Italians getting mad not recieving Dutch/EU gibs

Why should we pay for you in a crisis we are barely managing ourselves. Its not our fault Italy is corrupt and disfunctional.

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Because it affects us as well.
Any crisis that leads to financial stress in Italy will lead to a financial crisis in Europe bigger than 2015 was with Greece.

>bro why don't you suck EU's cock you nazies??
>haha just die lol EU is better than you
W*stoids are disgusting.

If you don't help them out now, why are they even in your stupid union?
That's what they're thinking.

>muh tax haven

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I don't like the EU, but I like Europe. I don't mind helping out our southern European brothers. We should help each other to preserve the legacy of our Western Civilization and fight against the forces that want to destroy us. They want us to divide and fight among each other, don't give in to that.
I rather pay 100 Euro this month to help an Italian brother than to give 10 euros to Africa per year.

Fairwell, let's just let the EU collapse. Little problem, if we collapse you follow us, probably before your little friend Merkel

Italians barely know u exist.
Our media said that germany said no and netherlands is copying germany cause ur their satellite

>Be Dutch
>work hard
>have to work till I die probably
>Together we keep this tiny powerhouse running proficiently

>be Italian
>be lazy
>be filthy
>economy's been in shambles many times over
>In our dumbness we infect the whole fucking country
>Ask for gibs, Dutchies and Nazis have to pay, but not our problem
>REEEEEEEEEE for not getting unconditional gibs
fuck mediterranean niggers, it's always the same with them. Fix your shit and stop being lazy. The only value you add is using slaves in china and putting a brandsticker on clothing.

Fuck you divisive shill, show your flag. It is time to help each other, otherwise our cultures will be erased by foreign hordes.

North italy is richer than the netherlands and italy is way more relevant and superior.
Ur priority is to help us, not ur own useless country. U have to sacrifice urself to save us, u understand?

There you go, happy now? I'm sick of pumping aid out of country, you can work hard here and still earn jackshit because so many people don't actually work and just sit at home, smoking, ruining a child's life. I hope this whole ordeal cleans up a good part of both our country and the EU.

Holy fuck what is wrong with that dudes head?

>no problem with giving Africa billions
>no problem with giving Turkey billions
>no problem sending aid + medical equipment to China

This is the reason your pathetic political project is going to collapse. Fucking entitled waffleniggers refusing to help a fellow European, typing on a Peruvian clay sculpting forum while his polygamist gf is being railed by a fucking Moroccan but it's okay because you can smoke weed and drink your little faggot glass of Heineken. Fuck you.

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I dont even know why we are in the union apart from the lack of trade tarifs.

Right now were leaking tax money to countries were people are taxed way less.

Japan use the central bank. US use the central bank. Uk use the centrale bank. China does whatever they want. Eurozone? No, eurozone doesn't aoid a depression, they embrace it.

What a bunch of morons you are. It's beyond any fantasie.

Just for the rest of the board: these fucking idiots think they can manage the coming depression with their own budget.

What italy and spain ask? The same thing it's happening worldwide and that is absolutely normal: countries release their bonds, central banks buy them keep the interest rate to zero and freezing this bonds in their balance (very long term). End of story.

More relevant in what? Tourism, yeah, that brought you much good clearly. We are better than you, there are just more of you.

Retards gonna retard

kek, proper banter Italian. But yeah, it's like saying
>our country has no crime if you ignore the crime
That's not how it works.

This hollandbro is CEO of based

>we are better than you

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You are in the union because you are stealing corporate taxes from other countries.
And you are in the union because so you have access to hundrend of millions of consumers without any tariff.
Anyway, you can leave if you think you lose money staying in. Be my guest.

same here.

in what metric are you guys better, except history which after so many demographic migrations, invasions and so forth can also arguably not be fully attributed to you, especially in the north, part of which even called Lombardy after the germanic Lombards.

you should bend your knees before italians.
fucking nobodies.

>we are better than you
t.prostitution and drugs shithole

>ice melts
>90% of dutchistan flooded
>whine to EU for gibs
cry moar fag

No dutch have to pay anything. The only thing needed is the ECB buying state bonds and freezing them in his balance. Stop. No one need to pay anything.

For what reason?

italians are actually inventing & innovating stuff. top notch engineering. highest IQ in Europe.
you go into NL as romanian, greek or italian. all your women just come to us.

i hope the EU dies after this, why do we need those clowns?

Italy has a positive primary balance since 1993. It has also a steady trade surplus. Finally, it's a net contributor to EU since the beginning.
It's unbelievable the level of BS you have in your heads.

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Italians dont have the highest IQ in europe, that would be finland IIRC and Italian engineering, I see no reason to believe that it exceeds ours

I am pro-EU. but i would love to see Italy leave these niggers can't even balance their own books and need to get told to do so by the EU.And once the shit hits the fan they keep crying for gibs. while attacking every responsible nation and the EU. If any Italian would imagine how the feel about Africans and what annoys them about Africans, they would understand how they come across to us. Sure we will end up helping them for the good of the Unions, but i hope they will just leave.

I think you are just retarded.
Italy export goods for almost 500B and has a steady trade surplus. It's the second manufactoring powerhorse of europe.

Because you need specialized professionals. For example, last year I did some nice work on Schloss Neuschwanstein as ar restorer because the Fatherland had only few people available at the time. So show some respect you fat kraut. Next time I will charge you double for my time.

When you say Romanian here the mental image people get is a poor brown manlet gypsy, now that I think about it, that's the mental image people get with most countries you listed.

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We build it all ourselves buddy.

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that will save you alright...

Now look up those stats for the netherlands, now compare our populations.

I think you should check your "made in germany car" a bit better. Maybe you will discover that a substantially part of the components are actually "made in italy".

>highest IQ in Europe
Kek, nope.

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They are right.
You inherited a beautiful country and culture and a beautiful land which is easy to grow and such nice architecture etc. And you turned it all into shit. Imagine what a fucking headstart you had and yiu fucked it all up. Finland was fucking poverty tier less than a 100 years.
The only thing you brag about seems to be having a large population.

They should take the money from their people first. Once Italian people are as poor as the rest of Europe with barely any personal wealth or homes owned by them, we can talk about giving them more gibs.

Ur extra 3cm dont matter when ur weak betas

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Which is why we should leave

kys kike

>awful language that looks like someone rubbed their dick over a keyboard and sounds even worse when spoken due to spitting Arabic sounds
>tall people but physically unimpressive
>penchant for faggotry
>dude weed lmao

The only positive thing the Dutch gave the world was Rutger Hauer. D*tch "people" are a mistake. Germany had the right idea levelling Rotterdam.

Less than a 100 years ago*

Yep, some parts of our nation are already 8 M bellow sea level.

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Minister grapperhouse, he has a mini face

imagine actually believing in this shit

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>weak betas
>cries for gibs
the Irony.

Italians ARE the foreign horders lol they already cost us ad much as the gibs from africa I dare to say

You could do the same and wouldn't have to beg other countries to pay for your debts if you hadn't been a lazy tax-evading cunt all your life. You had ten years to fix your shit since we bailed out Greece and you did nothing.

I have no sympathy for you.

Beware, Italians will suck cock for help.

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Can we have Italexit and Spexit now please, thank you.
And Grexit of course.

Isn't this water under the bridge already? ECB said it would stop putting limits on percentage of bonds they'd buy, so presumably Italy can go into arbitrary debt now without interest rates rising.

Print to the moon.

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We the Italians should really take example from Finland, the suicide capital of the world.

I know pretty well how Netherlands is doing. What you don't understand is what are your weakness and the obvious reason why you need the EU.
But the most important thing is you are saying Italy do a mess, they don't work enough, we don't need them ... ok, so let this shitty union to collapse, I have no problem with it.
As I said, we are net contributor since the beginnig, we have a trade surplus and a primary balance surplus. The only problem we are is that some fucking morons put us withing the eurozone and we are without a central bank. Don't talk about that stupid rules as 3% deficit and so on.

>Supply side crush
>Shithole without living large in the god times, doesn't have fiscal stimulus available to it.
>Please let us collectives our dept.
>Why won't you pay of us our debt mean northerners.

Imagine going to war with Aquafresh. Just bomb their infrastructures and let Poseidon do the rest.

When they call you "autistic kraut" they are right.
You are facing a depression and the only thing you are thinking is balance constrain.
There is no people in the world as dumb as germans (and their dutch brother). No contest.

This makes me very happy. Thank you for posting it.

When I first came into NL into the late '90 - early 200s, us romanians would just bitchslap dutch men and steal their bikes and they would just turn their other cheek. Imagine what we did to your mother.

>I see no reason to believe that it exceeds ours
You were never relevant.

Sorry, don't care, only came itt to fix the guy's face, it was too big and that's rude.

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US/UK/China have no real moral hazard in printing, it's just another form of taxation for them.

For the Eurozone printing has massive moral hazard. The Euro was a mistake.

And that's why Corona doesn't bother us much while you lazy cunts are dying by the truckload.

I hope this goes on a bit longer then the problem will have solved itself.

Imagine going to war with Italy, they will bankrupt themselves in a week.

you guys really don't understand the concept of engineering and water management, do you?

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You should.

>There is no people in the world as dumb as germans (and their dutch brother). No contest.
Fuck off nigger, you should have kept your own house in order.

As long as they have to pay fewer taxes than we do, retire ten years earlier than we do, get bigger pensions than we do, and own more homes than we do, they don't deserve anything.

If they actually worked and paid their taxes like the people in the countries they're now begging for gibs do, they wouldn't have any trouble with handling this pandemic.

Same goes for Spain, France and Greece too.

That's a meme.
Germany is still above average in corona mortality rates.
Even we are doing better than you, dumb Krauts.


Can't wait until you fuckers drown.
Netherlands is only a meme country.
There is no real reason for it to exist.

This, these fucking southern niggers live above their means, and don't prepare for anything. And the moment the crisis hits they are demanding them gibs. They are Almost on par with North Africans.

hello from a dutch dude who drives an old alfa romeo :'(

Not to be apologetic of them, but you should look the "per capita". No doubt that Northern Italy sadly is averaged with the rest of the peninsula.

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E' un meme che questo olandese spamma ogni volta che si parla esclusivamente di noi perchè vuole le reazioni. Non farci troppo caso, anzi facci il callo. Certa gente si diverte con poco.

>Netherlands is only a meme country.
We have companies with a higher revenue than your entire GDP. talking about a meme country.

No wonder my fucking BMW keeps shitting itself.

here, returning the favor...

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