There is something very wrong in the world when shit like this happens. How do we stop global inequality?
Global inequality
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The one on the left will protect me and my children with his life from the one on the right.
Yeah dude you totally need protection from the starved children
Eugenics and mandatory education.
Well see doggos are in high demand because responsible owners de-sex those that shouldnt breed and only breed the best with the best
don't care. Its endless with the niggers.
its not my fault most of the worlds nations are populated by retarded murderers.
That better not be a male dog
Else that's a really fucked up image
Inequity is written in the stars. Who are you to complain?
Right should stop reproducing.
Kill niggers
>There is something very wrong in the world when shit like this happens. How do we stop global inequality?
Stop feeding Africans!!!
All you get is more fucking Africans who need food.
Both photos are from the other side of the globe so... not my problem
The fuck you think went on in this country for 150yrs?
The problem isn't inequality, it's poverty.
To answer your question, the greatest rise in wealth and living standards ever in human history has been facilitated under Capitalism.
So, that, really.
yeah you never know
Based and checkpilled
This is the most logical answer. Why the fuck do they breed 20 babies when they're starving already?
Lmaoing at retards that think stacks of paper are worth something.
The most valuable thing that monkeebrain has is a roof over his head and maybe that couch to sleep on.
You castrate the niggers to avoid the growing number of niglets starving in the streets. Same for the doggos.
You need Jesus in your life.
>retarded murderers
That flag. kek
>1 post by this ID
All fields
man tiger woods lost weight
Yeah dog on the left is owned by ngigers who should look like the nigglet on the right
Stop embracing it in your own country for a start
i hope you get coronavirus
nothing you said made sense puto lisper
Thoir fate is their own responsibility. Who ever said we have to be the saviours of everyone else's shit-hole?
The root cause of all their problems are shit culture and low IQ. Wars, warlords, tribalism, disease spread, stupid superstition. They need to take their own fate into their own hands, not spread their defective cultures into the west.
That dog probably earned all the money and bitches he has.
The picture on the right is probably from a famine in Ethiopia in the 80s, now they have the opposite problem, too many fatties in Africa.
i don't care about africa. they had the chance to not be too miserable and they threw it away.
Corrupt global leftists and the American leaders who fund them make this happen, there's no fucking reason anyone on this planet shouldn't have food, water and energy.
And let's talk about the United fucking Nations, the most corrupt ineffective group the world has ever known. they starve, rape and murder millions of children with their elitist noses in the air as if they've ever done anything good in their pathetic lives.
There's no excuse; crush globalism, free-energy for everyone.
hey! i have an idea....
let me think....
yes! let's make MORE babies while our country starves! YES! MORE BABIES while we die of aids and malaria!
>computes in 70 IQ
>they had the chance to not be too miserable and they threw it away.
Couldn't be more accurate. Just look at Zimbabwe.
Niggers are a mistake.
Jag tar hellre en hund än en neger, Sven.
Not the responsibility of developed nations to tend to do-nothings.
That dog looks smug
The young brotha still has a little bit of bling though. He’s doing alright.
Execute all nigger musicians and take their assets, they contribute nothing. In runescape of course.
he's right tho
liquidity ain't worth shit once anarchy sets in
Can someone explain what I'm looking at?
Dayum that dog is the motherfuckin pimp
Don't forget European imperialism and foreign invasion.
You do owe them for what your ancestors did, cuckboi
you WOULD know, Venezuela!
If that lil nigga belonged to the owner of the dog, he would also be well fed and clothed. As long as he followed commands and didn't bite his master.
inequality is good, why would you want to be the same as a nigger? i don't even understand the question
Yeh well seems like you arent de-sexing enough right now chum.
Also if there are excess number of offspring in a litter these can usually be drowned in a bucket of water whilst young
Let's not forget that in Europe and North America there are lots of men who are unemployed or homeless. Governments should start helping their own people before considering helping people from other countries.
>How do we stop global inequality?
cure stupidity by making everyone intelligent.
Make everyone intelligent with incentivized sperm donation eugenics.
Pay women to use sperm from sperm donors proven to produce intelligent and healthy offspring.
Smart sperm will vaccinate humans from generational stupidity.
>There is something very wrong in the world when shit like this happens
To be fair, it doesn't look Iike the dog is in any way being abused here.
You're the bestest goy, ameriburger, keep hoarding fiat!
Niggers behaving like niggers, don't try to find any logic behind their actions. There isn't any.
American nogs.
how's your crypto doing...
oh... right
hahahahah stupid kid
Fuck lightbulb heads
>How do we stop global inequality?
Send condoms to africa, China, India and Brazil, and Nuke Sweden.
if you kill all the niggers you eliminate almost all the crime and poverty world wide
Mayweather is the reason I believe in the Napoleon complex
KYS Commie pig.
There is no such thing as inequality. That is a Marxist/Habermas post modernist bullshit invention to fuck with academics. And it worked.
There is only human nature, and corruption. Everything else is a means of coping with human nature and corruption. Capitalism is a system. it is what happens when you leave people alone to trade (ie human nature). Socialism is an ideology and requires force to steal from people (ie corruption)
Those starving kids in Africa are not the result of inequality because this happens on ALL continents. They are the result of corruption. Either their parents, their tribe, their government, or the warlord - someone is either taking their food, or simply not working for it.
Charities raised $410 Billion in 2017. That is MORE than enough to feed the 795 Million starving people in the world - with NO government taxes needed. So where is all that money going? To salaries, expenses etc.
In other words, corruption.
Now go back to your antifa meting and fuck yourself.
Now that's nigger rich.
It'll be gone tomorrow.
Stop trying to help the poor retards because it only makes it worse. You're just enabling them to have 10 extra kids that will all starve. Help locals not some wild animals.
Niggers aren't humans
They should all return to the sand
Poor people shouldn't reproduce
We need to help doggos more so they can all be equally rich. The things on the right may be why that pup looks a bit nervous.
Yeah our ancestors really fucked up being empathic to the African slaves they bought. Should have followed how the Muslims did it and castrated the males. 60 % death rate but hey, no niggers
I don't see the difference.
God bless America
And god bless black Americans
End white slavery.
Every time a white extends their hand to help non-whites whites always end up with a fucking dagger in their back.
Let them die, they HATE whites.
Burn in hell shit skins!
Don't make fun of Asiams, we own you.
let the countries with these problems solve it on their own. no lore food id medical aid etc. senfing food to these countries does not result in them making more food for themselves in the future. no. what it does is result in more babies, meaning more food aid needs to be sent. AN ENDLESS CYCLE. no matter how much you do, this will happen. they can solve inequality by solving it. unfortunately their low IQ on average is a hindrance. not a solvable problem. now gtfo
Once you realize Africa will always suffer from famin, no matter how much the world tries to help them you stop caring. The few success stories (Rhodesia and South Africa) they completely destroyed it.
Its more humanitarian to let them starve and depopulate than to keep them on constant life support, creating generation after generation of starving children.
Agree 100%, dissent and hatred among our race is what the rulers of this world want, do not give it to them i say.