TFW Decimated Corona in 7 Days

>Prince Charles Recovers From Coronavirus, Exits Self-Isolation After 7 Days

Get rekt peasants.

Attached: prince-charles-harpist-t[1].jpg (1200x720, 137.53K)

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Holy shit he's making his play for the crown he's actually gonna kill the queen based.

>U.K. government guidelines require anyone with symptoms to self-isolate for seven days and anyone living in their household to self-isolate for 14 days.

It's not clear to me that he's actually recovered - don't understand why people with the virus should quarantine for half the time of people who live with them.

As far as I can tell he's just served the mandated 7 days self-isolation after testing positive.

Doesn't make any sense.

The elites won't reveal the cure

Charles and Hanx

isn't this the guy who raped that teen girl at epsteins mansion?


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He is a reptilian

If one has symptoms, one has had the disease for a little bit anyway.

They took hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin + zinc.

You don't take that though. It's fish cleaner.

That makes sense, cheers

How's BoJo?

>tfw filthy pleb
>no royal blue blood
>gets corona
>dies of suffocation into own fluids

based genetics indeed


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can anything stop the eternal anglo at this point?

no thats andrew hes a spare tire only charles and william matter


He's already done the worst he could, infect the queen.

No , Charles is the one that raped a male servant when in his 20s.

>makes sense
No, it does not. You still can be spreader after 7 days.

>that pic
I can now see

Ha just one ? Rookie numbers. Based anal-raping disciplinarian.

Is this hydroxy thing work?

Then he never had it. Or if Charles did have it and the virus isn't as bad as they make out then you all got suckered by mass hysteria.

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It's a terrible policy, don't get me wrong, but I understand the fucked up logic.

It makes more sense than 'ill people only quarantine for 7 days, everybody else; 12'

way too much bodies count for a hysteria.

Check pic related

Raoult is the guy who did the French study that showed it works.

The media doesn't mention the fact he is the most renowned infectious disease expert in the world, way above Fauci

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Or he has access to the best medical care available in the world?

Not withstanding infant blood magick rituals

This means there is a cure that the aristocrats are keeping for themselves,

Because it's absolutely nothing. Billions of people hiding away on their phones when the solution to crush it is to get it and beat it. The faggots in charge shorted the market on the way down and are now buying up cheap stocks, why are we supposed to listen to them?

Still perplexed as to why the media doesn't ask this simple question...

If the Virus started in some backstreet Wuhan wet market... Why is Europe and America the Epicentre?

Not dead, not on a ventilator and still doing video conferences

Based and polebarnpilled

I hope he’s enjoying a nice dinner at Charlie’s Chicken

>solution to crush it is to get it and beat it

A solution that results in millions of deaths is not a solution.

>Doesn't make any sense.
Yeah it makes zero sense. Same like when they let that MP back into the house of commons after a 14 day quarantine. This shit stays with you for 4-8 weeks in some cases wtf?
Even the brit guy from Wuhan said it took a MONTH to get over it???
Pay close attention to when Charles gets "Reinfected"

Where are these bodies?

Oh fuck yew I hope Santy Claus shits on yew. Yew mealy-mouthed motherfucker

The 14 day quarantine for people you live with is to cover the 7 day quarantine period each person with new symptoms is supposed to undertake if they contract it on any of the 7 days the original person with symptoms is isolating for.
Say you catch it and isolate 7 days and your wife catches it from you on day 7, that's 14 days there

are those fake?

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Get ready for a million new holocaust museums in the UK as a show of his eternal gratitude to the nice jewish doctors who cured the greatest plague to inflict mankind.

yes. its an image from a movie set from 2013.

The black girl gets the crown, turns out she's got strong Stuart dna, too embarresing for it to go to william, his great grandfather was staff

i can't have that pasta without sauce

>millions of deaths
Nobody is dying from it. 38,769 worldwide in 4 months. 51,000 die a month in the UK


its found in fish tank cleaner. Its also a non harmful additive in tonic water, take some zinc supplements and drink a case. no more coronachan.

Their history of prostitution

William is out, you heard about dianas grandfather was staff who was raped by the monarch

He was based af. Shame (((they))) killed him

Sounds like he got hold of some of that there Trumpoquine

>The elites won't reveal the cure
hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin + zinc + vitamin C (7000-15,000mg) + Vitamin D (5000 IU) + breathing exercises
Congrats you beat the nuPlague

Just wait for the riots and forced vaccines and chink style social credit. It's coming

>forced vaccines
still can't imagine this. like how they do it? pretty much impossible desu.

>Muh 6 gorillion deaths!!

Get a job happening faggot. The only real danger is the forced panic and damage to small and mid sized businesses.

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How will they force you not to abandon cellphone tech?

Cut you off from Gibs if you dont

>can anything stop the eternal anglo at this point?
yes end central banks use bitcoin and other alternatives.

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That was no way to treat a West point graduate

Please prove this to fuck up normies plz

With all of the fearmongerimg people will get it. The panic fags will attack anyome that doesn't have it. Look at how people are attacking anyone that doesn't stay home? Calling them murderers and other such nonsense. Watch contagion. They couldn't even go shopping without a bracelet that proves vaccination

Here are my theories:
1) The infection stays upwards of 4-8 weeks with symptoms going up and down fooling people into thinking they are over it where they spread it
2) The virus is mutating so quickly that you can get reinfected from a small percentage of the virus in your own body upper respiratory, gastrointestinal tracts
3) The virus mutates so quickly in the wild that you keep catching it from other people
4) The virus hides inside bacterial spores in your gut and reinfects you when you sniff farts or burps

Please can a scientist check on these theories

yep its a nothing burger

He never had anything, most obvious larp ever