Something is happening guys. The dot has been red for a while.
Something is happening
Other urls found in this thread:
oh fuck
things about to go pink
its over
Did you guys see this?
Not sure if its legit.
That dot has been randomly going from green to red for over ten years and has never indicated anything.
i ain't clicking that shit
It's still red
So what does the color indicate?
stop posting, newfag
Wait, it's PINK. That's not even on the chart. What does PINK mean?
schizo general
god she looks haggard in this pic
only time i found her hot was in that relatively recent video with channing tatum where she was dressed in latex along with that hot asian woman
This is just a very retarded and convoluted way of looking at stock market volatility index.
High volatility = red dot = something happening.
well it might be the reason the dot is red
pic related
Not that I believe in any of this shit, but here's hoping China becomes a fucking pile of irradiated ashes.
Red dot is red
watch this
>Please don't strongly interpret the dot!
It's literally nothing.
It's literally a random number generator. Are you stupid?
wonder what color the dot will be when they all hang
where did you find this?
Things are about to go black.
It is also 100 seconds to midnight on the "doomsday clock"...
Wtf is your point, Hans?
Back in 2015-2016 some people started sneezing on a regular basis.
Those people will not die from COVID-19.
The term "Corona" was once a direct reference to the corona of the Sun, into which many extraneous and undesirable persons would be "ejected". There was an apparent change of plans some time ago, so the relevant technology was not cleared for development. Ergo, we have a painful, slow-acting virus instead of a "quickening", and an opportunity for interested parties to implement their vision(s) of the future. Hopefully the outcome will be functional.
Bulletin of the (((Atomic Scientists)))
So tired of all these fucking slide threads shitting this place up. I hope you choke to death.
Kek will be summoned.
What is to slide except more plague hysteria and IS COFFEE GOOD FOR YOU?
Oh my god my peepee is red, wat do??
Ok, boyos.
You have reached the end of my knowledge, but maybe you can take it from here, and I can relax for a minute?
>Page 1
>"Concentration Camps"
Every. Damn. Time.
But what does it mean Hanz?
Der Juden.
Just in the process of exporting each page. Will upload when done
Do you know anything about URLs?
>hurr durr long string of characters, must be virus
If the domain is real, it doesn't matter what comes after, as it's subdirectories of that domain. Retard.
>The only people/companies listed are those routinely mentioned in the mainstream media
This is clearly fake.
At the risk of getting called a shill:
Anyone can file civil suits like these. Coverage of "AI", "Quantum Computing", and such reads as though they were written by a child. The person who drafted it is of dubious qualification in those areas, and writes as though he has suffered from a severe developmental disability.
The lords work
just lazy
Threadly reminder that the GCP is pseudo-science.
gods speed user
Now THIS is juicy
>tweet from 2017
>using something named "corona"
you know what else was going on at that time
>people in 2017 were drinking a beer with the same name
stfu retards
Look up "drive by downloads", brainlet
Enlighten us.
>When human consciousness becomes coherent, the behavior of random systems may change. Random number generators (RNGs) based on quantum tunneling produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured. We calculate one in a trillion odds that the effect is due to chance. The evidence suggests an emerging noosphere or the unifying field of consciousness described by sages in all cultures.
I don't care it's a good read.
yeah but its tom hanks the face of GRIDS i see right through that 33 glowie
Shit is going to hit the fan
Nice knowing all of you
>still believes in the Freemason conspiracy
The logic behind the dot says it RESPONDS to things happening, it only spikes when a shitload of people are already aware of a happening and their collective consciousness influences it. It cannot be used to predict things. Even if you fully believed in the dot's functionality and the ability of human consciousness to manifest physical changes in our environment, the dot would still not be able to predict something. The cause of the spike would already be on every news station.
Swear to fucking god you people are the dumbest motherfuckers on this website.
>If I use greentext Yas Forums will think I'm one of them!