Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-31 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic - Wikipedia.png (425x246, 13.63K)

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Welcome aboard; buckle up

We welcome death

any country with a death rate above 1% should be firebombed

Kek. Nice mortality rate, "Netherlands", or should i say

Quiet, subhuman. You're next.


Death rate is dead / (dead + recovered).

Not during an ongoing pandemic where there's a discrepancy between time to recovery and time to death.

Whats China's real numbers? Millions infected and a few hundred thousand dead?


Nice. I never thought the aging population problem would be solved this easily.


>1000 deaths
>boomer problem solved
Nah, it needs to be at least 100 times as bad before it would even put a dent in the boomer problem. Also less people are getting infected every day, so the happening is pretty much blowing over atm.

this. around 2 week delay between infection and death

You'll be the laughing stock of the world in 2 weeks. Mark my words future coofer.

yet the Dutch will get their shit together while you're still nothing more than a useless memeflag

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China's death rate came to a dead stop a few days ago hahahah hahahaha hahahaha dead stop gerrit?
Do we believe that fuckin shit?
Of course we do, these people wouldn't lie to us, we believe.

i do want to know the RECOVERY rate , i need some Optimism in these Dark times.

why dont they want to give us the rates.
i dont see any light at the end of the dark tunnel ...

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Netherlands seem underrated in the Coronabowl. They almost have as high of a score as the UK (which has a much bigger population) yet you never hear about them on the news like you do with Italy and Spain

Welcome to the club boys, glad to have ya

wheres Germany also in 1000 club 8)?

Yeah once all the boomers died a horrible death we can start repairs.

recovery rate is not that bad - we had 13k recovered in Germany as of today - and I think you're health services should be at least equally as good as ours - although we cannot really tell if "recovered" is truly recovered in immune to reinfection or if the virus is only surpressed below detecting threshhold - but let's be hopeful and if measures continue for roughly 3-6 more weeks we should be better

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i wanna know why germans have low MORTALITY rate ???

what drugs do you give your people ??
share it with us...

US Death rate increasing:

>taking a fearmongering bugman's words as gospel

>Trust an anonymous shitposter over a credentialed medical doctor

Thanks bro, glad to be here, now on to 10000!!!

Same testing regime as Austria and South Korea, meaning they test basically everyone with a runny nose, while here in the Netherlands the only people that are tested are already knocking on death's door.

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Lol what the fuck are they doing. They have more ICUs per 100k people than italy, they are an easly manageable country with a small population and they still manage to go exponential.

Do they have nurses doing the doctoring or what.

>tfw soon part of 10k

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what would Franco do?

1000 doden en onze Terry heeft staan schreeuwen dat het het einde van de wereld is. Is /ourguy/ een totale mongool?

how we do it
>hello very old person, if you choose to go to the icu you will will be intubated for 21 days, still have a 80% of dying or will come out of it with swiss cheese lungs
>no thanks doctor let me die please

how italy and spain does it

>mama mia passive euthenesia is of the devil, keep em intubated for months in the hope of saving them amen.

what the fuck is happening in spain?

Let the boomers die out.

Our commie government didn't do shit to stop coronavirus until 9th of March because they really, really wanted the feminazi rioting to happen in the 8th.
Thus, corona spread everywhere.
Also, aged population, so a lot of old people to die.
85% of the people that are in hospitals are older than 70.

Nice, 81%

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So far, a grand majority of the infected/dead are Leftists. Conservatives are luckily getting hit the least in the US. Cityfags btfo once again.
I hope the Dutchmen survive this though. They seem to be alright people

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Congratulations toothpaste, we were always part of the great in Europe.

Our government are a bunch of cucks. Wilders and Baudet wanted to act in February and wanted a total shutdown, but our government didn't want to do it. Wilders and Baudet could have saved lives., and this will get them a lot of votes next election.

>Is /ourguy/ een totale mongool?

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Based vanquish

>getting excited over a SNAFU
everyone here is still alive, try this a month from now.

Terry is gezonken in de peilingen omdat iedereen inziet dat deze pandemie geen kut voorstelt.

Hij gaat sowieso de grootste worden omdat heel Nederland ziet dat hij in alles gelijk heeft gekregen. Hij wordt de volgende mp.

>stelt niks voor
sterft elke dag een klein dorp in italië dommerik

Dan moet ie wel iets minder retarded gaan doen. En iets minder een lul zijn. Heb je 'm uberhaupt ooit ontmoet?

Er sterft sowieso elke dag een klein dorp in Italie omdat ze allemaal zo tyfusoud zijn.

can we have your money now?

Ik ben al naar meerdere bijeenkomsten geweest. Hij komt op mij heel intelligent over.De media zetten hem neer als een mafkees. Maar niemand die de msm nog serieus neemt.

Drunk Czech bringing the bantz. I like you guys.

All Dutch in Flanders should wear mandatory yellow stars and a corona sign around their necks or we kick them back over the border

Netherlands is 4th rank in death per million of population.

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Yang gang here we go!!

Ja, er bestaat geen politieke oplossing.

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Nee, zie plaatje

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Ffs. How fluent are you in cunt? It seems very. Kys



No, you will just spend it on expensive food and wine. Learn to eat stamppot and live within your means and we will consider.


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you're in no place to laugh at anyone mutt