What would the age of consent be in Yas Forums's perfect ethnostate?

What would the age of consent be in Yas Forums's perfect ethnostate?

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I love cunny

Is loli an age?

Attached: Do it for her.png (1400x1000, 842.02K)


30 years old


This fed is posting thread after thread of cringe. Let slide, bros

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no age of consent, dates are organised by parents and if they like each other the relationship would ber allowed to procede ending in marriage in about 1-2 years, couples are not to be left alone and virginity is requiered from both partners before marriage. if somene is found contradicting these guidelines will be condemned to not being able to marry, enforced labor for the state, army, orphanages, etc

no lower than 16

oh, also marriage means at least 3 kids with state benefits in order of number. exceptions in case of medical conditions, no divorce.

What's the movie OP?

One the one hand 14 is the age that studies have shown is the most attractive, it's also the age most girls decide to throw their virginities away at.

On the other, they're still in school, they're still fucking dumb (though they remain that way until at least their mid twenties), and childbirth at that age is very risky.

So the 16 of the UK or 15 of France is probably the right age,

There should be no age of consent as all sex outside marriage should be criminalised.
According to Catholic doctrine the minimum age of marriage is 16 for boys and 14 for girls.

I would have licked her face, without giving a fuck about her age.

14 plus father's blessings.

Half your age plus seven.

18. Below that a girl hasn't adapted to hormones to handle marriage & you shouldn't have sex outside of marriage.

And you have to be able to support a family.

this is ridiculously hot

You're one of the fools who thinks that any male attracted to girls younger than 18 is a pedo, aren't you?

there would be no age of consent instead everyone having sex before marriage would be executed

There would be no age of consent, because no one is allowed to fuck. We would import all of our of New stock when we needed it, in an attempt to get white people breeding properly outside of the ethnostate.

>you shouldn't have sex outside of marriage.
the ultimate cope
if you arent tying to fuck every pussy you come across you arent a chad




None because sex and women are degenerate. Shaman monk life is the key to happiness

Guess again.

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Hold up, why the fuck is there a door to the elevator? It has sliding doors.

A year after her first period. Only allowed within a pre- arranged marriage which can be made at 16 when she has the option to leave school.

where is that from? why does he look so uncomfortable?

Kys cuck

My numbers decide age of consent

18 as universal
if People fall in love earlier, they cant be more then 1-2 years apart in age


A memory.

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My great grandmother was married at 13 and she had 6 kids.

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Why does everything with you degenerate kikes have to be about putting your dick into things

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>One the one hand 14 is the age that studies have shown is the most attractive
No they haven't. That graph of attractiveness by age is made up, the listed source is for another study where a certain percentage of men are aroused by "pedophilic stimuli", no age(s) are given.

what nationality is this girl? is this icelandic or something? I love her face

Bend over bitch

>turkish guy lusting over little german girl
Kys mehmet

You wouldn't smash that ? Be honest.

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The real question is
Will both genders have that?

Why is being a degenerate like faggot the only thing you can process, why does your life revolve around faggotry?

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Two hundred, lol. Figure it out.


My dig!ts

Probably like 16 but only after marriage.
AOC laws don't really matter though, just make sexual relationships outside of marriage punishable offences.
It would solve a fuck load of problems.
We'd be back to having women and some whores, instead of this mashup collaboration they've been trying to make work for the past few decades.

thats le 100% face, mutt. Not surprising you dont see it a lot.

Checked. Amerimutt eternally BTFO, how can he ever recover?



I think 18 is a little formal but I think 16 is too young, I can see why 18 acts as a good buffer

>thinking women can consent
no matter how old they are, their brains are not developed passed a child's

Joke's on him, as I sage every thread I post in, just to be sure.


>On the other, they're still in school, they're still fucking dumb (though they remain that way until at least their mid twenties)
Women are always fucking dumb user.

We figured this out long ago, its based on IQ, if your IQ is too low you are never actually capable of consent.

She's got an pretty ugly face there, i don't know what you want to hear.

at puberty as nature intended it.

83. Unironically