Can you see where this is going?
Only 200+ IQ responses please.
Lockdown is bankrupting the middle/lower classes
Nigger goyim slave class and upper Jews who control them
A brief period of cucked unrest followed by going back to their goy jobs with longer hours and pay cuts
Being dependent on a company for your success is truly goyim slave mentality and I say this as a Jew. Christians who grew up learning the Old Testament don’t have this mentality.
I don’t like to talk to goyim NPC filth anymore and this includes many American Jews who are also just goyim NPCs at this point
How many polacks are in the top 1%? I wonder.
>I say this as a Jew
Opinion: in the trash
>that pic
I attended a time management course at work just to buff up my end of year review, and there's was a new guy in there who was American. Holy shit he literally thought like that. He said he was scared to say no to his superiors and loathe to use holiday and sick days (they're all fully paid). He doesn't like working from home because he feels he needs to be visible. He literally said he views himself as a product and tries to get his employers the best return on their investment in him.
Americans are such fucking spineless cuckolds.
World war vs china is what's coming. These measures only make sense as preparation to accept wartime rationing
I agree to an extent. But you cant possibly assume that there arent some upper class that are hurting. Oil business is huge on the coast and the price to buy crude oil dipped lower than the cost to sell the finished product. It's kind of random who's being fucked the most as far as class goes. Lower class people are in more demand right now due to the jobs that depend on them being "essential". This whole thing has made no sense at all and it would seem that something sinister is happening.
A lot of death and suffering.
pedos surfacing
its weimar 2.0 in overdrive
Its all planned
Based one who understood the meaning of the scriptures
>Unironically working in an unessential industry
They had it comin'
How would the world take on China when they couldn't even handle their coof?
The middle class had to pay the way 99% of the time throughout history. The 1% it didn't was right after the jew was kicked to the curb.
>implying its only an American problem
>But you cant possibly assume that there arent some upper class that are hurting.
I really dont give a fuck about them at the moment, they arent being targeted for demolition, the middle class is.
don't care. i work for a high tier law firm and our clients are rich as fuck and possible criminals, so my work isn't affected at all.
you should have gotten better grades at university, dumb peasant.
You’re either a literal nigger or a degenerate cuck leftist piece of trash so your opinion is worth less than dirt. You should feel grateful anyone is responding to your thread
What do you mean? Just tap into your savings, bro.
That's exactly what happens here in Surgery. If you don't stay overtime and do overtime work you're considered not to be motivated and will get passed for consultant and training posts.
I’m working grocery and got a year head start on all the newfags.
I’m getting benefits, hazard pay, sick leave if I get yellow fever, and can just pop in my headphones and go to town.
If you’re in any remotely okay shape, there’s no way you could fuck up the job. I’m not sure what boomers will be left to check if you had a gap in your employment during “The Great Coronavirus Crisis” but old money likes what it likes.
You're larping as a hobby-jew.
6/10 bait
2 months of closure will put most small businesses into the shit if Im not mistaken.
I’m literally a Jew though
Shalom, kike.
I dont know, Sonny. Where is this all going?
> dat image
Because of Yas Forums I now notice 14.88 everywhere
Goes the NPC goyim corporate drone slave
I agree.
>Have 700 hrs sick leave
Boss agreed to let me take sick leave instead of getting laid off like the plebs that take a sick day everytime they have enough hours accrued.
Lazy fuckers btfo
yes i fucking hate my fellow burgers on this.
they're sick in the head with living to work.
there are people who BRAG about not taking vacation for years.
hahaha good
maybe those faggots will see the writing on the wall
Live to work, work to live.
>Not taking holidays.
>Being visible to employer
>Not taking sick leave.
We'll let coronachan decide.
The Treasury allegedly controls the Federal Reserve. Allegedly. The implications may include jubilee, a new currency, both in exchange for loss of liberty, or nothing at all and it was just another exercise in power consolidation.
Otherwise, unrest and pandemonium are surely to ensue shortly.
>be me
>It manager
>Currently in bed chatting some with workers in group chat from my phone.
>Have USB dongle fooling my laptop into thinking I'm working.
>Make sure the wagies are in cagies
>Lay in bed shit posting and napping while getting paid.
What should I spend my trumpbux on?
It seems to me you spend more time slacking than actually working at wallmart. You are lazy and entitled.
>lower class
You're funny.
Hows those genetic disorders going for you Schlomel?
There is no writing. Rent and bills have to be paid.
Shitposting don't take that long, Skeeter.
prussian aka american educatiin
we are slaves. no one even cares abought buyin land
200 IQ response.
Only jewish corporations and banks get bailed out
Only BlackRock handles the trillions
Goyim can get a low interest loan if they work up their credit for a couple years
i'm surprised more of you haven't figured this shit out yet. but you didn't really just think they could reset the entire global finance system without showing the existing one beyond salvation? literally at the end of this virus shit around world people will return currencies to hard backed assets in combination with digital currency. the world over they'll say 'if currency was hard backed, even fractionally, debts right now would be paid, etc, etc'
>t. but you didn't really just think they could reset the entire global finance system without showing the existing one beyond salvation
Do you know how many financial advisors there are in the world now? And you really think no one noticed?
A hobby-jew? Is that when you're only a Jew on Saturday afternoons and public holidays?
Okay, this one got me.
Well walmartbro, it can go one of two ways.
Calm down, Kuntz.
Jungle nigger communism with a side of disappearing white civil liberties, or DoTR? Since there can be no pushback because muh military industrial complex, it will probably come to the former.
For one thing, it would take ten nuclear blasts to stop capitalism. Only insect people can unironically embrace hive culture. Americans will get pissed off eventually, the sooner the better. They were banking on pacification but jewed them on that as well.
I remember thinking like that at my first and second job. Everyone told me in a polite way that I was being a retard and in the end they were proven right.
honestly I dont think anyone can foresee, not even the economists and all the government advisors and expert saying is "just give out money to everyone to keep people and whatevers left of economy afloat"
universal welfare for a while is not even the biggest problem, collapse of the industries is - because it will take years to restart and it will be slow
because there will be no demand whatsoever, because no one will have money, since not many will have income - lack of jobs, cause no business is running due to no demand... you can continue the chain
and they just expect state to bail out industries and hand out money to the people? not going to work
afterall money is ephemeral, but production and labor is not
lets just hope that this epidemic lockdown ends sooner than later
but the opposite has happened - fed set zero reserve loans, more money out of the air not backed by anything just to keep the circus running
Yesterday I worked a 17 hour shift without a proper break, they wanted me back to work 7 hours later. Told them I'm sick, I've had a pretty shit couple of days and why should I go back when nobody else is working.
I for one, am glad to see my fellow Americans shut the fuck up about their lattes' being half caf instead of the full caf they ordered and overpaid for.
All my friends fkd with me when I bought a small house in the sticks. But WHY user? You could afford MY neighborhood..
No.. I couldn't and it turns out neither could they.
Thankfully I paid my house off.
What will become of them?
I didn't want to win like this.. I just wanted to retire early and let them be jealous.
Do I have some form of survivor's guilt?
If you have the mentality of a wage-slave, it is your fucking fault you are being treated like one.
These are the same NPCs who can't understand that treating the women like a "nice guy" will get them nowhere. Don't ever rely on someone elses good will.
Nothing to feel guilty about you made a good choice
I always use my vacation days as soon as I get them just in case I decide to quit later.
The middle classes are all working from home you stupid nigger.
Your friends sound like morons. You probably shouldn't associate with them.