He looks terrible.
Jordan Peterson Out of Rehab
It's a shame she is using her sickly father for attention.
Let the man rest.
Damn, how much Krokodil did they give him?
he should really clean his room
who cares how he looks? He's rich thanks to retards
I bet his penus is super clean.
I wonder if he washed his penis
And his penis
I'll clean daddy's penis
He looks fine actually.
How can he use his penis as a room if he's cut?
>Peterson spews anti white rhetoric for years
>Daughter puts him on meme diet which causes severe nutritional deficiency
>develops anxiety disorder due to meme diet
>daughter sends him to Russia to die
>fails at killing him
>daughter leaves husband for some nigger
Why did his daughter try to kill him and steal his money?
>He looks terrible.
He's a fucking faggot and his daughter is a dumb whore but he unironically looks better in that picture than 90% of Yas Forums. Bunch of dysgenic mutts and literal handholdless virgin wizards
oh how the mighty have fallen
He looks fine tbqh, you have to have a distorted view of reality to think he looks any different from 3-4 years ago
im waiting on a hopeful redemption arc
where he says whats been quietly stewing in a sober mind for weeks
hopefully the same sorta contents as the notes we pass eachother in class
Someone explain this meme to me
His daughter is such a massive piece of shit.
He was on top of the world two years ago what happened?
Exactly, what a shame, she seems a complete schizo lunatic.
He say clean your room — American males are circumcised partly because doctors believe men can’t remember to wash their penises, ergo Peterson is the cure to male sexual mutilation
Druggy scammer
Muh Pinocchio
Muh lobster
Muh wash your dick
He is terrible. Fuck this nigger. I hope his drug addiction rendered him retarded.
Eating only meat salt and water will make you very healthy. Trust me
wonder if he's still on the all-meat diet
ITT salty trannies
surprised this grifting cunt hasn't started a gofundme for his medical bills.
he probably got sucked into one of those scientology rehabs and is gonna start posting about zenu and shit.
he is Q
>Only pic of him not in a suit
>Looks terrible
>wonder if he's still on the all-meat diet
Is that his "daughters" "meat"? HAHA if you know what I am saying. Do you? lol
she would let him eat whatever drug he desired out of her butthole as long as he included her in whatever retard fucken book he does next.
>Why did his daughter try to kill him and steal his money?
I think you just answered your own question
I do user.
Wow meat-eaters look so strong :0
I was gonna clean my room, but then I got high.
Why did this kike dick sucker survive? World would be better off without him. There is no justice
>gossip about a man's appearance
Confirmed, OP is a faggot
Jfk jr is Q
also ivo_tan can fuck right off to hell
Imagine worshipping a guy that is everything he was telling people not to be and whose daughter is a narcissistic cunt that is using her father's suffering for views and likes.
People giving this guy money are the right's variant of SIMPs.
>looks terrible
he looks pretty normal tbhq
So why are people so salty and butthurt about this guy? He just talks about Jungian psychology mixed with more obvious biblical shit.
What's with that Ivo Tan guy' scomments. Why do these idiots try so hard? Dosen't it ever dawn on them that Jordan and Michalia do not give a flying fuck about him, or anyone else?
She's a meat eating beast, be quiet. Got so much healthier after she started eating mostly red meat, true story btw. His father has just lost his way. What he was using btw, if He came out from rehab? Please, don't tell that it's wine.
When I was in the hospital as a result of an overdose there were like 7 young hot nurses standing around and watching a tube get pulled out of my dick
It was painful and odd
what happened? did he forget to wash his dick?
He was addicted to benzos iirc.
>no more addiction
>pills no longer addling his mind
>no longer afraid of death after the coma
>goes full 1488
>Has to spend time with his family without drugs
What drugs was he doing
was gonna tell the truth, but then I got high
Mercedes benzos
Does he have brain damage now?
>that trigger finger
holy shit what is he thinking about?
Does Mikhaila help Jordan wash his penis now?
>it's a video
This. You are all just used to seeing him in a suit.
I think this is the first time I've seen him in casual clothing with no collar.
He looks healthy enough.
Emotionally he is finished though, I've seen grown men play with RC cars/planes. They all just check out while doing it and its pretty depressing. This is tantamount to a psych ward patient finger painting in a glazed malaise.
Crazy how he looks like he came out of rehab.
Literally antidepressants. Something about this doesnt really add up. The guy is an experienced clinical psychologist, I highly doubt he would actually just walk off and get addicted to pills he has been prescribing professionally for years.
Can someone answer this question? How does a benzos addiction and forced coma affect your brain?
>anti white rhetoric
Bullshit. He's just anti collectivist
Oh based daddy please tell me how to live my life
Because they themselves lack a father figure and found solace in what he was teaching, then like all things he grew stale and these people lost interest. They were bettered by what he taught them, but his lessons could only take them so far, they eventually surpassed the sugar coating and his gatekeeping, and turned on him as being an agent of disinformation when it was him that started so many on their path.
He’s not perfect, nor touts the best, however without him many young disenfranchised males wouldn’t have tried to better themselves, the same young men we share conversations on gassing kikes.
>Why did his daughter try to kill him and steal his money?
I wrote off American females 30 years ago, but after a few weeks in Calgary, I realized that Canadian skanks are actually worse than Americans.
trips of truth
Mommies milkies
I hope he's trying to dose the throttle otherwise he's screwed
The fuck happened to him
His wife got cancer. Then he got addicted to benzo's and had to go to russia to get treated. He's been in a coma for weeks/months.
NOT anti depressants. Benzos are probably the most addicting and dangerous drug in existence, and asking “how could someone ever get addicted” shows that you have no experience with anything relating to this, so stop trying to force your weak and cringey conspiracy narrative.
i just cringed in my pants
>but after a few weeks in Calgary
Tell us more user. You can't give us the entree without giving the mains.
he said himself that his audience is white male. he is telling white men not to organize to further their interests and to stay atomized. meanwhile, kikes, shitskins, asians, etc., are all identifying as a group and getting their interests politically and socially.
juden peterstein is an anti-white male shill faggot.
Digits demand a story.
I cold turkeyed 5mg of k-pins a day and didn't need to go into an experimental, medically induced coma in fucking russia, just to deal with the withdrawals
pretty sure this guy is just a faggot little hypocrite drug addict grifting little bitch. he dazzles people with his kermit speak, referencing so many different historical events, philosophical and psychological theories, movements, and figures that he presents the illusion of a well-learned, intelligent man (as no lay person can possibly be an expert on everything he refers to). In reality, he barely has a fucking clue what he's talking about, his books are a rambling nonesense of choas dragons and psychobabble, and deep down he just a faggot with a whore for a daughter and a dying wife - and he copes with drug use.
funny how when I come off benzos it's "drug withdrawals", but if you have a phd in rambling, it's "severe and rare adverse reaction", "discontinuation syndrome", "rare medical event", etc.
>Can someone answer this question? How does a benzos addiction and forced coma affect your brain?
Not a specialist but some of the normal side effects of Benzo are:
impaired coordination
vision problems
feelings of depression
Add to this the general effects on the psyche that are seen among most patients with some kind of substance abuse.
As for induced coma, Im quoting wikipedia:
>Induced coma usually results in significant systemic adverse effects. The patient is likely to completely lose respiratory drive and require mechanical ventilation. Gut motility is reduced. Hypotension can complicate efforts to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure and often requires the use of vasopressor drugs. Hypokalemia often results.
Remember that these things were all combined and also paired with great levels of stress, anxiety and sorrow (due to grief). Wouldnt be surprised if his sleeping schedule was affected too. This shit could theoretically fuck anybody up pretty badly. The question is why an experienced middle aged psychologist would fall into such a trap? He should have been very aware of how these kind of dependencies are created.
was gonna stand up straight, but
She's even more of a nutjob than him. Fucking roastie toastie whore. Wash your penis faggit
murdoch murdoch i think
i like jbp and hope the best for him. you used to like him too until it became clear he wasn't going to advocate for a white ethnostate in the appalachians. sometimes you faggots just blindly follow the latest meme fashion trends like a herd of autistic npcs.
>how could someone ever get addicted
Not what I said you fucking retard. I'm not saying its unfathomable that people get addicted. Im saying that its odd how someone of his profession and his level of experience would fall into a trap like this. Do you disagree with that?
But hes alive. So. Better than some Anons gambled on
ok straight up he has a MAGNIFICENT jawline from that angle, those are top tier white male genetics. dude looks frail as shit and he's mentally completely devastated obviously but if you just look at his face you can clearly see the chad there
You should write a blog
Maybe they actually believe what they tell to everyone. Now that leads into life crisis, when you go through that shit by yourself.
Funny AND original
Literal retard doesn't know that all pharmacists are pill poppers
very cool
damn. You turboniggers are pretty upset with jbp. Clean your room turbofag and for Gods sake wash your penis user. That's why you all are going to be super virgins forever.
Take your damn meds, rescue your father from the trannies user.
>Now I'm stuck in Russia because of Corno and I know why
>La da da da da da da
He ought to tidy himself up