will be like it never happened.

If you're poor, healthcare is free. If you have the means, you pick a plan.
I don't see the issue.

>plus tip

Hardy har, Portugal. 8/10 bantz.

Attached: 1452829381521.png (415x353, 111.27K)

I paid $5000 for all of my wife's appointments and delivery. Sooo either he's lying or a retard

>plus stip

Attached: killualaugh.png (250x250, 94.67K)

>spending $7000 do mutilate your child

Americans are the dumbest goyim on the fucking planet

the 7k was the tip they took

30k is the bill sent to insurance

Do Americans think that circumcision is non negotiable? Like it is imperative and they cant take the baby home without it? How about just saying no to that bit?

>get snib snab'd :DDD
>get charged 7k

Attached: 1547064239823.jpg (188x268, 6.51K)

old shit. low effort op

Did you ask your doctor what Bpeh is?

7000 dollars for mutilating a newborn. Yeeeaaah... THAT is the problem with that. The amount of money it cost.

should have been fined another 100k for that

Seems pretty culty, like marriage. If everyone does it, you should too or god forbid you look different in front of a sea of normies.

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>7k to cut off a piece of skin
Yes, yes goy. A moderate sum, but think of how your son will never need to wash!

I went to the ER to get a tetanus shot after scratching myself at work on an old nail on Friday evening. Figured I hadn't gotten a booster in like 15 years I shouldn't wait the weekend to be safe. Fucking hospital charged me 4,000$ to get that tetanus shot. Now I knew itd be expensive and was even ready to pay like 500$ but not 4 grand. Not only did I not pay it but when they reported it on my credit I disputed it and had it removed.

Fucking burns my biscuits seeing people crying about price gouging selling soap and masks but no one blinks an eye at these fucking mormon ran hospitals fleecing everyone.

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They pop right out. Just have it at home.
Of course I know the torture and mutilation has to be done by a medical professional though or it's illegal.
But you still save $30,000.

come on Yas Forums, sing it with me:


>giving birth at a hospital

EU hospitals suck so bad, euroweenies come to the US for treatment....."muh socialized medicine"....

Bombers would gladly pay it if you told them the proceeds went to Israel or some kind of holocaust memorial fund

health care in general is too expensive
nurses are overpaid (90K a year, really?) and overtrained (PhD in Nursing, really?)
there are too many doctors and not enough P.A.s -- a doctor isn't needed to diagnose a cold, for example

the entire healthcare system needs to be reorganized from top to bottom, because of inefficiencies

americans will defend this

more like MINUS TIP

Then give birth at home.

I have top insurance, when my wife had complications in delivery, they did a prompt emergency C section. We already met our deductible by that time, so out of pocket it cost us nothing.

"Selling out" has its perks, you millennial fuck sticks.

My wife’s sons birth came out to about 9k and I only paid 700 of it.....

High five, employed coomer

It’s actually free if you just don’t pay lol

high iq and redpilled, bootlickers don't understand this

No, that's 30k plus tip of 7k for a total of 37k.

it's not actually that bad

Attached: Untitled.png (584x252, 22.44K)

Wow, look at that,
Its as if a condom is less expensive.
Then, theres also the fact that keeping a wife is also expensive. And if she gets tired of you, the divorce will be even more expensive.
Men are cucked beyond oblivion

>being black
>Getting your child circumcised

>but no one blinks an eye at these fucking mormon ran hospitals fleecing everyone.
It makes billions of dollars.

It’s the same reason not a single sentence mentioning big pharma is ever uttered after yet another mass shooting with the shooter on anti-depressants

Circumcision performing doctors should be bludgeoned to death with a brick.

They could've saved $7k to skip that circumcision, these people are fucking bad with money holy shit.
Business of being born

Glad my premium for the year is only $2000.

>$37k plus tip
Read harder nigger it says the tip was included.

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i dont get this, i was a waiter in college and my GF at the time was unemployeed. we had 2 kids. cost = $0. how are people so stupid? have kids when youre dirt fuckin poor so its all paid for. sometimes it pays to be a nigger.


Americans won't find anything wrong with that.

Attached: circumcision traumata.jpg (1654x369, 396.6K)

didn't get the tip part
>burger why are you so

>plus tip?
Checked and Keked

Just have it at home then.

>plus tip
Best ally.

Attached: brit.jpg (463x900, 114.44K)

They should have gotten a job before having a baby. If you have good insurance its free.

We should just get free deathcare like Portugal and Spain

No they had to give them the tip to use for Oprahs facecream.

What if you own a house? Can they force you to sell your assets to pay off the bills?

That's how you make school shooters and wife beaters.

Probably a fake news.

>I don't believe in tipping

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Are you lot Muslims or Jews?

The world of genital mutilation ends now with coronavirus.

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This sounds liek fake news. Have you guys ever been to the ghetto? Girls have like 10 kids each and I don't think they are paying 40k per kid.

More like minus tip amirite

>having a baby without health insurance

Women who break up good families for no reason don’t fare well in divorce courts.

Americans think circumcision isn't child abuse.

It's bizarre because they can give you all the arguments against it, they just say it only applies to baby girls.

they still OWE 40k per kid

do you understand how the state enforces poverty or not?

A 7k fine for sexually mutilating a baby is not nearly harsh enough. The psychos should be locked up for life.