Jews even try to deceive and trick God

Jews are so creepy they actually strung a wire around Manhattan so they can claim the entire island is their home.
This allows them to work 7 days a week.

Attached: jew-tricks.jpg (1280x720, 122.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

someone should follow behind him and break it

Creeepy what the fuck

you're missing the opportunity, one pair of scissors and you got all those kikes violating shabbat

Wrong kike kikes

Attached: 1585509571964m.jpg (576x1024, 58.62K)


Find the wire, cut the wire.
For the lulz!

Shit like this is why God no longer considers them His chosen people.
God wants the spirit of the law followed, while Jews only follow the letter.

I hope they keep pulling this kind of shit, it's like a smartass nerd who thinks he can get out of an ass-kicking from cgad by using some witty technicality.

Attached: shoah1.png (1000x955, 441.22K)

This is all of jewry. The jews (which are the successors of the pharisees, the ones who feature as one of Christ's main antagonists) followed the 'Oral Torah', which is now codified as the Talmud, and Jesus refers to it as the 'traditions of men'. They have rules for getting around pretty much every single law, the eruv is a pretty hilarious one; but they also do things like cutting a hole in a sheet and sticking their dongs through it so that they can have sex when the woman is on her period and praying in a foreign language so that 'God doesn't understand them', which is used to distract God. The first loophole which allowed this most evil sect to survive was that they claimed they did not need the Temple for sacrifices, and so when they Temple was destroyed they could continue their practices (whilst the other Hebrew sects required the Temple, and Christians had Jesus as their Temple and serving as the final sacrifice).

Jews are seriously twisted creatures that are obsessed with finding loopholes around laws. This is why they are so 'good' at being lawyers (if you are defining 'good' as being able to subvert the law). They are the absolute enemies of justice, truth and order.

At the core of their belief is that goda needs them as much as they need god.

Half of the jewish faith is thinking you're smarter than God.
>My sabbath light switch
>No money changing in the temple? Well what if I call THIS part of the temple not a temple!
>But a single break in any part of the line voids that symbolic space. According to the 100 pages devoted to eruvin in the ancient Talmud, the boundary is only effective when the entire line is intact.


this masterpiece IS how jews really are.

Attached: Martyrdom of St Simon of Trent.jpg (1424x1424, 457.66K)


btw I'm archiving that newspage because it confirms that they follow the talmud, I bet that page is gonna be deleted cause I'm using from now on as a reference.

What about the kosher power switch they can turn on ((without using)) electricity on their sabbath day
>Here’s what one would witness if they were watching someone using a KosherSwitch® on Shabbat or Yom Tov: 1) He walks up to a switch; 2) looks or waits for something (he’s actually looking for a green Status Light or waiting for it to turn from red to green); 3) flicks the switch “on”; 4) nothing happens (guaranteed); 5) some time later (unknown exactly how long because of uncertainty from safeiks), the attached fixture turns on.

They've got a million dollar maintenance budget and an inspector who checks it every week.

Attached: jewish tricks.png (776x331, 64.24K)

Imagine having a million dollar budget for a fucking big piece of string.

NY anons, you know what you must do.

Snip the wire Friday afternoon right before rush hour, then phone the Rabbi to tell him that the Eruv is down because you cut it, but you won't tell him where.

There's no way he'd be able to find the break and repair the wire in time, before the sun goes down.

Then laugh as he posts online that the eruv is down due to antisemitic saboteurs.

Why do you guys hate jews ?

nigger tongue my anus

They're pussies.

Jews are so smart they even scam God lol. What could possibly go wrong from this type of behaviour.

Attached: wages of sin.jpg (500x500, 185.88K)

so the wire is locatable? How would one go about finding this wire..? Does is have to be in the ground, or do you figure it's hung from streetpoles

The wire is sky high my dude it's attached to a shit bunch of fixtures.

I saw a documentary on it a long while ago. Apparently its strung from existing power & light poles. There are maps of it online, shouldn't be hard to locate

they use phones with a stick rather than buttons on specific holy days
because it doesn't count as calling if you dont directly touch it

Judaism is a fucked up religion where they believe god looks approvingly on attempts to use god's rules to avoid god's rules

Almost the entirety of their holy texts is "Rules lawyering vs God".

How new are all of you fags that you seem so shocked to learn this? Just wait until you find out these wires exist in nearly every major metropolitan area.

They've done the same here in Sydney.
They put it up then requested planning permission.

Funny thing thats NOT mentioned in the article.
>t. Retired Telecom fag
Those poles belong to "Someone" ie. Electric company/telephone company/etc. You cant just put shit on those poles without PAYING RENT you filthy lying kikes. Even the cable tv people pay rent on every pole they use.
Id bet they dont pay. This payment or lack of payment DIRECTLY affects everyone Utility bills. Kikes always fucking everyone.
Needs to be reported

I have hope bros, this needs to be known about more and i'm going to do some research. If I can find it, maybe we can get people to chimp out and start throwing sneakers on different parts of the line? I image 1 cut could be found, but if it was compromised at several points this could be good

Would it be easy to tell which one was the added wire, Telecom bro? I'm sure the power/phone lines follow a code that makes them easily identifiable

For the Lulz.

Actually I'm not sure about that, can't remember. Maybe some of it was attached to buildings they own. Anyway, it's up there somewhere hiding amongst the other wires

Whats in the section not wired off for weekend kikery?

pharisees'ism is so weird.
I hear so many weird thingss, like you cant certain things drink out of a cup on sabbath but if you pour it into a another cup or something its fine.
rule lawyer religion

image thinking it is okay to use eletcty on shabbat if you use a gimmick randomizer

There are general codes on pole wiring , some differe by city, state etc. Typically Electricity is on top ( to keep retards from bumping them) then usually a red coated wire which is direct connect to Fire Dept, then old school telephone ( typical wrapped with galvanized wire for support just below cable tv lines.
The poles in OP(link) pic look like city municipalities poles( metal) so hard to tell.

I appreciate your knowledge, that's enough for me to work with.

All i can say is that from a strategic point of view it works well because it avoids the great downfall of all religions- inconvenience

Theocracy aside, obviously the more adherents you have, the more money and power you and your whole group gets. So you want to keep them sweet. So you can either do what Christians do, and compromise 'I SUPPOSE acting like Sodom personified is OK' 'alright I SUPPOSE you can murder your unborn child', but then your more hardcore adherents get disillusioned at how stuff is getting watered down, and leave

Or you can do it the Jewish way, come up with some contrived and fucking stupid way of supposedly making it ok to do whatever the hell you want while being able to say that you're a pious jew, with a straight face. And even the hardcore adherents go along with it because hey everyone wants electricity and if god asks I can just blame it on the rabbi

So... You could go and break it and its ruined?

Christianity is another Jewish trick
You pray to King Jew
All that matters is race

>and if god asks I can just blame it on the rabbi
jews summed up with one sentence

>trick God
If jewgod was retarded enough not to foresee the potential for a guaranteed loophole kikery when making the rules then who really should give a shit at this stage. The whole thing sounds fucking idiotic

That's Jews in a nutshell. The entire faith is about tricking God

That's literally their whole religion. They aren't 'old testament Christians'; they are lying, deceptive, manipulative, cheating, subversive children of satan.

According to jews, Jesus is actually a European. There's a hundred holes in your theory but that's one of the most glaringly obvious. The next one is the fact that up until 1945 Christians were seen as the NUMBER ONE enemy of jews in the world. Jews worked lockstep with muslims and even zoroastrians to try to screw over Christians. In Alexandria there's a famous example of them working with pagans and then getting BTFO by the Christian Saint Cyril.

If you think post 1950s American Christianity's view on the jew is representative of the historic relations between Christians and jews then you are quite frankly an imbecile. Have there been so-called 'Christian' rulers who sided with kikes for personal profit? Of course. Have there been pious Christians who did anything other than curse the jews? No.

Learn your bloody history mate. Even if you don't like Christianity, you need to know what's been going on for the last two thousand years.

>Also a telecom fag

Something like this? I'm sure they aren't allowed to put it too close to the actually important wires. This one's in chicago

Attached: Unknown-e1571233212217-976x500.png (976x500, 404.6K)

The opposite is true. Accommodating liberal religions bleed adherents. Hardline faiths draw them in.

That looks like a ground or stability lag

Christian protection of jews has been going on for centuries.
Poland, France, here, different German states, all had huge periods of history protecting them, Jews might have always seen them as the enemy but it was hardly reciprocated by the stupid goy church.

What about these wiggly boys? There's also a really thin wire running across the street. The northern boundary is allegedly somewhere in this pic

Attached: IL_19_in_Chicago.jpg (2048x1536, 651.63K)

For 3500 years jews have been at it nonstop, conspiring loopholes to get around the laws that they themselves claim that their god gave them

At least they don't have one in every state...

Attached: jew zones.png (1003x626, 286.44K)

Thin wire at the top, possibly, but also possibly another ground. The other two are phone or Internet infrastructure. Most urban internet is on poles too, no point in digging up the street every time. A lot of infrastructure is also not done uniform, any pole system like this is going to have a ground every so often because the point of things like a lightning rod isn't to capture a strike, it's to divert charge into the ground to avoid one from forming.

Not in Britain, that's post-modernism re-interpreting events. Go study what the Puritans actually thought of jews and they'll tell you that they were subversive Christ-killers, their supposed 'kindness' towards them was that they believed they needed to be converted before the end times happened - which isn't exactly Biblical but I can see how they might come to that conclusion due to slightly confusing wording in English translations. Any jew that made it into England, and yes it did happen and yes it was terrible and yes you can say that the Puritans should never have done it; but any of them that made it here had to pretend to be Christians or bribe secular arseholes to survive in the shadows. They were never liked or supported as 'jews' in Britain, and still aren't today by the mainstream, and even now Churches like mine were preaching that they are the children of the devil and we must never work with them (which they also say about papists, anglicans and essentially all other religions).

The only people they had some acceptance as 'jews' with were freemasons, AKA gnostics/secularists, not Christians. You can trace all the laws that granted them privileges in France, Britain and America to freemasons.

Actual Jew here.

Eruv line is a tradition that goes back to biblical times, before jebus.

There are many witty tricks to get around Jewish laws but they are hard to distinguish from jokes, e.g. pic related.

But they are also taken seriously, for example El Al will not fly over cemeteries because Levite Jews aren't allowed to step in them, and there's no clever trick around it.

But also, Jewish commandments work differently to your repressed christian nonsense. We have 613 laws in the Torah and many more suggested laws in the Talmud. You follow them to your best ability and when you wrong someone else you apologise to the person affected not necessarily God. We have been functioning like this for 5000 years and debate and criticism has always been part of our intellectual tradition, so if you want to follow the supposed Jewish Messiah, you should get used to that.

Your hatred of us is funny considering your 'religion' was made by a bunch of polytheistic pagans suddenly claiming to understand our monotheistic prophecy that we have been waiting for for 3000 years.

Christians were the main persecuters of Jews all around the world, even as far as Ethiopia, because your religion is based off anti-semitism and you needed scapegoats for your shitty kingdoms. But there was also conflict between Jews and Muslims, who kept us as 2nd class citizens, and Muhammed is referred to as the 'madman'. so yeah... nah.

Attached: airplanesabbath.png (1234x91, 12.04K)

Basically look for a wire that never splits off into a junction

Read the end of the second paragraph

Jews are vermin.

>Churches like mine
ok I didnt realise i was speaking to one of you, all disregarded.

Noted. All of these articles talk about partnerships with the pole owners, so I'm convinced they're not underground.
Just stumbled into some shit tho, Turns out the jews have their own web hosting services for synagogues lol. Look at those membership prices, at a discount too!

Attached: bandicam 2020-03-31 06-58-12-730.png (1175x468, 619.75K)

This reminds me of the shit kids used to pull when they claim safe during tag.

It's more like string. Probably is string, cheaper
Just do an image search for jew york eruv wires

Attached: eruv-string-89.jpg (800x600, 52.66K)

O look jews jewing god, is there no one they wont jew?

Attached: 1585431315424.jpg (960x960, 136.71K)

>churches like mine
>shits on anglicanism

So your church shits on the UK's actual official interpretation of Christianity?

>your 'religion' was made by a bunch of polytheistic pagans suddenly claiming to understand our monotheistic prophecy that we have been waiting for for 3000 years.

You mean created by a jew who named his brethren as the satan worshipping sinners and usurers they were? The embodiment of God in human form who literally called Jews out on being greedy self-absorbed fucks to the extent that he abandoned you as his chosen people in favour of the gentile?