Yeah, you white fuckers are just JEALOUS of China and endlessly butthurt.

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Other urls found in this thread:

China's bearing in this crisis has proved to be exceptional and commendable. Albeit quite dilatory at first, Chinese authorities subsequently reacted swiftly to the threat posed by the coronavirus and ensured the safety and well-being of the native population through rigorous restrictions deriving from the spirit of Asian discipline. I wish the same could be said about the treacherous West perpetually stuck in the hedonistic stupor and too apprehensive of undertaking any real measures, which sometimes have to go beyond the framework delimited by so-called human rights in order to be really successful. I am afraid the West hasn't learned its lesson yet and when it finally does, it will do so in a particularly painful way.

Lol all the asian housewives get white dicked while their robotic husbands work all day, honestly it must suck being an asian women you get no passion at all and small ass dicks, I feel especially sorry for Indian women.


we need to get all chinks outside of china into concentration camps as soon as possible. this digusting experiment has gone on long enough

Based if true.

I read RT only because I trust Jewtin the most to give fair and balanced news on the Rothschilds.

Heh, yes, there will be no ramifications for this behavior.

You literally spread a pandemic to France and are talking shit to them. They are a nuclear country. Keep it up.

and the chinese people must believe this or else they are punished by the state.

Fuck you

Attached: images (1).jpg (250x158, 6.73K)

This is China RIGHT NOW

Look at the lively streets, the stores and the people are out back again.

China is the safest place on earth, while the West vomits their lungs out.

Pic related is the total recovery of the Chinese Manufacturing Index. China will inherit the world!

Attached: China Manufacturing Index.png (2798x1372, 262.13K)

>Implying the Chinese actually beat the Corona virus.
Guarantee those fuckers will be finding bodies to bury for the next year and then some. The people there will comtinue to die. Their own people are the main target of their disinformation campaign but all China want to do is save face, re-open their sweatshop industry and get back to putting the boot on Hong Kong. The deaths will continue to roll out in China, but their propaganda department just spins it into something else.

Besides sounds like they reopened the wet markets and are already working on the next plague for us.

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>Yeah, you white fuckers are just JEALOUS of China and endlessly butthurt.

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Its a win if you count welding people inside their apartments to die
Let disabled children to die alone from starvation
Stop counting infections

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It's not a meme, chinese girls fucking love bwc
You're losing all your women to foreigners
What you gonna do chen? or is that chenlet, with your tcc, lol

>Not being a productive member of society
>Always talking about 'muh dick'
Nigger spotted!

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I disliked china before but now I hate those insectoid subhumans.

A second wave is already hitting China, Rabbi. If the Chinese are admitting it's a problem then you can expect it to be a HUGE problem.

Attached: SECONDWAVE.jpg (1100x1243, 313.42K)

good goy

A chinese swede....your country truly is cucked

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The arrogance displayed by the Western powers is beyond disgraceful and only shows the real condition of the Western nations blindly adhering to the nonsensical leftist notions of human rights without sufficiently accentuating human sacrifice and the necessity to collectivize so as to truly arrive at the societal prosperity. The West is perpetually immersed in the miasma of hedonistic stupor and instead of trying to lift its own populations from the mire of degeneracy and senseless consumerism, the Western administrations eagerly encourage rampant consumerism with a view to perpetuating their own tenuous rule. The fact that people of the West find the conduct of the Chinese administration problematic is most ironic given Western democracies' absolute lack of regard for their own native populations whose real condition is concealed under a flimsy guise of human rights and consumerist rights. The West is going to get what they're asking for, way sooner than they expect. All people responsible for contemptible acts of brazen imperialism against People's Republic of China shall soon face harsh, but just consequences.

>should say, FUCK MY WIFE

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Western countries have more humane methods...

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Spoken like an adolescent. Typical attitude of the Dunning-Krugers.

Anything’s a win when you’re a nation of shameless liars

They literally caused it though

Do you really believe anyone buys your CCP funded bullshit?

Russians and Chinks on Yas Forums are cancerous subversives equal to the Jew and all need to be removed

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It's gotta be a Jew from Israel with that flag.

How did China turn into North Korea within the span of a couple of months?

The second wave are FOREIGNERS and chinese who escape the hell that are the Western democracies to find safety back home.

They are getting quarantined and white people are already betting beaten and killed on the streets for spreading diseases.

China is well prepared for that, while the First Wave is already killing so many of you fuckers that the second wave will hardly have people left to kill in your cunt HAHAHAHAHA

Attached: chinese flee to china home sweet home.jpg (1217x930, 163.19K)

The U.S. has a dictatorship too. Does anybody think "the people" are in charge?

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Cry harder in your bat soup. Dragon Century is over.

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I hope you rethink plans. I personally don't want to wait for you to make more biologicals to drop on us.

Why? Their better slaves than blacks.

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yall chinks have been nothing but deceitfull condescending purposely sabotaging and goading. you will pay for this. all chinese food places are already done 5g from china is done. o cant wait till trump says fuck your virus cars

This man may actually work for who.

Based chinks. I feel close to them ideologically. They do what they want and they dont give a flying fuck about anyone else.

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(((the people))) maybe.

China just keeps dugging it's own grave

fuck china

It has an oligarchy, yes. The Council of Foreign Affairs are a front to the oligarchy in the west.

>Foreigners spreading disease.
I don't think you understand how this Corona thing got started my dude.
The disease is yours
It's Chinese
It's always been Chinese
It never left
It's just still there.

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>Habitual liars beat the virus

you need some dilatory activity of your own, commie tranny filth

Lol.... Sure

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oh yes we rich white people are very jealous of the poor retards that need to eat raw bats to survive

Was that bat delivered from a Wuhan research facility straight to a wet market, where it was shit, pissed and bled on by other bats?

Can't call it authentic Chinese cuisine, otherwise.

>Chinese flee home to China
This is bad how?

Lying to people, never owning up to your lies and never keeping your promises. Oh, and the central authority that does that just keeps pilpuling and chutzpah hard. Got it.

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Virus was contained in China. All vectors of infections are either quarantined or dead. Now, only people who can spread the disease are those coming from your leaderless and undisciplined countries who were just fucking tranny asses a week ago in the mids of the pandemic.
We have an eye on you fucking whitoids. We smell you from far and wide because you stink of rancid milk. We find you and burn you alive if you dare to bring the Virus back into China.

Attached: dumb whitoids.jpg (466x527, 124.27K)

Attached: RIPchina.png (800x558, 329.77K)

The whole world is thirsting for your yellow blood friend.not even being edgy. The west is the west but India, Iran they’re not and they believe in vengeance.

Based Singapore.

Maphilindo Union when?

ah, that's the brainwashed and comfy China I've known all my life. They could only larp as sensible, decent humans for so long

> Brazil
> white

Then send my fucking packages over already

seethe harder faggot.

>A global boycott of all Chinese sweatshop bullshit and other exports in your lifetime.
God I can't wait to watch the Chinese economy crumble.
The CCP leaders will be hung by hungry masses in the public square and I'll get to watch them shoot the party chairman's family on YouTube.
What a time to be alive.

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Holy shit imagine seething this hard because people finally saw through your bullshit

>Virus was contained in China

This is why they kicked out even the friendly Western journalists. They're so proud of this achievement, they don't want anyone to see how successful it was.

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That has nothing to do with my post you illiterate slavoid proxyfag, gas yourself moscow mikhail

>bow deeply
Technically to be fair if they hadn't tried to cover it up in the beginning and locked down their hive sooner we wouldn't have to be dealing with this.

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Chinese are the most materialistic and realist people. They never hang on any country because of its culture or because "they like its people".

They only come for money and for safety. Chinese are like a litmus test about your country's overall situation.

When Tiananmen happened, they fled China.
When pollution happened, they fled China.
When anti-corruption crackdowns happened, they fled China.

Now, the Chinese are leaving the West and paying premium prices to get to China.

I leave it to you to understand what that means.

The West is DOOMED.
Chinese people are like rats. They immediately know when a ship is sinking. And you are.

Attached: Chinese students private jet to flee back to China.jpg (779x982, 110.2K)

That's like bragging about getting over aids that YOU spread to everyone


The west can win too, let's start with arresting whistle blowers, news rooms, and misinformation peddlers like you.

Then we can ban criticism online, lastly when that do e we could make up numbers.

They kicked out journalists from US papers. Reuters and AP fuckers are still in China.

Oh wait, if it isnt reported by a Mutt you dont believe it?

ah i see. chinese+globalist say look at this big show we did. see who won? the dickpotators! you must accept chip, breathing tax, no cash, total enslavement so you don't get a bad flu! time to bring the satanic masters of death who have been ruling you for centuries out of the shadow so we can get hard core with you cattle! time to sacrifice babies to moloch in the open!
how about fuck off and have an herb

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Looks like most Western (and non-western) countries will soon adopt full Chinese model. I mean, you already can't take a walk without explanation. Adding a Chinese-style social rating is a very minor addition.

>Getting mad about Asian women
Found the rice nigger

You know what to do guys.

imagine believing chinese media then calling the West retarded because the chinese announced their "win"

>things that never happened

I've known and even worked for Chinese-Americans in the US, and while I don't blame them for what the Chinese gov't does and I know that whether or not they love this country they definitely prefer to be here over China, if I was Chinese I'd be getting out of the US immediately, I can see the anger building toward China because whether or not it's true, it sure looks like China launched a biowarfare attack on the world and people are getting angry about it, and if we have actual war with China then Trump will surely round them up and intern them, he'd have to.

We are importing Chinese trash culture now. Wow.

>No you whiteoids. The disease is contained. The commie overlord who runs my local party propaganda factory said so, so it must be true. I know they're still finding bodies and a second wave is already hitting but it's not Corona, it's something else...*slurps bat soup*'re not allowed to point out that China is a disgusting third world shit hole. We already beat Corona. Stop telling us we didn't and stop writing about a second wave because we definitely already did.

This is a traditional American recipe tho. Ask your grandma.

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> they definitely prefer to be here over China

Not any longer.

Attached: People flee to China.jpg (823x521, 112.69K)

More proof that democracy and capitalism are failures. When there’s a pandemic you need full government control to prevent dumb people from spreading it. What good is “freedom” if it kills hundreds of thousands?

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>haha, empty factory with machines on go brrrrr

Why would anyone be jealous of China? You can't even access Yas Forums from China without a VPN.

Those who sacrifice liberty for safety will receive neither.

Watch this guys,

Cry harder, gwailou dog. Your oppressed masses fall victim to the inherently abusive capitalist system exploiting your boys by sending them to fight for the interests of the capitalist dogs as opposed to propping up the well-being of their own people. Greetings to the oppressed gwailou boys from the peace-loving people of China.

Funny that you say this. Because you can receive neither when you are fucking DEAD

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>If you post "Taiwan aren't so bad." on social media the government takes away your ability to travel by plane.
Who the fuck would want to live like that?

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>be china
>deadly virus incubates in someones bat soup
>hafta quarantine 40 million people now
>neighboring ching chongs do the wuhan shuffle
>traveling ching chongs head west
>5 months later
>trump sends china medical supplies
>china "beats" the asian contagian
>chinese shills spam the internet about the end of the commie cold
>china goes on the news to make announcement
>the world owes us one!
>chinese embassy chimes in
what a story, eh guys??

Attached: lockout.png (500x500, 167.63K)

I'm actually being optimistic by saying that the Chinese are lying about their numbers.

If they're not, it means this virus was created in a lab, with a vaccine all set to go for the Chinese citizens. This is an outright act of war, even though it won't be declared as such when the Western Powers recover and sit down to deal with them.

In any case, expect a soft sanctioning approach that will gradually collapse the Chinese economy enforce the overthrow of the CCP.

I'm 25. I'm not gonna die of the coronavirus lol.

Chinese cope is the best part of this whole thing.

Ah. I’m the one who’s crying. Not the one who’s constantly shilling for the sick man of Asia.

Majority of Europe is dealing with it a lot better than chanks did though?

I bet you my life savings that you're not actually chinese

Hi Shlomo

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so the chinks are really going to start talking shit after they let all this happen? not to mention the old cunts wiping their tissues on public benches
they're really starting to piss me off