Multiple Governors in Blue Kike states are trying to stop Doctors from prescribing Chloroquine to patients, even though its been used in multiple countries to knock out COVID-19.
Why don't they want people taking a pill that any company can make, since there is no patent on it, and only costs $0.05 a pill? Why is the US Government buying up hundreds of thousands of Chloroquine tablets right now if, as these Democrat governors say, they aren't effective against Coronavirus?
that's just the liberal mindset. they think a politician would make a better medical decision than a doctor.
Dylan Richardson
Its doesn't work. You can't cure a disease this fast, its not possible
Daniel Morgan
We knew liberals were sick, but this really exposes the extent of the sickness.
Kevin Robinson
China psyop to keep everyone sick while they use it to get better, I really wish for retaliation
Oliver Torres
Heart palpitations and other heart-related side effects that make the drug not suitable for everyone. That's really all
Daniel Murphy
>To let as many Americans die as needed to oust trump. Sadly this is the state of American politics. The Dems will gladly sacrifice every last american to the chinese virus as long as it means that trump won't get reelected.
This is the most obvious approach to this.
I do not believe in this. Something fucky is going on and we are left in dark,
Bentley Hall
Because the problem is solved and they weren't able to implement their demonic totalitarian agenda, which is what this is all about user.
Gabriel Thomas
Well don't prescribe it to people with heart disease. Every medicine has some sort of counter indication.
Sebastian Miller
This might be true for Chloroquine. Not Hydroxy though. you'd need to take a constant dose of 200 -400 mg a day for 2 to 3 years to get any side effects from that. Its more believable that its beeing shunned because there is no money to be made with any kind of chloroquine as no one has the exclusive rights to produce it.
Jayden White
>there is no money Are you implying that the government and most medical higher ups are total scum profiteers? Noooooooooooooooooo.
Jonathan Cooper
It's working in Marseille and Italia...
Ian Reyes
>Heart palpitations and other heart-related side effects that make the drug not suitable for everyone. You mean like every other drug that a doctor prescribes after they've examined you? You mean like, Doctors make the decision if the drug is safe for you, and not a politician who doesn't know anything other than how to suck cock and sellout for profit?
They had it planned that a bunch of Midwestern Americans would die over the Summer and then Dems would swoop in pre-election and save the day after beating Trump over the head with it for a few months and destroying the economy.
Leftists are human garbage who want us to die
Camden Powell
there's more money in TREATING the sickness than CURING it. duh.
Christian Lopez
The truth is that coronavirus will disproportionately kill off white seniors. Dems and Jews are loving this. They want them dead in time for the election.
Landon Garcia
>According to Corriere della Sera, a well known Italian daily newspaper, Dr. Pier Luigi Bartoletti, Deputy National Secretary of the Italian Federation of General Practitioners, explains that every single person with Covid-19 that has early signs, like a cough or a fever for example, is now being treated with the anti-malaria drug. >The drug “is already giving good results,” Bartoletti says while Malaysia reveals they have been using it since the very beginning. Bartoletti further adds that the drug: >“Must be used with all the necessary precautions, it must be evaluated patient by patient. It can have side effects. But those that take it are responding really well. >We have just understood that the virus has an evolution in two phases and that it is during the second phase, after a few days (about a week), that the situation can suddenly, in 24 or 48 hours, worsen and leads to respiratory failure requiring intensive care. >The results that we are starting to accumulate suggest that hydroxychloroquine administered early, gives the possibility of avoiding this evolution in a majority of patients and is also helping us to prevent hospitals from filling up.”
and after very long use for other chronic illnesses
Camden Lewis
Because everything culminates about "orange man bad", the epitome of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Do you remember when US and NK tensions got sour with that "Fire and Fury" comment. Liberals sided for Kim. This mental disorder will never stop, they'd rather kill half of the country than admit a single thing that Trump had done right. Oh, and the elections are coming.
Because it's cheap and all those people saying it doesn't work or is dangerous are bribed by big pharma or on the board of aministration of big pharma laboratories that are working on expensive cures. They don't care about a box of pills that anyone can make and is sold $5 they want to sell you their $35000 a pop new cure or vaccine.
>definitely seems that way Imagine being the type of person to make the first tweet, then readily admit it appears to be working. I guess the type of man that can't hold a pan with one arm...
The ten hardest hit counties with the vast majority of cases are populated by jews and leftists. They are sacrificing their own voters to try and regain power. It's the most cynical thing I've ever seen.
yeah but orange man bad trumps any studies and whatever doctors may say
Brayden Gutierrez
No federal law nor state law allows a governor to dictate what a doctor can prescribe or not. This is an unprecedented power grab by a governor
Liam Williams
It's stupider than that. It's because if people successfully get treated for this, Trump will look good. They're willing to let thousands of people die if it means shoving Biden into the White House.
Every drug has side effects though. Some antibiotics s put you at risk for severe diarhhea and colon infection
Jonathan James
The Dems have been taking bribes from China for years now......
Charles Perez
Yes but who cares, I have a box, let those people die from a fucking flu.
Adam Cooper
There is no law that allows a governor to ban a doctor from prescribing something. It is basically telling a doctor you can sue but do you have time to sue me now?
Angel Wilson
Founding Fathers knew about plagues and infectious disease yet didn't say the Constitution could be turned off during a pandemic .
Carter Cruz
All those governor lost their reelection. In a few weeks, it will be the only proven cure and people will remember that those tards tried to kill them.
But it can't last. This is all a dog and pony show to PUSH EVERYONE into supporting Trump ahead of a financial reset. HCQ works, TRUMP KNEW AHEAD IT DID, and the Dems will try to stop it until the public clamors. This is all theater.
Nathaniel Murphy
But that is not what the document you show says. It says that doctors should be prescribing it without medical necessity. As in, do not prescribe to prevent the contraction because that is not what it is approved for despite the fact that we all know it works. There is not enough to prescribe to everyone in that manner. Why? Who knows. But, doing that now creates shortages for people who already take it legitimately for other reasons. It also talks about people hording it now through prescriptions to themselves, family, and friends that also causes shortages. Nowhere in that document does is say to not use it for an actual COVID-19 diagnosis. So, if you want to be mad, be mad that the powers that be aren't making it widely available enough or OTC as a preventative measure.
Leo Morris
Yeah but hydroxychloroquine has the worst side effect of all: people would like Trump more.
Old drug but the most popular malaria drug right now is Doxycycline which is also a popular acne drug. I was actually wondering if any scientist tried Doxycycline on Coronavirus due to its anti inflammation effect
Nathan Lee
That's if you get the fish tank formula at the local pet stores.
Juan Sanders
It doesn't work against corona virus, because it's not written on the leaflet. You see ?
Jacob Rogers
Virginia stay at home order lasting until June will cause Virgina citizens to flee to less restrictive states
Andrew Baker
>Why do they fear Chloroquine? Because: >it's an old medicine, and its side effects are well-known >it can be synthesized in large amounts, and quickly >production costs peanuts, and so does the med itself >the patent has long expired (iirc) and pretty much any lab with the resources can make it What (((big pharma))) wants is a super-expensive drug, produced in tiny batches, that causes nasty side effects in the long term and hopefully also creates a dependency or a chronic deficiency. Long story short, kikes are trying to make money off people's suffering and death - a story as ancient as pyramids.
>Why don't they want people taking a pill that any company can make Because it kills the ID2020 agenda. >Its doesn't work. You can't cure a disease this fast, its not possible Literally working in France you fucking liar.
Josiah Phillips
It's one of the most toxic drugs on the market. Easy to overdose and bad side effects
Luis James
>Heart palpitations and other heart-related side effects that make the drug not suitable for everyone. Oh no, better ban it for all because it's not suitable for some!