Explain this shit

I dont think people who call paganism "based" on here have actually studied any of the myths.

there is so much fucked up degeneracy in there its no wonder why so many heathens (who actually practice and believe in these religions unlike the closet atheists on Yas Forums) are completely degenerate feminist cucks

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Other urls found in this thread:


and the Yas Forums-pagans call these type of pagans "fake pagans", even though they are the ones who in fact practice it, believe in it and perform rituals. while Yas Forums-pagans are just closet-atheists whove probably never even been to a pagan gathering before

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Wow, did you do one google search before forming your lifelong convient-for-yourself judgement? Worried about your eternal salvation? You should be.
For some real viking stuff read the viking sagas. Viking gods are archetypal. This means they are basic qualities that exist and that you can develop and be strong in and that provide good sources of energy because. Take Mimir for example, communication. Some are good at it, most are not. To be good at communicating, is basically like a godly superpower and makes people happy. Especially, listening without commenting. Make sense?

Yas Forums pagans are faggots who think glowing Viking helmets and magical wolves are super dupe! NERDS, YOU FUCKING NERDS

>he doesn't understand that divinity is complete in itself and therefore has male and female aspects
All priesthoods are pretty faggy btw.

"based" is nigger vernacular coined by a nigger and used by niggers to describe nigger things.

See how weak this one is in the Mimir archetype? Resorting to a retard tier fallacy, on a worldwide political discussion forum. You should improve you communication skills buddy. The fallacies sticky is a good place to start since then the people are armoured against the typical evil preachers guiding them to doom, viz, the liberal journalist!

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nigger is based vernacular coined by a based and used by based to describe based things.

Lol paganism is literally fucking gay. Nice find, OP
pagans BTFO

Why do cristians deny the female aspect of the universe? Legitimately every non-abrahamic tradition recognizes the male in the female and vice versa. You're insecure about it for some reason and it makes you unbalanced.

yeah I'm sure the christian priest who hated the pagans for pillaging their monasteries were totally objective in their writings about the pagan mythology.
I'm not a pagan so I don't know much but how can you even be sure the gods and Jotunn etc. were even considered actual physical entities? It's a very christian worldview to assume these things from the little information we have about the european religions, since most of it was criminalized, burned or otherwise destroyed by the christians when they became the dominant religion in europe.
We literally know nothing about how the pagan worldview was, other than a bunch of seething saxon priests who had either their own or their friend's ass taken by some horny Scandinavian dude on a viking trip

worshiping in paganism is not like worshiping in christianity


How ironic. You are the one that needs to worry about thier future destination being a place of woe and punishment. Haha these comments of yours are the pennies will you pay off by your own agonizing torture in Hell! "bu-bu this isnt scientifically possible! And my preacher said...--- Hahahahaha!! time for your Lava Soup!"

because women are vile creatures

Yahweh, the Christian god, is worshipped by a group of homosexual pederast priests

2000 years, and you're still terrified of us.
You should be.
You can't kill Logos, you inbred, subhuman yid.

Hey, nice wikipedia by the way, faggot. Do you even know where you are right now, you dumb nigger?
The entire world is waking to your shit. Paganism is about to push your shit in. I'd be terrified too.
Sleep well, jew.

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>trans horse to get FUCKED by horse cock

KEK. Germans were always perverts, don't blame the Jews for that

>when in cope and severe doubt
>resort to attacking Christianity instead

so basically pagans take the 1% of pagan mythology that they like and stick with it whilst ignoring the other 99% of degeneracy?
why not just make up a new religion if you so desperately need something

>so basically pagans take the 1% of pagan mythology that they like and stick with it whilst ignoring the other 99% of degeneracy?
All other religions do that too mate. Paganism is just the same as them.

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Push their shit in with what? Theres like a few hundred nordcuck pagans vs billions of monotheists. The biggest group of pagans on this planet are the Hindus. You'd quite literally need to ally with street shitters to get anything done. Imagine unironically believing in many weak gods who fuck and kill each other instead of one almighty omnipotent God that created everything and wields unfathomable power.

what? At what point did I say anything about taking 1% and leaving the rest? All I said was this "degeneracy" you're talking about could be totally fake or blown out of proportion by some angry priest, because he got his jesus statue smashed by some pagan. And most of the pagan mythology is actually completely missing, never to be recovered, because most of it was passed down using songs/poems which were banned by christians. Pagan libraries in southern europe were burned down, The library of Antioch for example, Council of Nicaea. The Library of Alexandria burned too, but by accident. The Romans even made paganism Illegal in the 4th century I believe. So There isn't even 100% of the religions left, there's an unknown, but small part of it left, so it's not even a real religion you can follow lol.

Germanoids being massive faggots is nothing new.
You won't find that in Finnish paganism/SKVR.

Not even the Jews believed that until 2500 years ago.

Give an example.


Try 5000 years. Which means they were ahead of the curve compared to their pagan contemporaries.

Their evil god was gay.
Think about that.

>muh christians destroyed everything
then how come we know so much about the greek/roman pagan religions which were practiced in regions where the church had much more power than in for example scandinavia? surely if the church wanted to destroy everything then the pagan greek/roman religion would have been completely and utterely erased, but it wasnt. we still have many authentic scriptures.

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Pagans are fucking cringeworthy.

Lol. Christian persecution of pagans is not an exaggerated thing at all, and there was an active effort to destroy and silence paganism as much as possible. It's true the Greek and Roman were more literary with their religions, which is why more survive (it's still not alot). As you probably know, the Scandinavians and Germanic tribes did not write down any of their stories, despite having a written language. We don't really know why not, it was mostly through poems and songs, which is not really thought out at all. Most of the info we have of scandinavian culture at those times are from christian priests who visited their lands as guests. Nevertheless, only a christian with some kind of agenda would claim these writings are not heavily influenced by the christian view on paganism at the time

Also as I said before, I am not a pagan nor a christian, and these pagan vs christian threads are sooo fucking cringe.
>paganism isn't even a thing anymore, nobody knows how it was actually practiced and we have no objectively credible sources on how it was practiced
>Christianity is a middle eastern jewish religion and is 100% non-white, regardless what anyone says. Jesus was a brown jew and the bible makes no sense whatsoever.
Whites have no religion left. just accept it. Believing in jesus is gay and believing in Odin is also very gay

>how come we know so much about the greek/roman pagan religions
Because pagans were writing about their practices for thousands of years in the mediterranean before christcucks came along and even then we dont know as much about them as you'd like us to think. By the time the norse were learning latin, the priests were already erasing their culture and covering up their native traditions.

>Believing in jesus is gay and believing in Odin is also very gay
I agree. Whatever the "white" religion is going to be in the future, it'll probably have to be something completely new. Especially since modern science has turned the whole "a dude ripped his body apart and made it into the world" thing totally unbelievable.

what im trying to say is, if the church really wanted to destroy roman/greek paganism, they would have. it wouldnt have taken the pope in the middle ages more than a couple of years. he would simply send out a raid to destroy all the pagan literature left. but that never happened. in fact, the church kept many authentic pagan religious literatures protected in the church's own libraries.
and after the scandinavians converted to Christianity, the only ones who even bothered to come over there and write some stuff down was the priests. The kings never bothered to do it nor anyone else. only the priests.

>the closet atheists on Yas Forums) are completely degenerate feminist cucks
Atheists on Yas Forums are the only anons who actually know what's really going on.

Religion. Poisons. Everything.

>You can't kill Logos
Logos was one of the many things the Hebrews plagiarized or stole from the Greeks.

No one gives a shit what you think. You wouldn't feel the dire need to come here everyday pushing these desperate threads, projecting this much fear if you were honestly convicted to your failing belief paradigm.
I don't have to do shit. And pulling "street shitters" out of your ass was some kind of coping logical fallacy. I don't even know what to do with that madness. You're lost.
You fucking degenerate kike puppets are destroying yourselves for us.

The Fire Rises.

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>Imagine unironically believing in many weak gods who fuck and kill each other instead of one almighty omnipotent God that created everything and wields unfathomable power.
It's like the plot line from Age of Ultron. Religions are comic book stories for fragile adults.

The same people making up these lies about paganism also say that God loves fags and that Sodom was destroyed for being rude to guests, not for homosexuality.

If you can recognise that their stories about Christianity are postmodernist lies, why can't you recognise that their stories about paganism are also postmodernist lies?

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and the Yas Forums-Christians call these type of Christians "fake Christians" even though they are the ones who in fact practice it, believe in it and perform rituals. while Yas Forums-Christians are just closet-Christians whove probably never even been to a Christian mass before

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So let me get this straight. Because my ex-wife can walk up to any man and start a conversation with them that ends with the dick in her. She's welding a godly power? Or would that be the man welding it? It's so confusing

>adopt jewish ideology named "christianity"
>tell others they are degenerates
>implying judaism is not degenerate

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>everything I dont like is a lie
>everything I like is genuine
if youre going to take any of this pagan stuff seriously, then Saxo Grammaticus and his Gesta Danorum would be the closest to most authentic you would get. But of course, thats filled with degeneracy. my original post is just the tip of the iceberg

>if the church really wanted to destroy roman/greek paganism, they would have. it wouldnt have taken the pope in the middle ages more than a couple of years
Just like it only took the roman emperor a couple years to destroy christianity? Youre a retard if you think that destroying ideas is an easy task. The church would have if they could. Hell, there was an entire crusade focused on forcibly converting the baltic states to christianity.
>the only ones who even bothered to come over there and write some stuff down was the priests
*The only ones who's writings were not destroyed were those of the priests.
And even in that case, the writings were only made to inform other priests on the beliefs of the pagans to better convert them.

>fertility goddess

>Just like it only took the roman emperor a couple years to destroy christianity?
the difference is, there were virtually no roman/greek pagans left in the middle ages.
>Youre a retard if you think that destroying ideas is an easy task
of course not, but erasing their literature is a relatively easy task if you have a pope's power in the middle ages. but in fact, their literature was more than often protected by the church instead.

I kame
I kee
I kek

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Things you did not know!
>Paganism is inherently leftist, one could say, its precursor.
>Fascism sprang from Catholicism, or as the shills call it, cuckstianity
It's sad watching so called dissident righters trying to reclaim paganism from lefties when t can't actually BE reclaimed as it never had anything in common with all the good stuff of the right. Fyi, when I talk rightwing, it is not ghe americanised modern right with it's libertarian faggotry.

Thus endeth the lesson. I'm team Christian all the way.

They have a peculiar custom in regard to love affairs, for they win the objects of their love, not by persuasion, but by abduction; the lover tells the friends of the boy three or four days beforehand that he is going to make the abduction; but for the friends to conceal the boy, or not to let him go forth by the appointed road, is indeed a most disgraceful thing, a confession, as it were, that the boy is unworthy to obtain such a lover; and when they meet, if the abductor is the boy’s equal or superior in rank or other respects, the friends pursue him and lay hold of him, though only in a very gentle way, thus satisfying the custom; and after that they cheerfully turn the boy over to him to lead away; if, however, the abductor is unworthy, they take the boy away from him. And the pursuit does not end until the boy is taken to the “Andreium” of his abductor.

They regard as a worthy object of love, not the boy who is exceptionally handsome, but the boy who is exceptionally manly and decorous. After giving the boy presents, the abductor takes him away to any place in the country he wishes; and those who were present at the abduction follow after them, and after feasting and hunting with them for two months (for it is not permitted to detain the boy for a longer time), they return to the city. The boy is released after receiving as presents a military habit, an ox, and a drinking-cup (these are the gifts required by law), and other things so numerous and costly that the friends, on account of the number of the expenses, make contributions thereto. Now the boy sacrifices the ox to Zeus and feasts those who returned with him; and then he makes known the facts about his intimacy with his lover, whether, perchance, it has pleased him or not, the law allowing him this privilege in order that, if any force was applied to him at the time of the abduction, he might be able at this feast to avenge himself and be rid of the lover. It is disgraceful for those who are handsome in appearance or descendants of illustrious ancestors to fail to obtain lovers, the presumption being that their character is responsible for such a fate. But the parastathentes (for thus they call those who have been abducted) receive honors; for in both the dances and the races they have the positions of highest honor, and are allowed to dress in better clothes than the rest, that is, in the habit given them by their lovers; and not then only, but even after they have grown to manhood, they wear a distinctive dress, which is intended to make known the fact that each wearer has become kleinos, for they call the loved one “kleinos” and the lover “philetor.” So much for their customs in regard to love affairs.

>Paganism is inherently leftist, one could say, its precursor.
>Fascism sprang from Catholicism, or as the shills call it, cuckstianity

This is the thing about huwyte. No one on the planet is pure white DNA, whatever that even means. No one. Everyone is mixed to some degree. So now you are left with this endless bickering over who is "white enough". It's the perfect trap for insecure and inadequate incels to fret forever over their non-chad looks and lifestyles.

Be as smart as you can, read books. Be as moral as you can, love math and learn philosophy. Be as strong as you can, ride your bike every day. Be ready to eat shit every day for 20 years at work until you get your career bona fides. Learn to manage your women, give them what they need, dangle what they want in front of them.
No masters
No gods

>the pope has the power to magically know where all the pagan scriptures are in the whole of europe
Uhh, no. Most of the ancient texts we have on paganism were sitting on a shelf untouched for a thousand years. The pope couldn't have known where they were. What he did know was where the practitioners were, and he made every effort to wipe them out. I dont see how you could claim that the church was apathetic towards other religions, especially when so many wars were fought in the name of conversion.


fuck you kike

>"emphasise a need for ethnic purity and oppose what they regard as "culturally destructive" phenomena such as cosmopolitanism, liberalism, and globalisation, as well as Americanisation and consumerism"

The Sacred Band of Thebes (Ancient Greek: Ἱερὸς Λόχος, Hieròs Lókhos) was a troop of select soldiers, consisting of 150 pairs of male lovers which formed the elite force of the Theban army in the 4th century BC, ending Spartan domination.

>Everyone is mixed to some degree
>Therefore no one is white
Oh, hi, Shlomo. Fancy meeting you here.


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>try 5000 years
Why? Hebrew monotheism rose during the Babylonian captivity.

Read the actual stories and you'd know that Loki was mocked extensively and his attempts to mock other Gods as being equally womanly is what led to him being torture-imprisoned until doomsday.
We know from both stories, archeological finds and early norse laws that it was not at all tolerated.
No big surprise that a Frenchfag associated with Foucault wanted to push faggotry though.

Jew myth
>man marries his sister
>uses her in a badger game
>eventually the god who has chosen this man as his man on Earth has to warn his victim to stop it
White myth
>woman brags of her skill of weaving
>does not show proper respect to the goddess
>has a weaving contest with the goddess in disguise
>wins and gets turned into the first spider for being an arrogant bitch
According to christcucks one of these is a good honest story and the other is "cucked"

Your religion is a kike religion that was written down in a kike language and comes out of the non-european homeland of jewry.