Sure she was born with a silver spoon on her mouth and it was ultimately Winston Peters who decided the next PM, but I think she’s all-right. She seems to prioritse community spending and I applaud her decision for the lockdown, this preventing us from becoming like Japan who are hardly doing anything testing and praying for the virus to go away, or Italy or US where they acted too late and are overwhelmed. We’re doing close to 1,800 tests per day which is pretty darn good for a country of nearly 4.8 million
Why does Yas Forums hate my PM so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
cause she sided with the Muslims after Christchurch shooting
Horse-faced, pro-abortion, pro-Islam cunt.
Sweden-Canada-New Zealand, the axis of smug. They're sooooo much better than the rest of us, soooooo progressive, soooooo feminist. They are on the right side of history. Cunts.
Be breddy cool if some kiwi assassinated her
The fuck do you think any world leader would do in that situation?
She is a huge CUNt
A good one would just canonize him
Because she’s a fucking cunt
yeah can defs see trump wearing a hijab
Built for BBC
basically just her digusting horse face and her cultural appropriation of the burqa for political virtue signaling. that's about it.
>in her mouth
You need more ESL before posting again
This woman is so odd to me. I would absolutely nut all up in her trannyhorseface. I just don't understand How it all works. Do the giant maori warrior gangsters bend over and take her trans cunt dick and then beg for more because they're not actual warrior Tahitians and just pretend to be so horseface doesn't eat their babies or what? I talk a lot of shit about natives but really I'm just always disappointed when they suck a bunch of globalist eurocentric shedick. Sad.
You must be very far removed from reality to think that that would ever happen.
Trump isn't a woman and as a woman she had to put one on to visit the Mosque.
Horse face. Anti-gun. And the first thing she did after the massacre was publicly submit herself to mudshites.
Her case should serve as a warning to anyone thinking to vote a woman as a head of the state.
on her mouth was a typing mistake. Phone poster here. Alright is actually the wrong way of spelling all right and we don’t use z’s here in words like terrorise for some reason. Thanks England!
Dab on the corpses
>she had to put one on to visit the Mosque.
That's the law, is it?
>as a woman she had to put one on to visit the Mosque.
they WANT her to. she's didn't HAVE to. by doing so, she surrendered to those sandshits
islamist inflexibility is the problem. fuck their cult. she should not visit a place that requires get to accommodate their ass backward religion
All she cares about is virtual signalling and looking good for votes. She has done okay I suppose but look at NZ, you have a population of 5 million and a handful of Chinese tourists every year, it's not as if it's going to break out like herpes.
so you're mad that she didn't side with a psychopathic mass shooter?
are you stupid?
Mutts law
Nah most Kiwis are as based as Aussies. It’s just Canada and Sweden and probably Finland that go on like that.
When you step on someone else's property you are supposed to be respectful. If you visit someone who wants you to take your shoes off in their house, you do it unless you're some kind of nigger.
The same rules apply to female tourists that visit historical mosques in other parts of the world, it's not cultural appropriation.
look at that fucking face and tell me you dont just from the view of that cunt's mug
she's always got this scolding cunt look about her
she's also an egomaniac and one of these broads that thinks its ok when they're a dictator and restrains rights as if she's got the authority.
this bitch is part of the problem, a bunch of muslims got blasted in NZ, so what? shit happens, it wasn't her right to come down on the whole of the country, fuck em, hopefully she meets several lovely muslims in an alley and they treat her how muslims treat women, like the dirt they can be.
Like I said, axis of smug.
>as based as Aussies.
Wow. With a complete lack of irony.
She is everything wrong with New Zealand, can we somehow meme Trump into bombing New Zealand??
It's the Code of the Cuck
LMFAO!!!!!! LOOKIT!!!!!!
I agree fuck their cult and fuck my Prime Minister,
but to think that any other world leader would not have responded in a similar way to a mass shooting, regardless of who was targeted is stupid and unrealistic. In NZ kids don't get shot at school every other day so this was a big deal, of course our government's response would be far more dramatic than yours would to something similar.
>Female tourists
Exactly, TOURISTS who go to Muslim countries. Not the Prime Minister of a country whose ancestors died in Gallipoli fighting to prevent an Islamic empire from invading Europe.
Are you saying Aussies aren’t based or that New Zealanders aren’t based? Because I can assure you we’re both pretty based.
She laid down the level 4 crackdown without understanding what it is. That shows she has no idea what she is doing, and in her ignorance and inability, is making decision based on appearance instead of decisions which will actually influence the causal chain.
Also, she's mismanaged your economy and is only good at standing infront of a camera and looking sad and apologizing. Not a leader at all.
She visited a place in her own fucking country.
Of course you are.
I don't disagree that she's a cunt or that Muslims should fuck off back to their dunes btw.
That's not at all what WWI was about you smoothbrain.
Of course, like every other rule, that doesn't apply to some people, because they are better than the hosts that are beneath them, and should be grateful to have guests who are superior and should enjoy the gracious lack of temporarily not slaughtering everyone until there's enough guests in and they can't be stopped
she triied to make guns illegal 100 percent
She sold your country off to the Chinese.
Because she's a woman. All female "leaders" lead nations to ruins. Our PM is basically women running the country via a male proxy.
This is a fake ass pandemic. Get ready to drag your government down where ever you live in the world. They got you where they want you, just wait till they come to your door to 'help' you.
New Zealand is shit country full of hive minded fag "men" and manly women who seek to dominate them. White guilt is off the charts here too.
>I applaud her taking my rights away
You're a slave and your opinions about anything are therefore invalid.
A literal fucking Eeyore.
>When you step on someone else's property you are supposed to be respectful
>invades your land
>demands you change your culture so they can rape your women
>R E S P E C T F U L
Sandnigger men require their women to cover themselves so that they don't succumb to their low inhibitions and rape them as soon as they see any hair or skin below the neck. If anything the culture change will protect women from being raped.
>not because women are whores
The Canuck nailed it. No rake for you today leaf.
She has no conception of free speech. Also let's in all the shitskins
Fuck shitty cultures
cause she took advantage of the coronavirus crisis to push through a really fuckled up abortion bill
>Someone elses property
Fuck off Mahmoud, it's a Mosque. It should not have been there in the furst place.
Literally BUILT for BWC
I can tolerate all that but I'm so sick and tired of the tree hugger attitude here. I don't litter and I don't give two shits about the environment. I actively avoid buying any of our national products that aren't food because it'll be inferior compared to foreign ones as they're too concerned about being environmentally friendly or compliance than actually making a good product. EG: The Health Basics soap is some of the worst I've ever used but they're so proud to virtue signal that they're sustainable and environmentally friendly
Because she's an ugly, insufferable leftist cunt who hates white, western values.
She wants you disarmed, poor, single, disempowered and a minority in the country that was built for you and given to you by your ancestors.
is this satire?
You type like a fucking chink op. Suck a cock and die you disgusting yellow slit eyed cunt #nukeasia
>still trying to pretend NZ is a real country
Just give it up and let australia colonize.
Agreed, I was just playing devil's advocate. I think it's unrealistic to think than any western leader would do anything differently.
Muh discrimination
The only thing she needed to go into a mosque with, was an SKS