What did Satan ever do wrong in the Bible?

What did Satan ever do wrong in the Bible?

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Isn't she that girl from the Grinch?


I'd be willing to bet this edgelord is 14

pride, the gravest of all sins

Happy Birthday to my aunt, the greatest author of all time.

Rest in Peace. I love you more than words.

If you accomplish a goal and did it all yourself you have earned your bragging rights
Pride isn't a Sin

>Satan,[a] also known as the Devil,[b] is an entity in the Abrahamic religions that seduces humans into sin or falsehood. In Christianity and Islam, he is usually seen as either a fallen angel or a genie, who used to possess great piety and beauty, but rebelled against God, who nevertheless allows him temporary power over the fallen world and a host of demons. In Judaism, Satan is typically regarded as a metaphor for the yetzer hara, or "evil inclination", or as an agent subservient to God.

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tried to tell God what to do and got BTFO'd by the almighty. that's a big deal in that book.

Gotta be 18 to post here buddy. I know you are home from school and bored. Your mother is not gunna be happy about this son.

Satan is literally a Hebrew word for opponent. He is the jewish neuroticism personified, and is basically a placeholder for everything non-Jewish. In essence, Satan is the uber goy, who rebels against jewish supremacy and must therefore be punished for it.

go fuck your mom

>Dont ask questions, just worship Jews.

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god i love the pretty reckless

Yeah, taylor momsen is the lead singer

>10 years ago
>being an atheist fedora was edgy
>now its being a tradcath
you aren't the complete apposite of fedorafags

Nothing is ever done alone but through the glory of God. Pride cometh before the fall


>accomplish a goal and did it all yourself
see this is where the first mistake comes in, as no man is an island. As Freddie put it so adequately in the Gay sciences "no victor believes in chance."

Secondly, excessive pride makes you functionally blind. In that if you become so cocksure of your own framing of reality that you dismiss competing accounts as "lies", "untrue", "wrong" or whatever label you want to use. Then when your reality crashes down and the inadequacies in your own assessment of reality manifest itself, your own pride will still make you not realize your own agency (pic related).

>Book of Proverbs, 16:18,
>Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

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I was answering OP's question, not stating a belief.

I dont think life could be created with out darkness and destruction you need both the devil and god to birth this reality

Oh hi Levi, how many baby dicks did you suck today?

He encourage/tricked Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil even though he knew God had forbidden it.

Satan was one of God’s most intelligent, beautiful creatures. He had the pride of not wanting to serve purposes he thought we’re not befitting his magnificence or purposes. Having perfect knowledge of God and an intellect you could not even imagine, he decided against God’s will knowing what would become of the situation and punishment.

Think about that. Even the most intelligent can be stupid I guess out of pride.

Since this was a sin, and he had perfect intellect and knowledge - his punishment was permanent. God’s order isn’t hard to understand. He reveals it if you pray and ask Him to.

She made me and my girfriend eat her ass

That’s the point,

“God” is an evil dictator. Satan is a righteous revolutionary trying to overthrow him but he cannot so that without our help! God wanted us to be slaves who didn’t know anything, but the serpent told us to eat the apple and set us free.

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if you're going to act like a nigger, at least post a bitch without a teenboi body and a fugly 3/10 face.
satan is the jew of jews. he tried to assume control of creation and failed, and like his children are working endless to try to supplant God. he's already defeated.
Jesus Christ is Lord forever.

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>If you eat of that tree you will die
>they eat of the tree
>dont die
God Lied
>dude the bible definition of death is spiritual ;^)

It could. Duality isn’t set in stone. We all free will go decide good or evil.

>He encourage/tricked Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil even though he knew God had forbidden it.
“God” doesn’t want us to be smart enough to realize he is a tyrant and a hypocrite.

>He had the pride of not wanting to serve the jew


Forced himself into a pig like a hillbilly American

Imagine the smell.

all of my stuff on satanism and everything around it in one posts sorted by subject

Their believes and philosophical framework
True Tinfoil stuff


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Love how biblefags sort his only crime as “going against god” without thinking about why. That is not a bad thing.

In pretty sure it’s like Lucifer thought he could do better than God, a cherub, and then when he tried, God said time for srs bsns.
A better question though is “what is God?”

>“God” is an evil dictator. Satan is a righteous revolutionary

>satan is the jew of jews.
>if you oppose Yahweh, the God of the jews, you’re the jew of jews

Mutt logic

Because Gods law is what is good and leads to prosperity. Subsequently everything going against the law is evil and brings ruin and death, which didnt existed even before the satan messed up

>god broke almost all 10 of his own commandments
>tfw you realize who was the villain in the bible

Lets see..he tricked A&E and gained control over earth.

Him and his angels bred with women corrupting the DNA of mankind(reason for flood)

Seeks to take your soul into hell with him. Hell wasnt created for man but for.satan and his angels. By you turning away from God you are defacto siding with satan and choosing him.as your god instead of the Most High.

In modern times he and his cabal have brainwashed humans with cellphones and other media. Everytime you talk on the phone ypu are radiating your brain

Fuck off schizoGerm. You don’t even differentiate Freemasonry from Satanism because you have no actual idea what much of what you’re posting really is
Rangeban Germany when

kikes are not israelites nor semites but the Edomites that lived in judeah
>The Edomites first established a kingdom ("Edom") in the southern area
of modern Jordan and later migrated into southern parts of the Kingdom of Judah ("Idumea", or modern southern Israel/Negev)
Eventually they were forced to convert
>They were again subdued by John Hyrcanus (c. 125 BC), who forcibly converted them, among others, to Judaism

And around that same time the Pharisee that follow the oral law come around
>The Pharisees preserved the Pharisaical oral law in the form of the Talmud
like we have today the kikes follow the Tal Mud and which was repeatedly rebuked by Jesus, telling them they are children of Satan.

Now Edomites are the descendents of Essau, the brother of Jacob/Israel who decided to wage war his brother and his people.
>The Hebrew word Edom means "red", and is derived from the name of its founder Esau

Now to do this Essau joined Amalek
>According to the Bible, Amalek was the son of Eliphaz (himself the son of Esau, ancestor of the Edomites)

Which thus, together with Essau became the Edomites (plus a couple other things mixed in likely).
The Amalek are known as Israels nemesis and who fits the whites nemesis better than the kikes? The Amalek are a canaanite tribe. Canaan is the son of Ham who was one of the three sons of Noah (Abraham coming from Shem, S(h)emites). Now the Hamites are traditionally black and indeed canaans curse hints to him becoming a slave like the blacks did. Furthermore i believe the biblical first black (can go into this) was Cain, who himself was the son of Eve and the serpent. This is the line of kikes, those that say they are jews, but are liars instead. The Synagogue of Satan and they came through the Hamitic line, thus are basically white skinned niggers

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from Flavius Josephus
>2. For there are three philosophical sects among the Jews. The followers of the first of which are the Pharisees; of the second, the Sadducees; and the third sect, which pretends to a severer discipline, are called Essens. These last are Jews by birth, and seem to have a greater affection for one another than the other sects have.

so the closest relation the kikes have to the israelites is through Esau who mixed himself into the canaanites

Esau originally had the birthright to take over the tribe as a first born. However after a day of work on the field he went inside and asked his brother for something to drink or eat, for which Jacob demanded Esaus birthright. Esau agreed, and thus got what he wanted and Jacob got the birthright from Esau. However after this Esau wanted it back, Jacob didnt want to return it, and thus Esau parted from his family, joined a canaanite tribe that became known as Amalek (the Israelites nemesis) to wage war on Jacob/Israel. These eventually (likely with a couple others mixed into) became the Edomites which are todays Kikes. And to this day they still demand the birthright back from Israel (The white man). Their hate of whites is actually envy, they want what we have. Thats why they undergo plastic surgery to appear more european, take on germanic last names and yiddish is even just some fake german. They try to genocide whites so that they can take their position of chosen people they believe they inherited from Esau, without anyone else being left to rightfully claim that position.

Other than the kikes however Esau made up with Jacob/Israel again eventually, but (((they))) refuse to follow the lead to this day.

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>“God” is an evil dictator.
old testament God was a wrathful bastid for sure, after Jesus died, the violence got dialed way back. at least until you get to Revelations then it gets metal AF.

You should really be a namefag. That way I can filter your schizo posts and pastas

literally nothing

>Gods law is what is good and leads to prosperity.
Because he says so

That’s right. That’s why the god of the Jews led his people throughout the desert for 40 years. You’d think he would have a map.

I’ll be the antichrists right hand man

This post makes me curious about what has pissed you off so much...

like god, satan is man-made, in the story he isn't the baddest guy though, the light-bringer just wanted to talk some common sense into the paradise apes

He hung around kikes.

And what about what he said is true?

The germposter doesn’t even know what satanism is and it’s many branches. First of all, most of the elites do not worship lucipher. They are in contact with Goetic demons from the keys of Solomon.

There is no such thing as selling your soul. You offer yourself as a temporary vessel, a servant on earth.

Freemasonry is crypto satanism
Some connections between Saturn and Satan.
Where as Gods symbolism is around the Sun and light Saturn stands in Duality to this. In example in Alchemy the Sun is Gold, perfection, whereas Saturn is lead (base/ruin)
Saturn being the planet the furthest away from the sun still visible with the naked eye, the furthest away from God.
The 6th planet with the hexagon on its northpole forming the cube. (both satanic symbolism)
Being in greek the embodiment of time and thus ultimately decay and death like Satan, is the source of sin with sin causing our death/mortallity.
The 6s in its seal (pic related)
The 6s encoded in the the Seal of Solomon (6 small triangles with 60° corners) and the hexagon.
Sun is associated with Gold (perfection and the highest) in alchemy as Saturn is Lead (being in ruin and the lowest), polar opposites once again
Saturn in Astrology is ruling the Karma which Buddhists say traps us in this world just like the Sin which Satan brought, brought us into this world

Pic related then shows clearly who their god is, Satan, this material world and their own ego.
The square in pic related, which incorporates the origin of the Masons Logo is even associated with Saturn

considering kikes are edomites and that edomites descent from Canaanites who worshipped moloch (which is saturn, the bast candidate for satan) through childsacrificeswhich traditionally are said to be through which the line of Cain continues who is the child of eve and the serpent/satan/the devil, the Jesus calling these people children of the devil and a brood of vipers was quite likely way more literal than people tend to assume

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That is an impressive Yas Forums resume.

Absolute bollocks. Lucifer refused to kneel before humans when God named them his finest creation. Lucifer maintained the idea that he was. He was cast down from heaven and became Satan for trying to overthrow God. Now Satan does his best to consistently prove to God that humans are NOT his perfect creation.

We wouldn't be perfect if we had no choice in our actions. God is (was) willing to bet that even with free will, humans will choose the right thing, and follow God words.

The rest is history, with God and Satan just playing out this (rather childish) bet until the day or reckoning.

satan does the kikes bidding

This is the Christian god some greek aristocrat who had a son Lucifer morning star who refused to do some shit for some reason.

Bible is a collection of stories from out European and jewish cultures.
They can be interpreted anyway you want and there is always a lesson to be learned.

Chads law

Adam and Eve physically died. They wouldn't have if they hadn't eaten the fruit.

Satan did nothing wrong

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Take your meds

Freemasonry is a boomer club.
There are occult groups in power, but you don’t know their names.

>Lucifer refused to kneel before humans when God named them his finest creation. Lucifer maintained the idea that he was.
Was he wrong? Lucifer is a god. We are mortals.

Again, consider becoming a namefag. Then take your medications

>throughout the desert for 40 years.
40 is used a lot in the old testament. rained for 40 days and 40 nights etc. I wouldn't read more than metaphor into that.

Except that we can trace the rise of the western world directly to the obediance of The Law of God and see it crumbling not even a decade after we started completly ignoring it.

>13If a man lies with a man as with a woman, they have both committed an abomination. They must surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
anti faggotry

>3Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, 4because they will turn your sons away from following Me to serve other gods. Then the anger of the LORD will burn against you, and He will swiftly destroy you.
against racemixing. Now often its claimed this merely means to not marry someone of another believe regardless of race however
>12 "Beware, my son, of every kind of fornication. First of all, marry a woman from among the descendants of your ancestors; do not marry a foreign woman, who is not of your father's tribe; for we are the descendants of the prophets. Remember, my son, that Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, our ancestors of old, all took wives from among their kindred. They were blessed in their children, and their posterity will inherit the land.

>8When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when He divided the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.
speaks against mass immigration

>1“Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever does not enter the sheepfold by the gate, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a robber.
against illegal immigration

>1No man with crushed or severed genitals may enter the assembly of the LORD.
against trannies

>19If you are harvesting in your field and forget a sheaf there, do not go back to get it. It is to be left for the foreigner, the fatherless, and the widow, so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.
basically natsoc

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No, buddy.

Lucifer gave us knowledge from the tree of good and evil.
He answers our prayers and gives us power in exchange for service (just like ANY other deity) except for “god” he never answers prayers.

cathoholic shitskins btfo out by satan

he gave adam and eve the knowledge of right and wrong and the laws of the universe or some shit

he also killed like 6 people (mostly jobs wives) at the behest of god

meanwhile sky magician regularly tortured his creations through meaningless arbitrary trials and glow nigger tier entrapment situations he knew they would fail, whether planned or not even though they apparently had free will

also genocided the entire fucking planet on a whim cause a couple of mud people raped some angels in gomorrah and they birthed out a couple of x-men tier mutants

who really fucking knows desu, but it should be clear who was lesser of two evils

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This 100%. "Satan" is not a distinct character, he is a demonized version of the current enemy. To the Jews, Satan was a bad goy. To the early Christians, Satan was a pagan. They even drew him as Pan for fucks sake.

This is how it works
Freemasonry is just one of the recruitment grounds of Jews. They promise money, influence, fame etc through networking and secret magic knowledge. This already attracts a certain kind of people. Through out the ranks and the initiation rituals in them they filter out who is willing to do evil to advance, starting with harmless stuff, then some minor faggotry, bigger faggotry, until you need to rape a child and murder it to get into the actual big boys club. Along the way they are sure to record everything of you, look who is willing to do some favors, in example if you are a cop overlook a speeding ticket, or ignore some other crimes of fellow members, getting more dirt on you until you are entirely blackmailable and become a puppet pacified with drugs sex and some money.
Freemasons is where Kikes recruit willing traitors from.
The "good Masons" are just usefull idiots paying membership fee to help disguise it as a boring gentlemans club thinking they get some deep philosophy or something, while making some charity from time to time and make it appear as if there is nothing to see
Always shoot the traitor first

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Lucifer isn't a god. He was originally one of God's hand men (right or left, can't remember which)

The problem with Satan is his pride. At the end of the day, if you choose to follow him, you're following a bitter individual who wants to lead you astray se he can prove God wrong. God let's you do what you like, but hopes you choose a righteous path which will undoubtedly leave you fulfilled, happy and deal with life on earth far better.

Barneybro's law

You are not going to change anyone’s opinion by talking about how based and right wing the Bible is.

>God instructs his people not to intermingle with other people’s because they will turn towards the other peoples gods
Well no shit.

And Jesus Christ was a communist by today’s standards. And no, not a natsoc. He lived in a hippy commune with no private property and a 100% tax rate where things were distributed by need.

I've read through so much text on all of this, plus all kinds of esoteric stuff, hermeticism, along with various other pop religions like islam, buddhism and hinduism.
So much that I stopped fucking caring. The ultimate result is that I know fucking nothing and I don't care about knowing anymore.
Just fuck everything. I want an eternal, dreamless slumber. Fuck existence altogether.

Yeah of course he does... Its in his best interest to lead you astray and add yet another soul to the tally between him and god. Go ahead and worship a bitter resentful child of the true creator if you wish. It won't end well for you.

Also think of the story of Job
In this case imagine Satan as the older brother. He is mad the we, the smaller brother get attention even though we are, on the cosmic scale, just sucking our thumb and drool a lot. So Satan throws a fit to get our fathers attention, and a 3rd of the angels agreed.
Satan claimed we dont deserve the attention, we only follow him and praise him because we have all these good things. So Satan too has to learn about him being wrong. He is permitted to throw his fit, tolerated. He takes Jobs livestock, wealth, health, family and everything but his life. He will then see that he still praises God in the end, that the praise and worship is genuine love, that he was wrong about us Humans being such low creatures and that here too, God was right again.
This is playing out in front of us all right now globally.

If this is not a bot. Just so you're aware, one you did not win the argument and two nobody is reading your copypasted shit. This goes for you and all other autists.

The truth, because there is no truth in him

He is a libertarian.

Based and truthpilled.


The reason the billionaire occult members who worship demons and rape kids are all jewish is because the goetic demons (who they are actually contacting) are all jewish deities. Are you so surprised that people in Jewish bloodlines would be the most likely to contact these entities?

Any race can contact them, but they’re Jewish deities. And for the record, all beliefs that come from Abraham are Jewish. That includes Christianity and Islam.

>100% tax rate where things were distributed by need.
but Jesus was the holy means of production. feeding the multitudes with 3 fish and some bread, etc. he was no common hippy.

satan's greatest achievement wasn't convincing us he didn't exist. it was convincing us he was god.

Nice wikipedia, brah.

>all powerful being who destroys his enemies with hellfire is libertarian
What is the kingdom of heaven if not a state?

Satan fought against a far more evil being