((( "The Nationalsocialists were not Pagan!" )))

Here's a translation of a marching song used by the SS and the SA. Note; the early uniforms by the SS were brown, not black, which is why this is indeed an SS song even though the lyrics talk about brown clothes (which the SA are more famous for).

> "The SS marches out the gate, their songs sound loudly. The sky looks so friendly as the sun greets us."
> "Farewell, you blonde German girl, with your shimmering eyes! Farewell, my love! The struggle is calling us, but I'll always remember you!"
> "Keep your heart faithful for your brown-clothed boy, whose heart you captured in a storm."
> "Be proud, you pretty girl, that I'm fighting for Hitler! I'm proud to be with him in brown clothes of honor."
> "Do not cry, be firm and strong! My angel, look at me. Not every bullet kills. My darling, I will return!"
> "And yet if I shouldn't, then do not mourn, because then I'm going to Valhalla, to the heroic forefathers of Germany."

> And yet if I shouldn't, then do not mourn, because then I'm going to Valhalla, to the heroic forefathers of Germany.
> because then I'm going to Valhalla
> I'm going to Valhalla
> not to (((((((((heaven)))))))))

Source: ingeb.org/Lieder/ssmarsch.html

Another example is the Luftwaffe ace Heinrich Ehrler who when engaging an American bomber ran out of ammo and therefore decided to ram the bomber. Before he rammed it, he said over the radio to friendly aircrafts:

> "Ich habe keine Munition mehr! Ich werde diesen da rammen! Auf Wiedersehen! Wir sehen uns in Walhall!"
> "I've run out of ammo! I'm going to ram this one! Farewell! We'll see each other in Valhalla!"

There's of course countless other examples in many forms, which show the Nationalsocialists were very Pagan indeed. Just wanted to share those lesser known examples which I haven't seen anyone bring up here before. And yes; the NSDAP (unfortunately) /allowed/ people to be Christians, it wasn't outright banned, they only discouraged it, see Himmler's speech: archive.is/JlkBd

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wir sind die fröhliche Hitlerjugend,
Wir brauchen keine christliche Tugend,
Denn unser Führer Adolf Hitler
Ist stets unser Mittler.

Kein Pfaffe, kein böser, kann uns je hindern,
Uns zu fühlen als Hitlers Kinder.
Nicht Christus folgen wir, sondern Horst Wessel,
Fort mit Weihrauch und Weihwasserkessel!

Wir folgen singend unseren Fahnen
Als würdige Söhne unserer Ahnen,
Ich bin kein Christ, kein Katholik,
Ich geh mit SA durch dünn und dick.

Die Kirche kann mir gestohlen werden,
Das Hakenkreuz ist Erlösung auf Erden,
Ihm will ich folgen auf Schritt und Tritt,
Baldur von Schirach, nimm mich mit!


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The Bible is Jewish heresy.

We are the happy Hitler Youth,
We need no Christian virtue,
Because our leader Adolf Hitler,
Is always our mediator.

No priest, no wrongdoer can ever hinder us,
From feeling like Hitler’s children.
We do not follow Christ but Horst Wessel,
Away with incense and holy water!

We follow our flags singing,
As worthy sons of our ancestors,
I am no Christian, no Catholic,
I’ll go with the S.A. through thick and thin.

The church can be stolen from me,
The swastika is redemption on earth.
I will follow it step by step,
Baldur von Schirach, take me with you!

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Your typical christcuck ritual

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Christian graves?

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This picture proves Nazis were Christian heroes!

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Imagine being so retarded you actually believe in valhalla

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Man should be afraid of dying like a woman.

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Hitlers quote in pic

Listen to this: altcensored.com/watch?v=PoKdzLMfvY4

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SS Generals Hall

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Before Christianity Rome was a glorious civilization. It remained one after. Before Christianity Germans were barbarians who fucked pigs. They remained so after. Maybe the problem is Germans?


Germans have no rich pagan history they can claim to have fallen from. Before the Cross they were savages. They remained savages for centuries after. Nothing is more comical then a German twisting shit into a laurel and pretending he’s a Roman.

The idea that Christianity is poison to civilization is ahistorical. The Roman could suggest, sincerely but incorrectly that a change in religion doomed his empire, but the German is a negro with blond hair and can claim no such nuanced legacy. For him the cross is a scapegoat for his own inadequacy.

Every few decades Germans try to destroy Europe. A novel concept for your consideration. Stop doing that?

Imagine a Europe without Christianity. No Catholics. No Protestants. No Luther. No pope. No Protestant league wars. Just the iron fist of Rome.

A German and a Negro have a game of Russian roulette. They both lose. Who wins? Mankind.

Imagine a Europe without Germans. It is like hair without lice.

Why you should become christian NOW:

>Disunited and shattered faith
>Constant argument amongst each other, maybe a bit of war like in good ol days
>Most christians are non Europeans
>you get to be brother with niggers, mexicans, bugs
>Its ok to breed black african cuties and racemix
>you get to worship best god in history, one that ordered circumcisiom
>You get to kill anyone not your type of christian regardless if they are white, black, good ol religious wars
>You get finest wisdom in the world in form of Bible, written by...well..umm..newermind, god, yes, god
>you get to turn the other cheek

Join now!

Fuck catholics, protestant, orthodox, evangelical, presbyterians you are heretic and my christianity is right, as heretic you will be murdered if you dont accept jesus in the right way.
>My way!!!

Europe on abrahamism, divided and sad.

>30 year war
>French religious wars
>Saxon wars
>Wendish crusade
>Livonian crusade
>Danish crusade
>Cathar crusade
>Hussite crusade
>War of three kingdoms
>80 year war
and more...

>Religious wars in pagan europe, complete list:
Zero, zip, zilch, nada, niente

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congratulations, you got kiked by the sons of satan. CHRIST IS GOD, THE TRUTH, AND THE ONLY WAY. YOU TOO WILL BEND YOUR KNEE

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Behold the German! Nigger of Europe, idly claiming Christianity made him stop being a Roman. Too bad his real crime was being German.

Worshiping god that ordered genital mutilation of innocent infants, just to later say that their suffering was meaningless!


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No please Mr a Roman, cries the German, don’t baptize me!

He says this because Germans do not bathe.

Seething looser, get on German level!
YOU CANT hahaha, golem kike slave, worshiping deity that mutilates infants.


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Mutts would be nothing without German blood

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Getting on Germany’s level would require I dig a hole to get down that low. I can do this because unlike German I can build a shovel. German builds a mud hut then blames Christ when Britain knocks it down.

What a cuck

It is impossible for you to even imagine it, you are so subhuman that you cant even comprehend it.
Post your skin color mexican, your that guy from the documentary, arent you? Incel with virgin mary all over the house

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good posts fren

Based fuck christcuck jewcock suckers

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I feel bad for Americans with German blood unmixed that have to live with mutts in same country, how do you guys handle it?

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obviously, all post war inventions were coused mainy by kidnapped german scientists

I hope you die in the most gruesome way possible. If you think the Hitler Youth was in any way pagan then you are delusional.

The depths of German barbarism do befuddle the mind, you have got me there. What makes them white outside but black inside? Why are they Oreo but backwards?

Thank you bro
I know, right. But how stupid americans can be not to know that when it was in all mainstream documentaries and everywhere its common knowledge, yet they are clueless, 0 education. Its so tiersome, like talking to goblins.

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what do you think the purpose of "positive christianity" was? your the delusional one

pic from nasjonal samling norway

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Jewsus would be proud
entire thread of valid arguments and best you brown mexican chriscucks can do is lame ad hominem. Pathetic

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Heh, you couldn't dig a hole big enoguh to fit your lard ass.

>he's not read Getica.

>implying norwegians believed that occultist crap
There's a reason the word "Quisling" exists, buddy.

Read it and weep, mexicucks.
Real Americans with European ancestry feel the truth, but mutts, they are hopless, they can only handle simplistic abrahamis and that is why jew wants to make everyone mutt.

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>There's a reason the word "Quisling" exists, buddy.
during the war nasjonal samling was very popular you brainlet. the reason that term exist is post war propaganda and indoctrination only. we even had british soldiers stationed at our radio stations many years after the war to ensure only pro allies messages got out ffs...

Good goy attacking the hero and defending jew bankers, sick as sick as worshiping baby mutilating god.

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I've talked to many norwegians both irl and on r/norge and they all despise quisling. You can cope all you want, but no one liked the occupation.

that looks fake as shit

Brainwashing jew book and slave morality

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>I've talked to many norwegians both irl and on r/norge and they all despise quisling
ofc and they are all brainwashed. im talking about norwegians during the actual war. most norwegians are fine with racemixing as well... is it because its true and good or due to brainwashing.....?

Cool, now if only they hadn't directly caused the rise of communism, collapse of the white global empire, massive demographic increase of non-whites and murdered 100 million white people in the course of the war maybe I would give a single fuck that they were neopagan memesters

>inb4 some buttblasted neetsoc replies to me

You worship a ghost propped up by the FBI and your life will always be a meaningless joke wasted on the internet posting about "DTOR" that never comes. Kys.

No those crosses are real, they were super christian it proves it, if you dont agree or doubt you will go to hell and your foreskin will grow back.

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>and on r/norge
thats literally a communist shithole that bans any rightwing oppinions lmao including discussions of immigrant crime

I think maybe you need to shut the fuck up before you say something wrong.