The trial of Yeshua Bar Maryam (real name: ישוע) tells you ALL you need to know about christianity. Summed up in the christian bible (fancy word for book) (if thats important to you0 is the following:
>Jesus is unhappy how the high jewish priests treat their religion >flips shit in the temple (yep, a jewish temple) >high priests are upset >they know the romans currently occupying israel dont take kindly to people who try to dethrone their puppet judean king >frame jesus as an usurper to the throne >gets crucified like all other criminals (even has a plaque on his cross, jesus christ, king of jews)
They can’t. They will probably use some bullshit retconning to try and explain that Judaism somehow came out of Christianity, which any religious scholar or historian will tell you is demonstrably false. The simple fact is that Christians are jew LARPers, and all they can do is cope
Gavin Rogers
>and explain that Judaism somehow came out of Christianity Another lulzy cope from them. Again counterable by what is inside their so called holy book.
There's something in the lines of Yeshua came not to break the law (old testament, the story of creation, moses and the jewish exodus from egypt, jewish tanakh) but to uphold it. Anyway, here are 6 scrolls that ruined the west.
>hey will probably use some bullshit retconning to try and explain that Judaism somehow came out of Christianity
The New Testament predates the Talmud, though.
Kayden Thompson
Are you daft? Did you not read what I wrote? It's completely irrelevant which book was written first when the second book contains references to the first (nonexistent) one. Jewish law was oral (very common). Then Yeshua's followers retconned the entire thing, so the Jews decided to write down their own not to get any more usurpers like him. FFS.
He was ethnically Jewish but not a follower of the Jewish religion. That's pretty fucking straightforward.
Ryder Stewart
Welcome to the cope festival sir, I see you're a performer. What a tactic, straight up ad hominem without even the ATTEMPT at argument. Is this the power of the Annointed One?
The temple that was Gods footstool. The temple the desecrated? Explain why revelation happened in AD 70 and Yeshua absolutely backed them the fuck out. Roman Mercs showed up as well and left no stone unturned. Seethe more Kike.
Christopher Robinson
My head actually hurt from reading your post. Are you ESL, Alejandro? Am I talking to Raul? Are you having a stroke? Can you form a coherent sentence?
That's the only kind of "Jew" that exists today, what other kind of Judaism would we be talking about? The kind that was replaced by Christianity 2000 years ago? Are you such a huge alt-retard you have something against ancient Hebrews from 2000 years ago because some half Pharisee half Italian people in 2020 do bad things?
Isaiah Jenkins
fuck you and burn in hell kike shill get the hell out
Xavier Russell
Fuck off rabbi, that was the Messaih
Dylan Wilson
I don't care He is a jew. He is my Lord and Savior.
>"The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'" Joseph Goebbels
Goebbels was also redpilled on the retardedness of the North Americans
Robert Lewis
Explain what? You listed a bunch of points but never communicated what you wanted explained. Is it just you can't speak English? Or are you just a moron?
Ayden Turner
read psalms
Andrew Hernandez
There is karaite Judaism
Owen Butler
You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. The Talmud is commentaries on the Torah, which is part of the Tenach, which are the jewish scriptures, which are included in your Bible. In fact, the prophecies that Jesus supposedly fulfilled were jewish prophecies, required for the Messiah, which us another jewish concept. This all took place in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, the jewish homeland. Christianity is so obviously jewish that it’s almost embarrassing. If Christianity were to be cleaned of jewish influence, you’d have to start from scratch, as virtually nothing in Christianity makes sense without Judaism. This is recognized by pretty much every religious scholar on planet earth, and you trying to retcon the entire history and the roots of your own religion is the biggest cope on Yas Forums right now. Just admit it, you’re a jew LARPer
>A hatósági személyen kívül >A how do I know that the inscription was formulated by a native of Budapest? he’s overcorrecting the use/non-use of definite articles because he has heard that the Budapest dialect is incorrect and incoherent in this respect but knows not the rules. I am living here since 1990, but still could not get used to the butchery of our language that goes on in the capital. /rant
Nathan Russell
This thread is the biggest degenerate cope Stop trying to justify your degeneracy
Connor Powell
Believing in superstition is a worse form of degeneracy than not believing in superstition. Demonstrate that the claims asserted in bible about the supernatural/miracles/god is anything more than just that. Still waiting for mutually verifiable sound and valid evidence to demonstrate the existence of the mountain of yet unsubstantiated claims about god in the bible.
Gabriel Anderson
Could not have written it better myself, mate. Explain how Yeshua is not Jewish. Explain how the entire following in the west is not based on Jewish tradition. Explain how can be white nationalist but still bow down to Israel. Or did you not infer this from the discussion?
>The New Testament predates the Talmud, though. just like the Talmud predates Summa Theologiae. did you have a point? are you one of those morons who dare to argue here while imagining the Talmud to be some sort of jewish scripture?
Samuel Ward
Christian cope the same way trannies cope
Logan Mitchell
You're not understanding what hes saying, the religion of Judaism did not exist until after Christianity was formed, before Jesus the Israelite's from Judea followed the religion of the pharisees, yahwism. Jesus was sent to teach the correct path to god rejecting the selfish and hypocritical pharisees and to bring salvation to all mankind. this is the basis for Christianity. Modern Judaism is the continuation of the religion of the pharisees in rejection of christ. to call christianity jewish makes very little sense considering the principal teachings of christianity are completely rejected by judaism
Jeremiah Martinez
> the religion of Judaism did not exist until after Christianity was formed, before Jesus the Israelite's from Judea followed the religion of the pharisees, yahwism. what are the differences? name a few.
Evan Taylor
I was about to ask this. I'd like to know where Christian's believe the old testament originated if not from yawehism aka proto Judaism.
Jackson Powell
Minor, at best. Yahweh was chosen as the main god, and jesus and a bazillion more people claimed to be his son. Head jews didn't like this, so they had him whacked.
And yet Christian's will deny mutually verifiable evidence which proves this, so they can maintain a fallacious faith in somebody else's belief about literal superstition.
There are elements of modern Judaism that exist only as perversions of Christianity. yahwism is the precursor to Christianity and judaism is a perversion of christianity.
Mason Moore
>yahwism is the precursor to Christianity and judaism is a perversion of christianity No. Christianity is a perversion of yawehism if anything. Judaism is more the reformation of yahwehism, but that's where christianity gets its roots and creation story.
Jayden Garcia
Did you miss the part where he said that many of the people in heaven will be non jews while many of the jews literally sitting at his table with him will burn forever? Did you miss that line in the bible about jews being the adversaries of all men? And are you really so fucking retarded that you think the genetic makeup of Jesus was EUROPEAN JEWSIH?? You are one dumb son of a bitch if you think the jews we have today are anything at all like the jews from thousands of years ago
Eli Roberts
Did you miss the part where none of those claims are substantiated by mutually verifiable sound evidence, and no valid evidence has EVER been produced to prove they are anything more than just claims? None of that bullshit even happened.
Alexander Gray
>perversion of yawehism absolutely not jesuses birth was the completion of prophecy and the arrival of the messiah, not a perversion it was a fulfilment
Elijah Campbell
what are the differences? name a few. general handwaving doesn’t cut it.
Adam Green
Why you should become christian NOW:
>Disunited and shattered faith >Constant argument amongst each other, maybe a bit of war like in good ol days >Most christians are non Europeans >you get to be brother with niggers, mexicans, bugs >Its ok to breed black african cuties and racemix >you get to worship best god in history, one that ordered circumcisiom >You get to kill anyone not your type of christian regardless if they are white, black, good ol religious wars >You get finest wisdom in the world in form of Bible, written by...well..umm..newermind, god, yes, god >you get to turn the other cheek
Join now!
Fuck catholics, protestant, orthodox, evangelical, presbyterians you are heretic and my christianity is right, as heretic you will be murdered if you dont accept jesus in the right way. >My way!!!
Europe on abrahamism, divided and sad.
>30 year war >French religious wars >Saxon wars >Wendish crusade >Livonian crusade >Danish crusade >Cathar crusade >Hussite crusade >War of three kingdoms >80 year war and more...
Jesus never demonstrated that he was the son of god in a way that anybody can test or provide evidence for. If you want to reference the bible to "prove" that jesus is the son of god then you dont understand what constitutes valid evidence, because that would be a circular reasoning fallacy. >muh prophecies were fulfilled Which prophecy would that be? The one extremely vague enough that you can attribute to any number of events and say "this prove it" or are you referring to the prophecies added to the bible AFTER the events they "predicted" already occurred? Nice source you've got there btw.
Julian Moore
>I'm not gonna read your retarded schizo posting, but >Yeshua Bar Maryam (real name: ישוע) Let me break this down for you, retard. Yeshua means Jesus, bar means son of, Maryam means Mary. It just means Jesus son of Mary. That's not a name, that's how people ancient people of any strips differentiate between people with the first name. Also, nobody is bar [mother], it's always the father.
>European Thor's father was a literal dark as night nigger king from ethiopia.
Lincoln Williams
I don't believe the Earth is flat, so I don't go online and argue with people who do because I know it will be a fruitless endeavor. Why do "athiests" converse so disproportionately about something they don't think is real?
Based on my interactions online, I would say that there's quite a few athiests who HATE God rather than not believing in him. You can't lash out in anger at something that you don't believe to exist. Athiest is a code word for Anti-God.
Flat earthers aren't trying to pass legislation on the basis of their belief in literal superstition. Christian's do do that. That's the difference.
Also see Why should Christian's even be allowed in politics when they are demonstrably not intellectual honest? By definition intellectual honesty and religious bias are mutually exclusive. By that reasoning any politician with a religious bias shouldn't be allowed to hold office since they are demonstrably not intellectually honest. Someone who isn't intellectually honest should not be allowed in charge of other people. Period.
Owen Murphy
>mutually exclusive This is untrue >any politician with a religious bias shouldn't be allowed to hold office There are plenty of historical and contemporary examples of good Christian leaders. you can Believe that Jesus Christ is the lord and savior and still be an intellectual, as much as you would like to disagree. They aren't mutually exclusive bubbles, the situation is more readily described as being Venn-Diagram like in which there is an overlap in which some people fall into both categories.
Anthony Diaz
so much infighting backstabbing and dishonour in pagan europe though they didn't need to start any religious wars to justify their motives And what sort of evidence would you need spoon fed to you to prove that? There is info written about jesus from roman and jewish observers, they dont even attempt to refute his miracles they just slander him as a sorcerer. If all your faith must be backed up by concrete irrefutable evidence then i don't think you understand what faith is. If you expect god to descend from heaven down to your mums basement to beg you to believe in him, offering to show you any proof you want you're going to be disappointed
Henry Allen
Read the definition of "intellectual honesty" and then the definition of "bias". They are literally mutually exclusive. Religious bias = a bias.
>There are plenty of historical and contemporary examples of good Christian leaders. Plenty of awful ones as well. Christian politicians tend to vote against human rights for example. Only nu-christians afraid of cancel culture vote against their belief system and in favor of more human rights.
Christian's not only assert the victim card as if it's an argument (persecution complex) when people point out the crap they believe in is unsubstantiated crap, but they try to redefine words and concepts such as "right and wrong" as well. Incredibly disingenuous and arrogant to assert "going against gods word is sin" when the existence of god has never been demonstrated once with mutually verifiable sound valid evidence in the first place. Please explain how any of this describes intellectual honesty in any capacity, because this is extraordinarily common Christian behavior.
Caleb Reed
bias extends beyond religion though, find one man who has no bias at all or find one that won't turn to intellectual dishonesty to defend his biases. You won't be able to find a single one. Then imagine thinking you'd be able to find a purely intellectually honest politician, its laughable
Joshua Perry
>There is info written about jesus from roman and jewish observers All of which was written 90 years AT THE EARLIEST after they say jesus died. Of which not a single account is a first hand account. That does not constitute valid evidence in any capacity. Try again.
Maybe go look up the concept of burden of proof before you go off spouting more fallacies on the nature of evidence.
Carson Thomas
Jews hate Jesus so much, they invent another plus sign (just to name 1 example), but they have the same religion. Galaxy brained thinking...
Landon Taylor
Everybody has a bias, sure. But not everybody subscribes to logical reasoning. Any bias on the basis of logical reasoning is by definition a reasonable bias. Developing a bias based on belief that other people have preached to you your whole life is not reasonable by comparison, especially when aside belief is based on faith in superstition and not on substantiated valid evidence.
Jordan Gray
Is it really impossible for you to imagine? I'll give you a very easy example that even deals with our own system.
Let's say you're a Christian governor. You don't believe that homosexuality is acceptable in God's eyes, but your state wants to legalize marriage for them. at this point, he has a choice to make; He has to chose between his own desires and the responsibility to the people who elected him. Read that last sentence again; you can see that this is not a RELIGIOUS problem, but a realization of one's personal desire contrasted against the duties expected of them.
Here's another example; you're a God-fearing man serving in the military. You're ordered to shoot a child that's approaching your vehicle after multiple warnings to stop approaching. We approach the same crossroads again; Your PERSONAL desire not to have the blood on your hands rather than to fulfill your duties is not a RELIGIOUS decision.
Jesus himself understood that the soldiers crucifying him were only doing what they were told, and forgave them accordingly.
Nathan Russell
Maybe the superior book is the one that says its NOT OK to rape animals? Possible.