What would happen if we nuked China

Serious question: If the US launched a full-scale nuclear assault on mainland China, enough to destroy them outright in a single strike, what would be the repercussions?
Could we even do such a thing, or would there always be a risk of retaliation and mutually assured destruction?
What if our nuclear equipped allies also launched with us?

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US would be reduced to ash. Literal zero survivors, even the bunkers will be destroyed.

You would be the next.

High risk of retaliation strikes.

Don't ask, just do it

1st scenario chinktoids die
2nd scenario chinktoids and muttkikes die

Humans win both cases.

Do it

Not only retaliation again us from Chinese allies but the fallout from such a strike would impact entire countries. It is really not an option

The Chinese don't have enough warheads for M.A.D, but tens of millions dead is still a pretty big deterent.

Other than North Korea (who is also easily glassed), what allies does China have? Is Russia an ally? Are they strong enough allies that they'd be willing to attack the US in retaliation?

What would happen if we nuked Israel? Then arrested the Israeli spies in the government?

Samson option.
They'll never let the goyim win, they'll take the world down with them before that happens.

China obliterated off the face of the earth, United States in total economic and political ruin.

Russia will jump in the action even if Iran is nuked by the US. You cannot avoid a nuclear war when it starts, in every single game theoretic model avoiding it eventually results in a first strike on your allies and then you.
That's why literally no one uses nukes.

Seeing how nukes are fake, no.


america should pump millions of dollars and support and expertise into chinese revolutionary movements in order to overthrow the cpc.

should also fund radical islamic movements to terrorize china to get revenge for the Uighurs.

Chinese themselves would be capable of retaliating considering that it's extremely unlikely that US would be able to destroy every single Chinese launch site, even if you assume a highly competent strike by the US and a high level of incompetence by China.

sampson option. They have salted bombs sitting in storage lots all over the US ready to go.

Walmart would go out of business...that's about it.

basically this. The chinks would manage to hit the US with about 50 warheads of 500kt size.

Ruskies will fuck u up

Newsflash: you already are, and it's getting nowhere. Your muslim CIA assets are in barbed wire camps regretted they trusted you kikes.

it's literally not possible to wipe out all of China with nuclear weapons. A nuclear war in general wouldn't be as bad as everyone thinks. Yes the destruction radius of modern icbms is big, but not big enough for the world or even big countries. The only danger is the radiation which is also not as bad as you'd imagine.

>fund radical islamic movements

That has never gone poorly before

China would strike back obviously and all your major cities would be obliterated.

They Chinese population.would bounce back a lot faster than the American one.

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nothing ching chong makes works so yeah why not, go for it.

Russia would retaliate before they found out all the nukes were targeting China.

>Russia will jump in the action even if Iran is nuked by the US

USA would never nuke Iran.
Too much oil to steal.

There's only one way to find out...

China relies on submarines to deliver its entire nuclear arsenal. But they don't trust their captains to hold nuclear warheads which are located in secret areas presumably near the coast.

Should a nuclear war break out Chinese strategy is to absorb the first strike, have its submarine captains make a silent run to warhead pick up locations then drift to enemy coastal areas where they would unleash nuclear holocaust that can't be defended against (unlike ICBM and aircraft delivered warheads).

In other words, there isn't a reliable way to defeat Chinese strategic counterattack. Even if you indiscriminately nuke the entire coastline you'd essentially waste your strategic weapons since only a few trucks getting from somewhere inland to somewhere on the coastline are all that's needed to lose your biggest population, industrial and infrastructure centers.

Their strategic arsenal is limited but even a fraction of it is all it takes for whichever aggressor to permanently lose its prominence in the world. A hypothetical US - China nuclear war would be disastrous for the world but it would leave Europe and Russia as ultimate winners not USA

well call me a schizo, but usa with the ridiculously high defense budget they've had since ww2 i would not be surprised if they have tons of secret technology. countless interception missiles for nukes, intel on literally every launch site in china and russia and probably some sort of super high-tech weapons we don't even know about.

so i think the us would come out pretty good if they nuked china. i mean just look at their defense budget since 45', it's insane

If their nukes work as well as the rest of the things they manufacture, several will detonate before launch and a bunch will malfunction midflight and fall into the ocean,also we have a pretty good nukes defense system that is routinely tested and maintained, been dealing with chink made shit all my life, it's ALWAYS fall apart cheap crap

Fallout a post nuclear role playing game

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The only safe way to destroy a modern nation is to hit it with a 1 gigaton air bursting asteroid. The flash and shock wave could wipe out all of China.

>what would be the repercussions?
The radioactive fallout would land in America and slowly poison us to death.

Based weegee. My ancestors came from your land, thanks for your good faith in us. I'd like to think we'd demolish China, but truth is, it'd probably be a stalemate with both countries reduced to ashes.

All the US has to do is secretly sabotage one three gorges dam.

Would completely destroy half the country physically, and economically, and the death toll would be catastrophic.

Would be hard to pin on the US if done right by spec ops.

Ayy lmaos won't let a nuclear holocaust happen. Source: Grant Cameron.

>US would be reduced to ash.
By what? Malfunctioning ICBMs built to the same Chinese standard of excellence that went into the Wuhan BioLab?

No. The world will partition China by force if necessary following the pandemic. A new global caste system will be imposed upon the Chinese people, and they will be a worker/drone class of citizen, from birth to death.

China lied; people died.
Partition China.

We need China to wreck itself from inside- push for Honk Kong to revolt, as well as Tibet and cut them off economically. Knock out the 3 gorges, drop a rod of God on Beijing. Blame it on aliens or asteroids. Starve them out- we are at war with China right now. Break out the biowarfare and hit them back with food supply attack vectors, injure, sterilize and create as much burden on their systems as possible.

....wait, that sounds like what is already happening to us

4d Chinese checkers. Goddamn chinks. Gg. Press f for United States

I am getting real tired of these fucking aliens. I find one and I am going to fuck its ass until it dies.

Let's be real here.
USA doesn't need a classic war to crush China.
Let USA bring home --all-- of its industries, especially those about semiconductor manufacturing and China will die within 30 years.

If USA forces EU cucks to do the same and end their dependance on China, then it will be over in less than 15 years.

Why risk burgers' life when they can just crush them without much efforts.

Agree just take look at Iron dome. Now think about the stuff they are not willing to show and sell.

I consider the US to be untouchable. At least the places critical for a functioning military and political force.

We know where their nuke stockpiles are and 40 foot long tungsten rods will be dropped on them from orbit at mach 28 in the opening minutes of a NBC war.

Based and rapepilled.

just emp the chinks and they end up slowly dying, they need to slowly die not get nuked

We have exotech and it’s not a secret/

Russia would lose a valued customer, but a valued customer who's raping them through nCoV might be worth losing. Especially if only selected targets get nuked. Targets which don't include natural resources.
Japan would throw a hissyfit.
The EU would call for sanctions.
The US would see protests in all major cities.

Nobody would fire back.
The thing about mutually assured destruction is that people have been so scared of it that they won't be able to perform the "mutual" bit of the agreement.

I really doubt that China could get 1 nuke in the USA mainland. They'd probably obliterate Japan & South Korea, all island bases in the Pacific & maybe Israel & European countries.

Tons of exotic and endangered animals would be saved.

Look at all these irrelevant countries acting like they can have an opinion. How cute.

That’s where globalized capitalism is weak though, Pierre.
The Ceo’s of those oversea factories don’t give a shit about any of this. All they care about is producing the cheapest product available while selling it for the highest profit margin.
What can motivate them to bring factories back to the West? Where they will likely face more expensive labor, more expensive supplies, and have to give benefits to all the workers?
I predict China eventually dies 100 years from now when their air will be so polluted no one will be able to live there. Unfortunately we won’t be alive to witness that.

Chinas 200 nukes would barely be enough for the systematic destruction of New York and LA, and that is implying they could deliver a single hit on US mainland. Most likely nothing would happen, noone would retaliate (other than maybe China if you are not fast enough finishing them off), half the world would cheer or don't care, few would protest, jews would just restart manufacturing in some other 3rd world shithole like Mexico or India.

>Spot the chink migrant, the post.

Kushner and Ivanka will angry.

they don't even need to nuke us back, they already nuked us with coronavirus and we're just slowly realizing.

kill them all, they already killed us

Idk, I'm low on sympathy for ricejews right now.

U glowniggers are running the same hateful playbook you ran after the Israeli masterminded 9/11 FF.

For 18+ years, you taught us to hate Muzzies, now you're teaching us to hate Chinese, a nation that has over 8,000 TONS of gold while the JEWSA only has gold-coated tungsten bars

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>if your blow up an entire nation with literally billions of people, will it cuz a chain reaction and other country's will blow each other?!

i dont know fren very interesting question

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I would party for a few years, it would be tough, but I can take it.

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