Trump sending medical aid to Israel while 100k of his supports are going to die from the coronavirus.
Trump sending medical aid to Israel while 100k of his supports are going to die from the coronavirus
That's the one ally I don't mind sending help to right now. We need their help more than ever.
What the fuck is Israel doing to help us in any capacity during this global pandemic? Shut the fuck up or say something of substance.
Trump literally flushing murica down the drain for Israel
I literally doing all he can to make sure America's reign of terror is over
I love this man
You do realize the virus is killing Democrats
stop posting fake news, queer. he's only lending them 10,000 ventilators. we get them back as soon as this is over.
it's not what they're doing now. it's what they will help us with going forward.
Israel is also one of the only countries that Trump has allowed to stay open for travel.
This tweet is anti semitic you goyim cattle.
Nobody will remember this in a few days time.
>the leech will help us eventually
fuck off kike
>No proof
Nice one pal
Is that how many? Thousands of ventilators were stolen in a Michigan hospital a few days ago. Is that where they went?
Jews steal ventilators.
100k city dwelling Jew cucks. Fixed it for you. The based rural Trump voters are fine.
Lol wtf will they ever do for you dumb boomer
Hahahaha Americans are slaves
Show proof so I can show people or I'm going to say extremely mean things about Croatia.
Hes just sending shit that you dont need due to overproduction. No need to get butthurt about it. Hes sending stuff to other countries, too, according to the presser yesterday.
Are you surprised?
Who is this cock sucking faggot? The mossad is already on their way...
Source? Twitter is not a source
mutts are truly slaves
Zion Don showing his true colors
Letting Americans go untested and die, while saving israelis using American supplies.
If you can’t understand why we have a proxy nation safe guarding the still most valuable resource for the past 120 years you are truly the biggest brainlet. Why is it so hard to understand a nation we propped up to deter Middle East nations from rising up against American oil interests is indeed our greatest ally because it’s what still makes the American economy number 1. It’s what allows us to print our own money. It’s how the dollar retains its value. There is probably no bigger chess piece on the map and no bigger benefit to all Americans than the survival of Israel.
Nobody asks why we're paying property taxes for schools that are closed indefinitely. Too bad people are not pissed they are paying taxes on closed schools, parks, and roads.
Our only hope is that israel goes full samson option on the chinks once things gets out of hand.
MIGAtards really have fucking ruined Yas Forums huh
Top notch cope
>only lending 10,000 ventilators to filthy jews
>only 10,000
When we don't even have enough here. I hope you or someone in your family ends up needing a ventilator and don't get it, bc the one you'd need is "only being lent" to some filthy fucking jew. #MIGA2020!!!!
Bc Israel has done what for us?? Kill yourself you baby dick sucking sympathizer.
america is a captured operation. it’s difficult for americans to admit this because we lost a war where no shots were fired.
Just as MIGADOG maddis would have wanted.
Americans finally realised they live in a third world country
Not a real tweet, not even a real Twitter profile... I knew it was bs. I searched and searched and searched. I found nothing. Mypillow gets up on stage yesterday and says hes making thousands of masks for the U.S. and then Donald is going to just send them to another country? come on now...
every 100 years or so kikes get holocausted. how long ago was the last holocaust? time is not your friend, sport
Post nose
shitty bait
Like hiding out inside? Congratulations, we're all turned into Anne Frank.
>Trump sending medical aid to Israel while 100k of his supports are going to die from the coronavirus.
Why would 100k of his supporters die? Even if they do die, there will orders of magnitudes more dead supporters for Democrats. Half of all infected are in deep blue NY alone.
This, plus the fact that his support skyrocketed anyway will once again cement his victory in November.
The virus is killing NYC and the left coast.
Chances are the dead did not support Trump.
Nothing of value was lost.
gas yourselves, filthy parasites
Random Twitter post thread.
It's weird how Israel can afford medicare for all and America can't
oh no no no
>100k of his supports are going to die from the coronavirus.
>The hotspots are all in super liberal urban areas
sure buddy
>no source
>fake and gay
Fake news other than a fucking blue checkmark. Shut the fuck up you retarded nigger.
>100k of his supports are going to die from the coronavirus.
You dummy.. Hilldawg got the urban vote.
Who's a good goy? You are!
pepperidge farm remembers
>Source: Trust me, bro. This guy on twitter works for nintendo.
The 100k that are dying are in liberal cities, they aren't his supporters.
>stop posting fake news, queer. he's only lending them 10,000 ventilators. we get them back as soon as this is over.
I didn't know ICUs count as medical aid. Israel must really need to bomb that virus.
It’s fake, you idiots. The twitter account doesn’t exist, and trump brags every time he does anything for Israel. He didn’t say one word about this.
Try fact checking, you idiots.
>OP posts fake tweet by a fake account
>gets >50 replies
>some retard posts porn and talks about something discussed a billion times
>gets 500+ replies
>other people post actual threads about politics
>get 3 replies
>its only 10,000 ventilators oy vey
He's also sending 100 Million to Italy. Kill yourself Croatian faggot, I can only hope when your shitty little split leg country gets ravaged by China in World War C that he gives you half a haypenny and rotted sheep's meat as humanitarian aid.
>developing vaccine
>they are killing themselves by being jews and disregarding lockdown
>they are literally going to croak from gathering like rats
>give them false hope while they patter away at vaccine for chink bioweapon
55% of cases are in NYC and disproportionately among Jews, this thread is pointless because "aid for americans" means aid for jewish new yorkers. I'm certain if he hauled ass to give the new yorkers aid, you'd be posting "WHY DOES HE LOVE JEW NEW YORKERS SO MUCH" instead. Just kys, serb faggot.
>He's also sending 100 Million to Italy
who has the highest reported death rate in the world but you know greatest allie right
>americans are jews too so helping yourself is israeli aid
you jews and your mental gymnastics
>murder US sailors
>murder several thousand people on 9/11
>sell all your high tech missile tech to china
>murder JFK your sitting president
>americans = MY GREATEST ALLY!!!!
The jew is the source of all world suffering. But the mutt is the disease carrier.
Don't worry user, this thread will be 200+ replies soon.
This is your fault you know we didn't just sail over here ourselves this is what happens when an empire can't keep it's dick out of dirty new continents
Damn, you actually got more people this time around than last
good job
Dumbass. In case you haven’t noticed the people dying are Democrats.
You mutts wanted desperately to be like us but you sold your soul to the (((devil))) to get it. Disgusting.
New Yorker jews are jews, yes.