The chinks

What are your thoughts of Chinese people?

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>how many speicis need to be wiped out before China bans wet markets?
just one species desu

cvg predicted this

Wipe em out.

You are experiancing the natural reaction of a cucked individual towards an act of self apreciation by a nation

Btw just think of it, thousands of years of eatng bat and NOW there is this thing?


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Extract the ones with college educations, and glass parking lot the entire rest of the country.
Give it to the based japs when the fallout clears.

>communist party engineers a biological disease
>scapegoats local people and their local market that prevents them from being completely dependant on the party
>ban people from being self sufficient
>push for more FDA type regulation
>the world becomes wal mart
>people blame chinese like they used to blame the russians

that's what is going on

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Why do people think the virus came from a wet market? They've had these wet markets selling weird wild animals forever and nothing ever came out of them until now and it was pure coincidence it happened near their only high level lab out of all the thousands of wet markets they have in China

Simple solution: sign a treaty banning Chinese nationals from entering your country until they handle their pandemic causing culture.

Not bad (until proven so) like the rest of humanity. Why, are you humanist or something?

Japanese = glorious
Chinks = insects

What's Obama thinking here?

SARS and MERS you fucking idiot

If Three Gorges fails, and 1/4 of a billion Chinese drown, I wouldn’t give a shit.

You sure about that? The three great plagues that almost wiped out all of europe, sars, swine flu. What else is there?

All of them

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because this, they want the world eating their processed shit so they want to crash all small local businesses and have us all eating out of wal mart and mcdonalds. it's the marriage of capitalism and communism.....

China has already been doing this all over Asia by opening supermalls and trying to undersell local markets.

>Extract the ones with college educations
Why even bother? Just kill them all.


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Japs should invade again and make Manchuria independent along with occupying some of the key important cities, let the rest of the country go to shit and civil war. Basically make it geopolitically irrelevant as it was in the 20th century, however without chinks that'd mean mutts would be the world power and thats just as bad as chinks being the sole power.

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>muh nuke China meme

jfc just stfu already with your flaccid murder fantasy. MAD exists.

>muh nuke hyperbole to sound tough on the internet

Even the 'spanish flu' originated from China's Shanxi province m8.
They have been exporting respitory diseases for 1000s of years.

.....and on the eve of the largest holiday, Chinese new year when everyone is travelling. Its obviously the US that released it.

ill take one of these bats
ill pay with nuclear icbms

It was fun the first 50 times. But now its getting well to obvious that someone is VERY interested in painting china is a bad a light as possible (not that they did not deserve everything bad that comes their way).

This shit is not organic

Need another Nanking but they all die this time

Absolute bullshit. Diseases have been eminating out of china for 1000s of years you dumb cunts.
They have no compartmentalisation of animal slaughtering practices or living quarters thus zoonoses can occur easily.

pick one

Based jap

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Yeah the attempt to turn this board against China is obvious astroturfing, every fifth thread is some hamhanded impersonation of a Faceboomer railing against "Chang" and calling for nuclear war.

>What are your thoughts of Chinese people?
I don't care for them.

I'm not big on the PRC one bit and welcome the inevitable bi-century balkanization of China, but ultimately I prefer a world order where they're number 1 rather than the mutts. I just scarcily admit that due to the ptg tard responses I get flooded with when I admit this.

>inevitable bi-century balkanization of China

Based upon which factors and upon what lines? I'm curious.....

The Chinese are subhuman niggers. They're worse than niggers.

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How dare you question their culture you racists

Diseases have been emanating out of every corner of the world since the dawn of time you incompetent astroturfer.

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This is a bot, folks. Learn to recognize this shit.

Came close with Tiannemen, especially given the massive anti-communist sentiment world wide at the time. The PRC has held out primarily due to their brutal suppression of any flick of dissent, they've also lebensraum'd every inch of the country with Han Chinese settlers. Turkestan was once muslim majority and every day is more and more Chinese due to settling and near genocidal practices, Manchuria only has 10 million Manchus left which compared to the number of Han Chinese is absolutely nothing.
Whatever the next snap is, we can't anticipate it, it probably wont be an ethnic conflict at all thats safe to say. Nobody saw the USSR collapse coming, who knows when the PRC could snap, probably not this decade though.

>proceeds to list how China has ensured ethnic homogeneity throughout their territory as the primary reason for it's "inevitable" balkanization

I don't think you've thought about this very much.

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That's very racist for a guardian journalist like George

Kill yourself you Chinese nigger.

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Ideally the usa and china would break into smaller countries. Right now the issue China faces, and the USA, is that faster communication has deemed a lot of their policies irrelevant, and countries that can relocate their capital faster and without a power struggle (due to ethnic homogenity) are at an advantage.

They need to be accountable for the destruction of all world economies and for the death of major numbers of citizens of all countries in the world.

Homogenity doesn't necessarily mean they'll be free of issue. Russia in 1917 was more Russian than it is now and we're quite familiar with the shitshow they still saw. Class divides do very much exist and may become bigger, ever looked at China on a street view and compared areas? an awful lot of the cities there have dirt road slums right outside them.
If I had to guess what'd snap the place flat out it'd probably be the result of a great depression level event or a coup within the CCP starting a domino effect of dissent. All this unification has happened under Xi without him it could all be undone.

>ban wet markets

>banning people who are literally so poor they have to find rats crawling around outside in order to make any money

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good idea


You're a stupid fucking Chinese nigger.

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lol the same applies to just about every region of asia, including japan....what is this guy smoking?

>the virus came from eating shitty animals: ban eating shitty animals
>the virus came from local biolab: blame america
guess which one they chose

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Japan has never been conquered. Nice try, chink.

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they'v actually used it to pit americans against chinese, this is the old game. it's the same as americans vs russians. these are globalists fucking up and doing damage control but inciting racial tension, and at the same time trying to smash small businesses and independant communities.

If humanity is wiped out then no one will be left to protect the rest of the world's species from the chinks.

They need to be eradicated, ALL of them.

>Japan has never been conquered
The Ainu were most definitely conquered bro, and you can play semantics all you want but they were occupied by the US after WW2. Their genetic make up also contains all kinds of mixing, and it could be argued their lineage is based out of Korea. They hide their mixed breeding, but it's all over the place in east asia.

oh I thought that the chinese communism worked wonders and that they have created a truly egalitarian society. At least that's what your garden variety lefty bernie pot smoker gamer supporter says often.
Guess communism has yet to work in any country till now but trust me it will definitely work in the US. hell yeah

die .

It's actually really hard to tell as the CCP has gotten a lot better at controlling information.
They may have a crisis this year however, as if we assume

>the virus leak really was a natural disaster
>the CCP lied for as long as it could to "save face" until the virus was all over the world

Then that means China will face food scarcity around the end of the year, as many suppliers of food are also infected and wanting to hold onto their existing stocks of food (nearby nations to China have already done this).

A government derives a lot of legitimacy from feeding it's people. They start having food shortages that's going to be a fucking big problem for them.

its time to sterilize china

Ohhhh you no-a rike my ret markrets huh Japanrese? You just jrealous. Rell you can-a kriss my Chinese ass mothafwucka.

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go fuck yourself chinese csis puppet

Pro-CCP Chicom shills will claim that the sale of exotic animal meat is illegal in China. Yet if people at that market were selling portraits of Xi as Winnie the Pooh, they would have been shut down on the very same day.

The Japanese conquered the Ainu you fucking retarded chink. Go eat some shit, chink.

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I can't believe I used to think Monbiot was cool.
Typical leftie: control. control. ban. control. blame blame guilt. control. condemn.

actually capitalism causes this

>start with no money
>be forced to find rats and consume all the local wildlife to make money or you will starve on the street too

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