How do we stop this?

How do we stop this?

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i think explicitly saying how might be against the law but it should be pretty obvious how

Pretty based for Ben's standards ngl.

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He lost me on mandatory vaccine rollout. Antivaxxers are a plague and a source of death for real Americans, no less stupid than flat earthers

Prey the flu kills old democrats and that the immune systems of the New ones die cause of shitty living conditions, Veganism I think is the word for weakness.

Vaccine/chemtrail shit is normie-tier conscpiracy theory. Garrison panders to patriotard three-percenter types, so mentioning these subjects is a no-brainer.

by shooting anti vaxxers

I can’t wait for the mandatory vaccine rollout. Finally you faggots will stop spreading disease and realize it doesnt cause autism. You’ve had that shit since birth and it’s because your mom ingested too many essential oils.

Fuck when do we start!!!!??!?!

How is this not Trump's fault?

Holy miss Moley, got me a live one.

As per usual you people have no arguments and no facts to back up your claims, there's that alternate reality trump-cult hypocrisy we have all come to expect..

Even zyklon ben refuses to label the man behind it all.

>world-wide pandemic
>Trumps fault

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And yet, the flu vaccine leaves you susceptible to coronavirus... Imagine that.

“Trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8). Being protected against influenza, TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses.” (Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine, Clinical Infectious Diseases)

He should have mentioned the microchips / ID2020 desu

Is this bait?

>didnt close down the borders
>didn't do anything whatsoever to help americans during this crisis
>is rolling out a mediocre pittance loan in the vain hopes of reviving the tanking economy
>it's something he stole from yang, anyway, and is doing way shittier
This is 100% Drumpf's fault.

Fuck Ben Garrison

What a fucking hack

This is Trump’s fault!

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Maybe if he didn't suck off his fellow dictators as hard, we'd maybe have more level headed response to this.

Jews promote vaccines, but dont vaccinate themselves

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Lawyers guns and money

This is Drumpf’s fault.

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I wouldn't say that. Even with all the boomerisms, Garrison's cartoons are still a staple Yas Forums culture. His e-feud with pic related is fuck*ng legendary.

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Coronavirus isn’t real. It’s just the normal flu and you are dumb as fuck to think otherwise.

For fucks sake, why is Trump always the victim with you faggots? This board has devolved into a white Knight brigade for Zionists and corporate welfare.

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Garrison never tires of sucking on Trump's digits.

For someone who claims to be anti-Semitic, he sure loves the Jews.

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By deporting all jews and chinks

>be trump
>become aware of pandemic last december
>continue to call it a nothing burger
>then call it a flu and tell people to go to work because it will make them feel better
>have oligarch buddies sell off their stocks
>crash economy
>pandemic spreads
not my fault, yo
not my fault, yo

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Two people I know personally are lying in a hospital on ventilators. One will probably die.
Good to know I'm imagining it.

nice pic of your wife and child user


Noooooo! Not the heckin' hyenarinos!!!

>This is 100% Drumpf's fault.
How tf do you misspell 'Xi' this badly? Christ, it's only two letters.

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I don't think he's saying be suspicious of vaccines in general (though you coud interpret it that way). I will say we should be VERY FUCKING SUSPICIOUS of this particular vaccine though. Considering Gates' comments about limiting travel for people not certified vaccininated coupled with that weird ID2020 shit I don't trust there not to be something related to tracking in there.

>If you don't eat shit, you must eat diarrhea!
Stop being retarded.

Trump supporters are just subhumanly stupid.

It started in CHINA.

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heavy metal in bloodstream gud holy immaculate scientist say so

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checkpoints + mandatory vaccine rollout = civil war

The proportions are really weird. Hood guy appears to be slightly smaller than a hyena. If he were to stand up next to the truck, I dont think he would even clear the hood.

Gardasil is a sterilizing agent. The married cohort ten years after vaccination have 2/3rds the live births of the same age group who were not vaccinated.
Vaccination is for population reduction. Gates has publicly stated this.

>If you criticize Trump then you must vote Democrat
Trumpfags need to die

I'd choose death over the vaccine and chip.

>temporary non-specific immunity
a cold, a bacterial infection or a traumatic injury leaves you immune compromised but 99% of people have no immunity to the new virus anyway so you have no real point.
But I support your stance as antivaxxers simply need to die and I welcome their life choice so that when they finally encounter this corona virus, hopefully they will succumb to it and rid this board of their idiocy.

Why do nothingburgers call me a schizo for saying the coronavirus is real while they literally believe shit like this?

That's right, nature is defenseless against 250 year old freedoms. Democrats should care about something real, like your stocks.

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I'm all for vaccines but you can't just go forcing people to take injections, no matter how stupid their reasons may be

He was busy getting impeached

Kill yourself

>I'd choose death over the vaccine and chip.
good. fatfucks and retards need to be removed permenantly

This explains the very heavy media push to get the flu shot in January & February.
Correct. Nigger Deblasio in New York was getting pushback for demaning Jews vaccinate their kids.

Resentment at their fake western unreality

and he is gonna be impeached again soon over coronavirus because Pelosi is Lilith in a bad wig.

Vaccine will carry RFID chips idiot. Will cure no disease. Virus is engineered to end after 18 months. Chips will carry doomsday radiation poisoning information that will read genetics and kill everyone carrying too much melanin.

Lawyers are too late and money has been devalued.

You don't, you hang on to your brain-dead conspiracy-theory shit and it drags you along miles of rocky roads until you're a mass of bones and shredded meat.
Lots of luck!

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>He was busy getting impeached
not his job, user. thats congresses job. impeachment has no bearing on his job performance. he probably should have watched less tv and listen more to his medical experts. oh wait, didn't he fire those last year?

Go stick some more cooperate piss water and potatoes down your temple.

You're glowing.

Fella's just a manlet

Any idea how many days of that impeachment thing he spent playing golf?



just stating unrefutable facts, I'm sorry if the truth offends you

Thankyou schizo moron, stay off your meds, in times like these, clowns are important as long as they aren't in charge of anything more essential than shitposting on an Indonesian shadow-puppet imageboard.

So it kills all niggers, right?

Ok then I'll just have a coke.

Chemtrails is CIA cover for using real bio and chemical weapons

>Gates has publicly stated this.
Does he talk to you through your TV, too?

Antivaxxers are an artificial problem funded for exactly this kind of stance towards them. Once you agree antivaxxers are a real problem, you actually don't mind mandatory vaccinations. You've been played.

yes antivaxxers will lose children but they kill other people's children with their retardation.

Wouldn't the military technically be under Trump's control during martial law?

>you actually don't mind mandatory vaccinations

This, brain dead leftists are not going to inject a GPS into my bloodstream. I'll go off the grid before I accept the Mark of the Beast.


if you bring little hairless monkeys into this world, you need to inject them with autism, so i don't get lung aids

The social and political structure of society is too goddamn weak to resist top down control. The government and corporate structures have too much power and influence. The people are nothing more than moronic cattle

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What other option is there in America?

Kill yourself shill

Chemtrails are legit and in government papers, no conspiracy needed
Source: SAI-L(ofter)

Still don't know who was funding the research.

Yeah, bro, Gates isn't totally invested in the status quo. I'm worshiping stocks in the wrong way!

you can't stop stupidity

Trump was a pro-choice dem for most of his life. Kushner family his main advisors were a staple of the NJ/NYC Democrat circles and huge donors. Get real.

Everything “conspiracy theorists” a glownigger term have been saying for the past 40 years is coming true right in front of your eyes. Shame you’ve been lobotomized.

Dude, even if Trump is the worst in history (he's not even close), at least he's a guy.

We're still not cucked like you faggots. Enjoy having your country fucked up by carpet munchers.

Buying the two party system is like being a sportball fan. The two teams are identical in every important aspect. They always work together to destroy American freedoms.
Stop being a fool and start paying attention. You are being fooled by fake political parties that use a fucking color scheme because they are so ideologically vacuous.


What this world needs is more libertarian pedos

Enjoy simping for mad greedy sodomites who pump you full of mercury. Enjoy your permanent autism-inducing brain damaging fever. I'm sure when you win the lawsuit you can buy your braincells back.

Realize that politics is a show and that it ultimately doesn't matter who claims to be on team red/blue.
Just sit back and enjoy the show.

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