Coronavirus proof thread. Attempt 3

Third times the charm. I want anons sick with the corona virus (and I mean covid19) to post evidence of their sickness. Please provide some form of evidence and include a timestamp. This can be a picture of you in the hospital, doctors note, prescriptions... Anything.

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Can’t. I’m too sick.

That's unfortunate. Let me know when you gather enough strength friend.

This is a worldwide pandemic. Surely someone out there has the virus or knows someone who's in ICU and has the virus.

Why is there lines to hospitals 6 gorillian miles long and turned into "war zones" and suddenly after a few hours it's nothing but echos and whispers?
They say keep saying "They're not treating them in the lobby or parking lot stupid!" Where are they treating them if the Respiratory halls are empty as well? In the basement?
How come we never see regular vlogs of deathly ill patients in ICU? Does the hospital take their phones away in admission?

i would but my mom said no

It would only take one picture to destroy Yas Forums forever

I work in the hospital here in the Philippines. I did a chest x-ray on an asymptomatic positive patient yesterday.

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Can you share any photos?

Why is it only on twitter and Yas Forums are there so many nurses talking about how absolutely fucked it is in the hospitals, yet when you talk to one in real life it's a different story?

I can't unfortunately but what do you want to know exactly? Earlier, a positive patient arrived dead on arrival on our hospital but I don't think I want to encounter a really bad-looking patient for x-ray. So far, every PUI, PUM patients we've had are ambulatory but some have really bad coofs and a LOT had a different looking pneumonia.

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Also. OP is fag

We need to send fact finding missions bro's. Something is very fishy about this so called pandemic.

Problem is all the hospitals are closed now, paranoid about people sneaking in to steal supplies, that it's unusually difficult to get inside and figure out what the situation is.

Yeah but what's stopping people who are sick from posting? It just seems like if you get sent into ICU they take away your phones and you never contact the outside world again.

over here your phone needs to be turned off in icu's and many other parts of an hospital.
but also when you are sick enough to be in the icu then you are so fucking sick you are almost about to die.
so at what point of this life threatening all consuming saga would you expect anyone to film proof to make sure some basement dwellers and professional deniers are being served?

idk about you but when I was in ICU for a bad car crash that required 6 months of therapy afterwards they didn't make me turn off my phone. My phone was the only thing keeping me sane and not thinking about my fucked up body. Maybe that's a rule in the Netherlands but not here.

you were in a car crash, you dumb fuck. you're not gasping for air because your lungs are filled with microscopic chinks

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No but my I was gasping for air from a collapsed lung. Not important, you're deflecting. Do you have anything to share?

ok but still, you're possibly dieng. i dont think polarizing society even more would be the first thing on you mind.
shitposting, differences, hate, everything go's away when you are about to die.
so whats the point on feeding faggots something at all?

So then why are you posting? I'm just asking for something simple and I got nothing but people calling me retarded or saying they are sick without showing any evidence. Why is this such a hard thing to ask for and why does it piss people off so much?

I was asking if there's anything you specifically want to know? I'm ready to answer questions, I just can't share pictures inside the hospital

Sorry, I understand that you as someone who works in a hospital can't share information. I can ASK you to try and share pictures but I know that would be a violation of patient privacy laws. However if you do feel like breaking the law my OP post requirements are still there.

>How come we never see regular vlogs of deathly ill patients in ICU?
Boomers still have courtesy. When a virus killing the zoomers appear, then you'll get your videos.

But zoomers are and have died of the virus


No one has a knack for honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi's intelligence. Friends, I will remove the curtain on the thoughtfulness of this man, who has adopted the guardianship of the entire country.

The respected Modiji met with scientists from NASA and ISRO two months ago to discuss what measures we should take when Corona Disease comes to India in the future. At that time many tried to ridicule them. However, Modiji discussed with ISRO and NASA scientists about the possibility of spraying chemicals with the help of a satellite. Many were surprised at Modi's intellectual ingenuity. NASA scientists praised Modi and compared his IQ to that of Einstein's brain. At that time, on March 22, Modi proposed to bring a chemical satellite to the sun.

The sun will be exposed to the satellite at 7am on March 22. The air will then drain from the satellite, and its steam will move toward Earth through the sun. The mathematician also suggested that if the satellite's velocity was matched to the Earth's velocity, it would spread only to India in the continent of Asia.

The news was intended to be kept secret. But, Nasa told the story to US President Donald Trump. Trump said the experiment should take place in the United States. However, NASA officials made it clear that the satellite was full of chemicals in space and that it was remotely owned by Modiji. So a month ago, Doland Trump also came to India to request Modiji. However, he was dismissed by Modi.

Now the question was, if the air was spread throughout the intense heat of the day, would it not have any effect on the health of the people? For this answer lies in the knowledge Modiji embraced in the Himalayas . The human body is made up of five elements. In each body, heaven, gas, water, fire and earth are the pentacles. When you clap, these elements stimulate and increase the body's immunity. Therefore, Modi has appealed that everyone should clap at 5 pm on the 5th.

because of what you're implying

A lot of people i know in rl have all the symptoms. Not that weird because eveyone is still going to work and outside. If you are sick you just have to stay home. Testing is only for people who are close to dying.

They take them to pop up tents so they don't infect everyone else in the hospital. Photos of empty hospitals simply means everyone who has regular medical business is staying away.
This board is 98% propaganda

So are doctors just telling people they have Coronavirus without testing? Or just saying they might have it?

Should i upload my credit card info with my timestamped results or is my social security number and passport good enough?

Asymptomatic NYer here, my wife and kid got it as well.

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Might, and i do think some of them have it. But you'll be only allowed in the hospital if you are close to dying or can't breath anymore. In my company of 18 people only 2 are still working (one is me). Some have all symptoms, some have the flu, others say they have sneezed because then you can also stay at home. One is in quarantine because her daughter was in contact with someone who was tested positve

Can you include time stamp? Where is everyone else? Why are hospitals empty? If you're asymptomatic what are their plans for you?

My next door neighbor was just diagnosed. She only has loss of smell so far, though.

Look at the EXIF retard, this is from a month ago. Tested negative after 2 weeks. My kid is literally a window licking autistic, if be can pass the virus, so can you. He got the worst of it because he's also asthmatic, a few puffs if Albuterol and some Acetaminophen and he was fine. Thousands of people in our area have been diagnosed. I probably spread it to hundreds of people through my business. Oh well.

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too sick to post evidence but well enough to browse Yas Forums ok kike

Oh and no doctors don't tell people that. If the virus exist and is spreading probl. half of the Netherlands have it by now. We just keep the numbers low by not testing. And telling people if they are sick to stay home

Thank you for your contribution to the thread.

Because it's bullshit. Queens is legit getting hit hard because Jew York is a mess, but other states like California now predict they'll have enough hospital beds so won't have overflowing hospital chaos.

Wife looks cute tho. Sorry about your potato. Vaccines or bad luck you think?

Are you immune now?

He's the dud, I have other kids.

We've tested negative twice, if that's what you mean.

>Vaccines or bad luck you think?
NY city is radioactive, may not have been vaccinations.
Geiger counters Illegal to use in NYC without prior approval of the city. Look it up.

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So how do you know you have it?

Post those tits

My wife's job demanded it after one of their associates tested positive. After her positive her GP asked me and the kids to come in for testing. Now there are drive thru clinics in our area. Literally a nothingburger and my kid is an obese retard (literally).

>A lot of people i know in rl have all the symptoms.

Coincidentally the same symptoms from the Flu, a cold, allergies and two dozen other common illnesses. It's definitely this new super special one tho

Thanks user. You have a beautiful family.

Because an authority told him so.

Most I'm giving you.

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>It just seems like if you get sent into ICU
nigga what? you do realize that when you reach ICU it usually means you are on deaths door and they basically keep you in a coma because intubation and mechanical lung ventilation is extremely uncomfortable

Sorry I can't help you as I'm over it now. Just been doing the shopping for my family so they don't have to go out, since I'm the most likely to have antibodies for it.

This is a chink psyOp to get you to wander around a hospital and get sick. Sick people go to hospitals. Healthy people don't just go to an emergency room for the funzos. Use your brain, seriously, chinks are capitalizing on the stupidity of people in panic mode.

Clock doesn’t match post time

That's an air pressure gauge behind me in that photo....

How did you get over it? How bad was it for you?

My 20 year old friend in college got it over spring break traveling. Her symptoms were coughing and fever and also runny nose. She got tested at the hospital and tested positive. Unfortunately I've been isolated for 3 weeks so there's no chance of me catching it to prove it to you

You can't because it never happened, faggot. Show us.

Damn should have asked for some pussy pics then. Thanks.


You don't have to dox yourself. Hide your personal information.


Those masks dont do anything but make the wearer look stupid.

No, it's just me looking for anons who are sick. #filmyourhospitals is something else entirely. I'm not telling people to go into hospitals. I'm asking for people who are sick to show us they are sick.

My cousins Jewish father in law was diagnosed and so was his Jewsih wife. Do I have a doctor's note or photo proof, no...

Got sick 4 weeks ago when shit was just starting to pick up. Fuck you niggers.

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Do you have something to contribute?

Can you please provide a time stamp?

>no proof in any way shape or form
wow thanks faggot

If you already know this than why do you need video proof?