Landlords are the only investors I've ever encountered who expect their investment revenue to maintain constant and level no matter what the market forces are.
Just dont pay your bills landlord bro
Just let the renter lose power and water
illegal but ok
Live somewhere wlse you piece of shit. Unless your rental agreement stipulates a variable rste based on your employment, you have nothing to bitch about.
>Landlords are the only investors I've ever encountered who expect their investment revenue to maintain constant and level no matter what the market forces are.
It's not just landlords
It's every dumb fucker ever who bought into the real estate jews jewish tricks
landlords are the most desperate example
lol kys
Anger is intentionally be deflected from the Banks everywhere these days. The rent is ultimately owed to the banks, so why the rage at the middleman?
stop asking the right questions user
because they fucking deserve it
Pay your rent or go live on the street. I already have spare locks. You miss rent tomorrow, your key won’t work on Thursday. Easy as that
dont expect to get away with no repercussions lol
Turn their internet off and see what happens
How are you going to replace the locks with broken arms?
>ITT: children who think the landlord pays the internet bill like their parents do.
*Screeching in parasite*
How does it feel to know even Adam Smith considered landlords to be leeches in a capitalistic system?
except you'd be wrong about that assumption, so many rental agreements are based on unlimited WiFi it'll make your head spin
>deserve a place to live
Theres that word again
>How dare i be expected to fulfill my end of a contract i voluntarily entered into.
If you're dumb enough to put your landlord in charge of your internet, it takes less than an afternoon for an ISP to set up a new account and get you a modem installed, and costs about a grand or more a month less than your rent.
The best part is the ISP actually provides a service.
>it takes less than an afternoon for an ISP to set up a new account and get you a modem installed
except if you are a renter, you forgot that part
It takes a functioning state to enforce a contract. Go call the police or take it to court, see how much they give a shit when you and every other leech like you is crying in their ears. Or just go remove them yourself, pussy.
Landlords are the first people that will be targeted in the coming anti automation revolution
I've had the internet set up in every property I've ever owned, where the fuck are you that renters can't set up a contract with an ISP?
Burgers can't just plug a modem into a socket in the wall of their house to get internet?
Every property I've ever rented, I mean
>grocery stores and hospitals are hiring
good, you can get a job there and pay rent then
nigger landlord detected
the day of the disregarded eviction notice is coming for you bitch
You should have listened
ok retard
Yes, we can. He doesn't know what he's talking about. You don't need to own a property to have cable set up there. You don't even need to prove you live somewhere to open up a contract with the electric company on that property, in my experience.
Bankers are landlords
>Bankers are landlords
Bankers are landlords
>Bankers are landlords
Bankers are landlords
>Bankers are landlords
Bankers are landlords
>His rental house comes with internet bundled in and he thinks other people live in niggerland
I have some bad news for you....
Pay your bills António, or I’ll kick you out for some Brazilian hooker who will.
you're dumb to the ways of the burger jew? May I suggest a rental situation for you?
landlords work hard you fucking cucks. Yes, we do. Why aren't you renting, bitch? You can afford $1,000 a month and you look like you'd die from spiders.
Imagine relying on property for income when you have the best opportunity to get rich with stock in a decade
>landlords work hard you fucking cucks.
The fuck they do
They're the bitches with their panties twisted over golf course closures
There's government housing for that
You're not entitled to a private person's labor.
or i could stay safe at home and watch you seethe
tell it to the judge lol
oh, wait..
>everyone from small business to big manufacturing takes the hit
>landlords: "lol, can't happen to me"
The Day Of The Disregarded Eviction Notice is coming
Imagine being a nigger
This is really a moot argument. If you're a landlord, you should start figuring out a different line of income for the time being. A lot of people just lost their jobs, they can't pay you. They're not going to pick their shit up and go live on the street to make the next month more convenient for you. And you're going to be surprised in a month when you file for eviction and the police tell you "fuck off, we're busy".
You're free to go try to remove them yourself, but if you were capable of doing anything yourself you probably wouldn't be a landlord. Maybe try government assistance programs? I also hear learning to code is an easy path back to solvency.
>Imagine giving over money to a jew without questioning the terms of the contract
Fucking landlord posting Chapofaggots. Blame the banks and (((those))) running them
What labor? A landlord buys a house through a mortgage. The tenants pay his mortgage plus extra. All the landlord does is play the middle man and bid the working class out of affordable homeownership. They are literal parasites.
low life renter scum detected
please think of the poor landlords guys...
We do blame the banks. You should still expect not to be paid, despite that.
>All the landlord does is play the middle man and bid the working class out of affordable homeownership. They are literal parasites.
another someone who has never experienced the joys of home ownership.
Never succumb to the real estate jew
Quit posting on Yas Forums like a lunatic. Go out there and contribute.
Child who thinks the average landlord anywhere other than the 'hood provides WiFi detected.
I'll say it again. If your primary stream of income is property speculation and rent, you should figure out another way to make money for a while, and quickly. This isn't an argument, this is what's going to happen.
Holy fucking shit these parasites can't even understand basic business. I have no sympathy for these fuckers, none.
>I don't care if some compatriots end living in the street.
>Well yes I consider myself a nationalist.
>Imagine not being debt free and not having enough money to live at least half a year off.
Sure was a great idea basing your lifestyle around (((credit))), wasn't it?
This is why the economy will collapse
No stimulus necessary
I'm seeing a lot of talk lately about landlords.
Mostly about how they need people (even unemployed people) to keep paying rent, or they can't pay their mortgages and bills, and this situation is on renters, who should have savings.
There is so much wrong with this thinking.
If you have large loans (mortgages) and bills you cannot pay without consistently strong returns on your investments (rental properties) then YOU are being financially irresponsible. YOU need to suffer the consequences, not your customers.
Shouldn't the landlords also have three months of savings like they expect their renters to have? Why don't they have a "rainy day fund" like they expect others to?
Why do we, as a society, allow a basic need like housing to be operated as an investment to gamble with (like the stock market) to begin with?
If you are taking the "risk" of investing in rental properties, then part of that risk is losing money. Otherwise it wouldn't be a risk, it would be free money with no downside. This risk is nothing more than a privilege of capital.
Why don't we run rental housing as a utility? Shouldn't it be not for profit like healthcare or the post office? People could still own their own homes if they wanted to.
Management, maintenance, and construction are technical issues that could be handled by people being paid a wage. A capitalist owner extracting profit from rent need not be involved.
Perhaps these landlords should print some resumes and hand them out, get a real job that adds some value to society. I hear $7.25/hour is a reasonable starting point. Maybe they could cut back on lattes and avocado toast. Open a savings account and stop living beyond their means while asking for handouts. ;)
Perhaps Americans are finally waking up to the fact that landlords are really little more than parasitic middlemen who add little to no value to society or the economy?
My parents are homeowners. I helped them with remodeling and painting. I rent an apartment for more than a mortgage would cost, but lack the savings to qualify for one. I painted my apartment and laid ethernet cables. I tend the garden. My landlord doesn't do shit but collect rent. How is he not a parasite who fucks up the housing market for working folks like me?
Utilities are almost always in renters name. That’s akin to cutting your neighbors power and water
Replace 'landlord' with 'tenant' and the image is just as powerful
Do you really expect to be entitled to live in someone else's house, for nothing? Like you're that ultimate sponge Karl Marx or something.
You've got 2 weeks to get your shit and get out.
Or else what? lol
You gonna call the horse police?
No it's not. You have to have a giant ego and delusion of grandeur to think that landie.
> teenants pay landlords mortgage
sound like
> wymyn earn 23% less
this is the kind of verification that you are given for free (commies, stop drooling) by the world itself
if - it - were- true - everybody - would - do - it - (employ only wymyn/be a landlord)
Fuck landlords but The un human rights declaration carries about as much authority as a gold fish
lol okay faggot
No it's not going down like that. First comes the market corrections. Second comes bank provided houses from your foreclosures. Third comes affordable housing in rural low income areas and cities will always be expensive. There will just be more options and your fucking scam hustle is finished.
you need enough money and good enough credit to get an apartment building in the first place, doofus
Just fucking say that to and you will get kicked out instantly you fucking vermin
The BooogaLoooooop
It will be landlords vs renters
Except tenants have worked before.
I really hope landlords do this in conjunction with a 33% unemployment rate, they’d be signing their own death warrant and they don’t even realize it. A 30% unemployment rate is revolutionary numbers and uncontrollable, also homeless people have nothing to lose especially if they have a family. They’d be dead within a week and the police wouldn’t even have the resources to investigate, people are too blind to see it.
*coughs on you*
just ban renting and be done with it
yes landlords are parasitical filth, doesn't mean renters are entitled to free shit
ban landlord parasitism and make everyone buy houses or live with their parents until they can afford to buy houses, the 'muh independence at 18 years old' meme has to die
based and zadruga-pilled
Landlords be trying to evict and sell.
Hit them at the point of sale
>Imagine being this much of a brainlet
Human rights dont even exist. Just something us white ppl made up for ourselves and now everyone wants it
This is a chink thread
Learn to code
>market took a hit
Except it didn't retard, once coronchan kills off a few billion so that theres less people needing a place to live, demand is still just as high
Being a landlord is unironically a retard move. People hear "invest in property:)" and think it means "be landlord for students and poor people!"
In reality, being a landlord for students/those with low income will rarely if ever net you a decent profit while making you either;
>actively lose money on trying to maintain+expand properties inhabited by those with low income
>become vilified and despised by cutting corners and neglecting property in order to make a profit
People who think that "haha dumb student pay rent XXXDD" is some based take are retards, since landlords are overwhelmingly the sort of money grubbing retards who would praise the mass-influx of immigrants so they can shut them up in slum housing for fat profits. Landlords are one of the primary reasons that there are chunks of foreign-controlled housing that take up entire streets or neighbourhoods, and this idea that anti-landlordism is in the same box as screeching feminists and whooping niggerology is stupid. Anti-landlordism is often the first step of nationalism; securing the very land on which homes are built from the hands of those driven by profit alone is completely essential, and all these (admittedly north american) faggots who worship landlords are to be disregarded.
0% Chink, just spreading truth
salty landlord detected
Just fucking stop charging to live period. Give that shit away and watch a Utopia form.
If people don't have to pay for housing we can finally build a nation.
I have a few rental properties. Nice little places, one is even beachfront. I see owning a rental property as a product, and renters are my customers. I want my customers to be happy and satisfied, so my rents are low/reasonable, I pay for repairs out of pocket the moment they are needed, my renters have my personal phone number and they call me when they need anything, and many other sorts of things any good business should do for their customers. I've never had a bad experience with anyone in many years of doing this.
I'm more than happy to postpone or waive rent during this pandemic. It would be indecent not to.
I feel like some basic human decency goes a long way, in all things but renter+owner relations as well.
kill the boomers
The hordes of people on Yas Forums siding with landlords is a clear mark of the contrarianism that plagues this place. You see people you usually disagree with (bleeding heart students or failed feminist journalists) bitching about landlords and you think "gee, the landlords must be /ourguys/!"
This simply is not the case. There are undoubtedly landlords who are good people, maybe they inherited stuff from their parents, but the VAST majority of them are leeches upon people and the housing market. The reason everyone hates landlords is because of how landlords behave and what they do to communities, not because of some faggot student crying about having to pay for shit.
Fairly reasonable, except
>deserve a place to live
On what grounds? Why not just set up camp in Disney World and make the same argument?
The problem is having a bank account is not a skill.
What the fuck do you actually do other than speculate?
How are you different than a NEET on biz gambling on shitcoins? You fucking aren't that is a major fucking crisis for the rest of society. Why cant you group of fucking selfish as fuck faggots wake up.
This is a good landlord who realizes this situation is a lose lose for everybody.
I like how you picked one word out of all that shit and ignored everything else.
>Landlords are the only investors I've ever encountered who expect their investment revenue to maintain constant and level no matter what the market forces are.
How about nobody throws money at landlords and nobody protects your lazy asses from evictions?