Video Games in 2020

There was a thread some user open about people this days playing videos games past 25 year old could be considered to be manchild hobbies .
But it was moved to bants

Last one had some gamers really sperg about it and even mention this all story of the social isolation about the virus being a paradise situation for them
Could we discuss this ?

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don't be a memeflagfagggg

>post thread about videogames being a waste of time while you spend your day on an anime website

Anybody under the age of 55 who likes blacksmithing should be considered wannabe old cunt....
>stop liking what I don't like

>Could we discuss this ?
i think you meant to type reddit in the adress bare newfreind

Noice brutha. Let's discuss niggers!

Just a small detail
>imagine if there was a gamer flag

So whats your opinion ?
Should young adults and full grown boomers choose other type of hobbies like classic board games in the company of your friends ?

Or you consider video games in the current timeline to be a emotional escape when you have a less fulfill life ? Like social more isolated and not that much outgoing .

Also I am not saying that using video games is man childish , I was mention the culture surrounding it and that is not "normal" wasting more then 2 hours per day playing vydia.

Actually you are assuming without knowing what I do during the day, I hate to be in home all day , but due to a forced situation I am now more often online, I will probably watch a serie or movie when I get fed up of posting here

Man, I Can't fucking stand them... But Muds are somehow even worse because they have the bare necessities to function as "people" in the west.

>watch a serie or movie
Ok Reddit.

As this should get moved to bants I have no idea wat the fuck the Jannies do allowing threads like these to exist on pol but shoa’ing threads that talk about adrenochrome amongst other things. Fuck plebbit fuck you and your gay fucking post never come back u alpargates get nigger.

30 year old boomer here. Magic the Gathering is still going strong.

No way she is touching the two beta on this photo. She gets pounded on a daily basis by the black janitor for sure.
t. Summer camp manager

Because I wanted to read different opinions I opened this thread :)
But its ironic that you jump on defensive when you come to a political board discussing social issues.. Like muh jews and other things that you have the right to criticize ?
Like for example Islam and religion

I wish I had something better to do with my life

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>MUH special internet club

Litteraly made to breed with a black carribean

wow easy on the emotional trigger

smoke ice and be a sick cunt

>MUH special internet club

Can you link the thread please.

So watching 6h+ TV propaganda every day like all boomers do is the manly thing to do or what?

I really doubt you work 12h a day and spend all your free time hunting and fishing. You probably watch hours of TV and pretend now.



Ive worked in an electronics big box store and lemme tell ya; people the people that come in buying video game shit have made me want to quit playing entirely. Simply put:
Xbox Gamers: nogs and wiggers always breakin their controllers, will buy the cheapest headset possible and a copy of GTA V
PlayStation gamers: Usually the most normal, except for the white druggie 40 year old step-dads with diamond stud earrings that want the latest Call of Duty sports bulshitt
Nintendo: O-one c-copy of Animal Crossing for switch p-p-please (rocks back and forth fidgeting)
PC: "Hey do you guys sell thermal paste" x100 per day

I've started painting instead, way more relaxing and fun

I like video games but gamers are totally gay. I don't do the whole discord/twitch thing. Can't stand the thought of playing games with other people, I'd rather be outside innawoods or something.

Games are dead, jews killed them

I told before I don't stay at home during day.
Only at night before I go to sleep I use the internet.
I don't use internet on my phone unless for GPS maps
And yes I am very classic , total boomer
For some odd reason I had trouble fitting in this current modern timeline

I can’t tell you how many boomers I know watch literally 6-8 hours of tv a day and then unironically call out gamers. Retarded

OP is a faggot and just pathetic.

>Vidya is for manchildren but muh hollykike propaganda make me a manly man.

I would argue vidya is clearly the manlier choice to passive consumption of tv/movies/series. Only women watch tv bullshit.

Kys OP

Agreed. I hate the modern gaming “lifestyle.” But I love games. They’re fun when you play a little bit but I’d rather be outside myself. Balance is a good thing

Life is a waste of time. Do what you enjoy so long as you're not hurting anyone else without their consent, ignore fuckers telling you what to do. We're in the end times, society is about to collapse - even without this virus, the cancer is terminal. We're not strengthening our own nations, but rather foreign ones such as China because we want a quick fix and cheap stuff. We're not having healthy families, in fact the family unit has been completely destroyed. Your societal expectations are to keep running on the mouse wheel endlessly making little to no progress making money for other people and dying poor and alone.

Instead of living in the black pill, do what you enjoy to do.

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40 year old obscure tabletop RPGs are where it's at, fags. Not D&D or 40k, they're for normies.

Here's a hot take: all hobbies are childish; you should only be working or resting or learning.
Now fuck off, OP, and learn English grammar rules better.

This. You have everyone pegged pretty well lol! Accurate. I still love games, especially n-n-n-Nintendo. But I have tons of other hobbies that enrich my life - music mainly. People just need balance.

fuck yeah

We have met in previous thread :)

But I was giving and example , I like to read too and I am interested in many other stuff why you think I am in a political board instead of watching movies now ?

Real men play FATAL only

Except I could name you 20 hobbies where you are working and learning.

Sage. Show flag

>We have met in previous thread :)
No we didnt.

I like to read too and I am interested in many other stuff why you think I am in a political board instead of playing games now ?

Kill yourself meme flaggot

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OP is a kike shill

>uptick in reddit posters
>uptick of bideo gayme threads

You retards do know there’s a board for this?
This is part and parcel of why you are hated here


Yes lets just discuss blind nationalism and jews
But yes maybe you are right about the hobbies , but you lack to understand that my opinion on this is that some hobbies like video games can be a serious emotional escape to the point of social isolation

Videogames are a degenerate hobby. Disgusting incels who build these absurdly powerful gaming rigs riddled with Israeli-NSA backdoored modern components should be shamed, as they are a liability to all people everywhere, and everything they do exposes people around them and people at large who take better precautions. Cell phones are even worse. If you're not using a librebooted Thinkpad X200 running a tiling window manager and a rolling-release linux distro, maybe at worst enjoying a little nostalgia-kino with some tendo-ps1 roms, you should actually be killed.

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>why do you think I'm on a political board
$0.12 has been deposited into your account


gamers rise

I like to game but the gaming industry/community is full of s o i b o i manchilds. I'm into auto performance also, it's more of a manly hobby and full of based people unlike gaming.

I hardly play as much overall compared to when I was younger. However since the coronavirus thing has been going on I've been playing a little more then usual and it's taken time away from my street "Race car" but when everything clears up, I'm going to continue.

Almost 30 here, normal working adult. If you’re spending over +20 hrs a week gaming then you’re probably neglecting other things in your life.

Reddit go back

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sorry your niggerball was cancelled
I guess you can go to to get you cuckoldry fix
oh corona-chan shut that down too?
fucking faggot

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You are way nihilist man
But yes I tend to agree at some point like :
>do what you enjoy to do

>lets just discuss blind nationalism and jews
Shit for brains where do you think you are? Post your shit in plebbit or the video game board, I’m not linking it you can find it yourself
The fucking audacity

This is why it is pathetic when an incel cries about being lonely. Because chances are he is over 30 and spends all day playing games, never getting outside, and pretending the people he's playing virtual D&D with are his besties.

Playing games past 25 is fine

If you're over 25 and call yourself a gamer you need to think you're situation, any adult who identifies themself based on their hobby probably needs to do some maturing

muh special club, imagine using this place as personal flag

Just do whatever satisfies you and fuck off. Stop trying to get validation from other people about how you live your life. Like everything in life the secret is to know how much is enough and be certain of your priorities.

It is, you stick out, and are not welcome
fucking cope nigger

I tend not to dwell in nihilism, but I don't take shit from people who are just bitter that they don't know how to enjoy themselves - especially if they're still fucking around on the mouse wheel enabling this shit show to continue.

I am on Yas Forums , your emotions are moms spaghetti

am I supposed to get your reference or is it retarded psychobabble?

Kek or my Dad, played hours upon hours of solitaire everyday on the PC. Then would make fun of me gaming. I never understood the difference. We are both pointing and clicking. Mine is just more fun. He never registered that point. The difference is, I stopped gaming when I got older, and he still plays endless solitaire for hours. Boomers are weird.

I was not fucking judging you take it easy


Solitaire for hours is one of the most pointless things ever. People who do that might as well die already.

This. I like racing, fighting/brawler, crime, and some war games so I don't hate games. The gaming community though is filled to the brim with the most insufferable people of any hobbyist group out there. They don't know anything but their small world, they can't talk about anything but their small world. They form opinions and thoughts on the real world from games and constantly find a way to relate the real world to their games. Really I can rant on and on but the point is the "gamer" identity/lifestyle is actually what's bad about gaming as a hobby. They latch onto it in their teens and seemingly don't realize their peers are leaving them further behind in the game of life everyday and every year older they get more people are pointing and laughing at how pathetic it is for a grown man to live that way.

I don't know you tell me

What is there to discuss? It's an activity for children and broken adults. The End.

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I didn't say you were, I'm taking it very easy. Perhaps you should take a valium.

Don’t strain yourself thinking of clever comebacks sweaty

It's funny and ironic cause you are the first to come to a political board criticize everything you can with your MEMES and KEK's