>muh roman empire
>illegally occupies South Tyrol
>fail hard at every war
>betrays allies
>constantly asks for handouts like a homeless person
>tourism is their only industry
>their most loved prime minister was a whoremonger
>look like arabs

The austrian government has their steeltipped boot on the aorta of your economy, yes we WILL in fact close the Brenner whenever we damn well please and there is nothing you can do about it except whine some more to the EU.

We already have the turks to deal with, we dont need another mixed half human race at our southern border. Get your shit together or we WILL start investing money into our troops, together with Germany and take back what is rightfully ours to begin with.

You have 30 days to make bresaola cheaper or this gets uglier.

>pic related, 20% of italian economy is pictured

Attached: italian-economy.jpg (1186x1390, 355.21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Italy.jpg (1235x649, 103.02K)

why do kikes keep making hate threads of european countries? really makes you think

Attached: kike.jpg (479x405, 77.93K)

They made pornhub free for Italy on that day user

how do you tell who's the bride at an italian wedding? she's the one with the braided armpits

>>fail hard at every war
They invaded part of our country during WW2 tho (Nice Menton etc)

>she's the one with the braided armpits
and others?

Attached: 1585377828332.jpg (700x393, 40.63K)

t. lesbianboy cucked by turk karabogas

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Shitaly was the rudest country I've ever visited

Ive been there 2 times cant say that

>blocks your path

Attached: when animals attack.jpg (1000x750, 189.56K)

damn good business I guess

no I'm sorry

Italy isn't white



You cant tell who is the bride at a Canadian wedding because all the women are wearing Niqabs

Thought you all loved each other as one big happy continental family?

Attached: The_Truth_About_Bitcoin_Stefan_Molyneux__FreeDomainRadio__15812.jpg (760x428, 136.84K)

hahaah got em

Fuck you, Italy is a great nation with great people.

I hope the virus only wipes out your dregs before it spreads to Germany.

This thread smells strongly of (((something)))

Young Italians are mentally stuck in early puberty until they reach 30. But that's the only thing that mildly irritates me about them, they have their merits as well. There are far worse peoples than Italians.

Someone need to cope over the years from 1859 to 1918.

>everyone i dont like is a kike
absolutely retarded

Stop using the imaginary concept of 'it*lians' when you talk of Siculo-neapolitans.

I wonder if people on Pol are really that retarded.

For the one millionth time: 'it*ly' does not exist and that is currently just the name of the filthy Siculo-neapolitan ethnostate that is plundering and ethnically cleansing Lombards 24/7.

God damn it

Attached: 1582449469043.jpg (640x420, 67.39K)

And the result is ? Pic related spreading their genes like never before and Lombards going extinct.

Well played Lombardy.

Attached: siculo-neapolitan-revolutionary-phenotype.jpg (1024x768, 192.08K)


Lmao. The usual assblasted schizo with the same pics about the Superior, West Civ Birthing, Mediterranean Countries.
Keep coping with your delusions user

Attached: sdfgfdsgsd.jpg (1025x1200, 155.2K)

Why hate on Italy? There are a thousand more reasons to make an America hate thread. The main one being that America is the place that harbors the most jews, who are responsible for all of this mess, so let's make this an America/kike hate thread instead.

Attached: behind immigration.jpg (1023x1200, 302.35K)

I hate gypsies too you dumb kike

Jews aren't white. That's more important to point out.

Attached: the sole purpose.jpg (1000x750, 222.93K)

This thread is clearly made by a kike, dumb ass. How long have you been here?

Attached: internet sites.jpg (2472x3256, 1.54M)

death to krauts.

because you made this thread, I will go to Austria in the summer and bitchslap your men, break their bikes in front of them, rape & spit on your women.
keep adding fuel. you're done.

Correct. Only seasoned posters see this. Fuck kikes with these bullshit threads.

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I will put Austria in its place. you'll experience a type of gypsy terror never seen before. you should bend your knees before an italian, you scum.

How do these guys even live?
They are always bothering everyone on the beach, and no one buy them anything.

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I’ll stick with hating israel


can I still apologize to prevent this?? PLEASE

there is no such a division as continental vs insular. provided that all europeans hate each others, i think the italians have warmer feelings for you brits than any other european country, even if i think modern day brits don't actually think about us at all (from shakespeare's times to w. pater and eliot's it was quite different though)

yes, you are forgiven. call it a /thread.

>illegal occupation
Don't ask for what you can't take by force

Hungarians for instance.

>daily italian hate threads
>kikes are still seething
sage lmao

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Don't make me cough at you.

that would be like throwing a match into a fire

>Italy is a great nation

Attached: 1585630474254.jpg (265x190, 8.89K)

I will cough on his mother as well to insult him further.

Stop replying to shill threads. These fucking kikes have been making these threads with Dutch and Austrian VPNs for weeks now, sage and report this shit

Your niggerloving mom gives them 1€ each time they fuck her

The nazi’s hated Italians too.

>Germany talks about greatness

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I don't hate wops as much as I hate Jews.
I don't hate Jews as much as I hate fucking Chinks.

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Which Saint is that, again ?

shut the fuck up irrelevant satellite

Look who's talking.

More like your sister

Attached: Belgique.jpg (633x781, 177.97K)

The leader and most important cultural and financial center of Orthodox civilisation?

Attached: huntingdon-clash-of-civilisations-map-1-638.jpg (638x479, 83.45K)

trips of death

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Remember WWI nigger? Our independence wars?Or when we stoned you to death out of Genoa? You should

The nazi's hated gypsies too.