Immigrants are single handedly saving your white asses while you do nothing.
Other urls found in this thread:
>allowing immigrants during a pandemic
>Merelli is Italian
>imported browns can be good when society needs a bunch of expendable cannon fodder
wow, great argument you fucking retard
I bet actual non-jew white doctors are like 5% of the medical industry anymore lol. White people simply aren't smart enough to become doctors.
I'm white and I make more money than a doctor by clicking buttons on a computer a few times a year. Wow, I'm so stupid for not becoming a slave.
>t.manlet streetshitter
What exactly are they doing for us "white asses"? Mowing our lawns and picking veggies?
oh wow.. real fucking valuable Pedro
I'm white and I'm still working.
Healthcare seats are the most hotly contested in university. There are plenty of whites to take those roles but jewniversities want the international studentbux so they can fund their commie art schools and give free condoms to children
No, American healthcare workers will see that constant bitching and complaining and demands for more money can only result in 3rd Worlders being brought to do the job for less. Congratulations. You played yourselves. Again.
When are people going to wake-up and accept that it is almost always cheaper to replace the American worker? They always go about the "fight" wrong and they always lose like this. How about fighting for US workers rights first and *then* after having secured that start talking about wages?
brown doctors are cheaper than White ones
that's a fact
No you don't. You're an incel loser who lives with his mom.
Isn't it funny everyone thought Europeans were the smartest until they just left everyone the fuck alone? Now the world sees them get blown out by everyone in academics. Europeans are backwards savages.
Why the fuck would you go through the torture that is med school if you knew that 99% of your patients will be overweight niggers?
Post skin and nose
Dead of Alive? Up yours libtard
Western nations are going to need more immigrants when this is over to replace the people who died.
Lol I love how dumb alt-righters are. You constantly bitch about immigrants and corporations replacing you because it turns out the general populace is actually too good for becoming doctors. Are corporations and politicians replacing native populations? Yes because they are fat, lazy, and incompetent.
Hey white boy post your body and penis. Let's see how much of man you are.
saving who?
We need more immigrants during this time of crisis:
>hey post your penis for me
The lengths faggots will go to beg for penis pics on Yas Forums
There was a recent article on Bloomberg that was really good. It made a compelling case for MORE immigration during this crisis:
"The National Pork Producers Council put in a request to members of Congress this week for MORE visas through the country’s guest-worker program, citing school closures that are preventing employees from going to work."
Here's another article explaining why cracking down on immigration is a bad idea:
We need to protect immigration levels to defeat the coronavirus:
Don't know if white men have penises anymore.
A crackdown on immigration will hurt efforts to fight the virus:
Immigration crackdowns will hinder efforts to fight the virus:
America needs immigrants to defeat the coronavirus:
Bit of a strech, sweetheart. Have you forgotten about the nearly 600k Americans that work in health care?
I can't wait to kill people like you in the civil war.
Made if (((you))) didn't pressure people to become "sociologists" or "political scientists" there wouldn't be a shortage of useful people. If Trump or any other western leader wants to say the west the need to drag the humanities faculty through the fire.
>let's brain drain other countries while in a middle of a shitstorm
10/10 idea
You are too fat to kill anyone (except yourself), Redneck.
thankyou for your service
>immigrants are saving us!
> It's immigrants who bring in these diseases and virus's to begin with
I'm sure you'll continue to say something snarky when the bullet rips through your throat.
Thanks for this post, OP. It's good to see a thinking person instead of yet another brain dead Nazi.
That's because they are 10x worse at medicine and constantly struck off the register. Have to fill diversity quotas though rather than get the best people (whites) for the job.
No the fuck they aren't lol
West becomes East The Movie
>immigrants come to seek economic oppurtunity
>immigrants help country with said economic oppurtunity
really makes ya think
Typical Yas Forumstards. Never any intelligent posts. Just immigrant bashing.
Do you have pajeet docs working in the US like they do in UK's NHS?
>muttland can't even produce their own doctors and nurses
We wouldent need them if we wernt flooded with immigrants in the first place. Everyone knows foreign healthcare workers are incompetent at best.
>while you do nothing.
That's kinda the point right now.
Also the situation is based because more immigrants will become infected and die.
Good way to thin out the numbers.
I don't believe Australia does either.
What about non White Americans OP? Do they get saved too or are the immigrants raysiss?
Who hired her, who owns the company?
Be honest.
they can thats just some shitty leftoid propaganda
71% of doctors are European American. 25% are Jewish or Asian. Only 4% are Black, Hispanic, mixed race, or are aboriginals. Most no registered nurses aren’t white though. 68%.
>muh 0.1% defective products from China
>dont buy Chinese Europe!!!
>continues to buy Chinese in bulk
>continues to hire defective doctors and engineers
OPs posting jewish stuff - who wants to bet that hes a kike doing his job in mass missinformation - i wanna bet my livelyhood on it. Any takers / Nay Oy Vay sayers ?
I get your a meme flag and a joke poster but the truth is we dont need immigrants for every immigrant health care worker is a unemployed white american
LOL. No we aren't. More kike propaganda.
Do a thing
Get a paid
Wew I love capital-- ummm I mean immigration!
why do they always have to make it about race?
Fucking lies it's more here's the real numbers.
Non Jew White 5%
Jewish 28%
Indian 22%
Asian 40%
Black 2%
Woman 3%
>White people simply aren't smart enough to become doctors.
you dont have to be smart to be a doctor or a heal-care worker all these jobs will be automated
You guys really are low IQ. Not a single word of refutation, just lame memes.
Not gonna make it.
We need to maintain immigration levels for the following reasons: to replace people who died during the outbreak, to boost the economy, and to fight the disease.
Yea and they're the only immigrant nationality that is comparable to home grown doctors.
- he says, on the memeposting ethnonationalist imageboard
>T. High IQ aryan
I will flay you alive together with the niggers you claim you hate. You are just like them
By your thinking niggers in Africa should have 200 IQs but they don’t. Try again. Trash
Noone even said anything about jews
>Immigrants are single handedly saving your white asses while you do nothing.
Go employ your own people and stop stealing Superior workers from Europe.
now we have all those jobs taken by immigrants and this is the result when things go bad:
Hundreds of cars wait to receive food from the Greater Community Food Bank in Duquesne. Collection begins at noon
You sound like a dicklet pajeet. Most U.S. doctors are white, and yes, they take all the white nurses you wish you could get, and the others not looking for doctors that aren't coalburners end up with Chads like me. Know how I know? My nurse gf had some poo doctor try and discretely take a pic of her in the elevator, but dumbass left his flash on. You will never taste white puss.
I only have a memeflag because I refuse to associate my posts with the American flag while Drumph is in office.
Doctors just need a good memory and to be able to read medical literature. I've met plenty of doctors who could not think on their toes unless it was in the book they wouldn't even consider it.
Source: my ass
>ethnonationalist imageboard
i see many different country flags here, and you didn't answer my question.
Confirmed pooskin / hooknose
Low IQ - 1 more sheklestein over here - this place is crawling with them :) glad i make more money by just singling you out damn i love this job
so this is the angle of their diversity push for the pandemic
ITT larping poorfag.