How can you trust anything Trump says

Serious question for Americans - how can you believe ANYTHING Trump says now?

He's said so many things during this pandemic that have been quickly proven to be false. Just recently he said that Seoul's population was 38 million when it was 9 million, because he looked at the wrong line in Wikipedia for example.

He repeatedly makes statements that experts have to quickly clarify 5 minutes later are false.

Do you guys even bother watching his press conferences any more?

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Cognitive biases.

4 more years tranny

>Seoul's population
He was including the suburbs.

Fucking Rat. You absolutely REEK of desperation.

It's a cult. You follow, not questin.

He really wasn't.

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>believing any politician
Thanks for the giggle.

I like watching his press conferences. He's honest. He has a habit of thinking out loud too much sometimes but he's a straightforward guy and he can be trusted.

I trust Trump more than any Democrat. He's not a saint, but but take a look at what has been happening on the left side and he is clearly at the minimum, the lesser of two evils.

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I guess you could say he's straightforward but I've just got weary of watching him talk and then having several key proven false minutes later by people that are actually in the thick of whatever he's talking about.

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After a while you get used to his style of speaking and automatically filter out the hyperbole. His inaccuracies seldom make a difference to the point he's making.

He talks like a pretty typical boomer north easterner.

A world leader should be aware of basic facts. He's supposed to have advisers he listens to. He's supposed to surround himself with experts and LISTEN to them.

This is why America is no longer the leader of the free world. This is why the balance of power is shifting towards China and Russia.

He lost us the world, guys. Trump lost the West.

Because I trust you even less.

Trust the plan.

In china we call this faggot Emperor of Knowing, because he keeps larping no one knows anything better than him.

>He lost us the world, guys. Trump lost the West
This is what you get for putting up hopes in someone else carrying your burden. Also, why do you use "us"? You know very well that UK does not have a say when USA decides to do something. You should actually cheer for the day when your countries interests will finally start to diverge from theirs, allowing you to finally reclaim some of your dignity.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

The point is, the office of the President used to be called the "leader of the free world". Trump has discredited the office and lost it that informal title. The West no longer follows America's lead because of him. The West is fragmented and decaying while China and Russia grow stronger.

Thanks, Trump. Just what we needed in times like these.


They are dumb and he is their King Dumbo

Fuck off. It is nice to dislodge faggot euros from our tit.

Yep. Nice work. The western world is now fragmented and infighting and cannot oppose the rise of China together.


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Cringe and homosexual

I honestly don't give a fuck what happens to you, your barnacle country or the west. I care about my country.

You're right. I am now a Bidenpedo.


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He's brought back jobs though

You fucking idiot. Don't you understand that we'd RATHER live under American world hegemony? At least you guys have your constitution that guarantees some sort of individual freedom despite all your failings. At least your core beliefs include democracy, not authoritarianism. As much as you guys have gallivanted around blowing shit up at least you pretend it's for democracy - and by and large most of the installed governments have been democratic, their success or failure notwithstanding.

I am terrified of a Chinese dominated world. They don't give a shit about freedom. They are like the borg - they believe in order and social harmony, individual freedom is fuck all to them. Their government spies on their citizens to a degree we haven't even imagined of in our worst science fiction. Their ability to plan long term in order to rise up and dominate the world is very concerning. Their belief that the world has always revolved around China, and the last century was only an aberration before now trying to return to the norm, is what makes me fearful. Ordinary Chinese people support what their government is doing. They think it is the way the world SHOULD be and ALWAYS has been.

But now, thanks to this American President, the West is disunited. We cannot present a united front to a country that has gradually been undermining us for years. China will rise to global hegemony and if you thought the NBA deleting an anti-CCP tweet was the worst that means for us, you've got a lot more coming to you. There is more to geopolitics and the associated effects on YOUR OWN DOMESTIC POLITICS than "fuck everyone else".

I say this having cheered along with you guys in 2016 when Trump won the election, as someone who watched that video endlessly and feeling so elated that day as if we, Yas Forums had won. But Trump proved to be the worst thing for the west in....well maybe in history. He above all others marked the decline of the West and the shift in the balance of power.

This fucking kike won't stand up to china, he won't even call corona-chan chinesevirus anymore

You fucking idiot, don't you realize I don't give a fuck what you want?
When all of this is said and done, if Trump gets reelected globalism for us will likely die it's well deserved death.
Good riddance.


Seething. Nice try, Chang.


Waaah! Brits whining like pussies. What else is new?

Which only adds to everything I'm saying.

Which makes you even more of an idiot. Your quality of life, for you, your kids and your grandkids, will decline significantly. You can't see the second, third and fourth order effects from this, you seem like you can only see what will happen tomorrow when people like me get annoyed, not what will happen in 10 years when your country is in the shit and China has you by the throat.

This isn't about globalism and migration, this is about western world hegemony, cultural and military, through a united west. Trump ruined that.

>You fucking idiot. Don't you understand that we'd RATHER live under American world hegemony?

fuck right off you nigger muslim londoner cunt

there is nothing more british than hating americans unequivocally
you need to stfu sayng anything nice about those fat disgusting blobs rigt fucking now you shameless glownigger faggot

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>This is why America is no longer the leader of the free world. This is why the balance of power is shifting towards China and Russia.

yeah trump sold all manufacturing to china, and he did it in europe too.
he very sick man

The irony is strong with this shill.

Yes, I know. But tell me if you had a choice would you rather live under a Chinese world order or an American one? I know which I'd choose. We love to shit on America but it's better than China.

And for all of this you blame Trump and not the fifth column in every nation in the media, academia and left wing politics? You're probably even a member of the fifth column yourself, no one can be that dense.

You don't need to, he's irrelevant.
Bootlickers still don't get it all these years later.

You’re terrified of China, yet your country is getting ransacked by Muslims and non-whites. What a fucking joke.

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>Which makes you even more of an idiot. Your quality of life, for you, your kids and your grandkids, will decline significantly.
Incorrect. Returning our strategic manufacturing base here will only help us. Not propping up allies unwilling to pull their own weight will only help us. Focusing inward on improving our country will only help us.
And if every eurofag ends up with a yellow skinned foot on their neck so be it. You faggots could have done more FOR US this whole time when we were more generous than we should have been. You took us for granted. Enjoy learning how to eat bangers and mash with chopsticks.

25 million in metro Seoul and as usual people like you miss the bigger point he was making. The question was why do we have less tests per capita than South Korea. His answer was that the US and SK have very different population distributions. Over half of SK lives in Seoul while even the biggest city in the US make up only a small percentage of the country so there's little reason to test half the US population. But people like you miss the point being made and get all excited about 38 million vs 25 million. The population density and distribution is what matters in that discussion, not the exact population numbers. If you want that, you can look it up in Wikipedia. Is this what you think the presidency should be, a Google interface to Wikipedia?

no i agree with you but englands place in the world is to subgigate all other coutries

after we anniliate cina alone we should tae back america

we own the world and now whats best for everyone in a fair ish way

unlike any other country on earth we are fairer than them all and they should be fucking privaliged to be under our rule

>We love to shit on America but it's better than China.

we could run both coutries better than either of them
fucking disgusting sub humans both

You have no clue what you're talking about
>western world hegemony
Globalism of the highest order.
>united west
Europe ruined that
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Europe has it's own culture, so does America and Canada. You Europeans cant grasp the concept that the american people have very little faith in their government, while Europeans revere theirs as god. There is no cultural unity and attempting it will only end poorly.
Already have that. How many American troops are in Germany? Belgium? Italy? How many ships does the US have out patrolling trade routes right now?

Perhaps you shouldn't have shit on us while you were riding our coat tails.
If a chink asks me for directions to conquer your shit nation, I'll be happy to point in your direction.

Most MSM is owned/operated by jews.
Always do the opposite of what jews want.
MSM hates Trump's guts and rips him daily.
That's all I need to know he's on the right track and I should trust him.
If they start praising him, then I will dump my support.

Man they're not even hiring people with English as a first language

Why should we give a fuck what you want? If you want the US system, there's a way to get it: apply for membership. You'll need to clean up your act in many ways first before we consider letting you become our 51st state (no, you don't get to be four states). Until then, we owe you nothing. If you cleaned up your shithole enough to become a state, you wouldn't actually need to come running to us for anything. Most of your problems would already be solved.



>What has trump done for white america?
Eased up regulations, causing a construction boom the US hasn't seen in decades.
>Lowest Wages up
>tax cuts
>Building the wall. Mexicans are scared to work illegally
>Decreased Illegal Immigration overall by getting Mexico involved at the southern border.
>Lowest unemployment ever recorded
>White people's savings and Retirement acct.s drastically increasing
Those are a few...But I know you aren't going to read them.
>Actively supports ICE to remove deepstate human trafficking/drug trafficking monetary assets at the border
>Coordinates Effective planned takedowns of Confirmed Mohammedan Terrorist assets
>0 [ZERO] American casualties from post-Souleimani liquidation from Iran
>Secured ----BILLIONS---- in FDI [Foreign Direct Investment] from transnational corporations into America
>Has ----DECIMATED---- Political Correctness / False Narratives / Actively reversing the Ideological foundations of the Frankfurt School's legacy of Criticsl Theory / Post Modernism / Deconstruction of White, Western, American values peddled against him and populist interests

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did you just reply to me prisoner scum?
you exist because we allow it

You couldn't subjugate your buck toothed wife, let alone another country.
America is going to abandon you fucks. I couldn't be more excited.

i think it's just low IQ, look at their evangelicals raking in on those retards

Everyone says things wrong. Why does it matter?
Decision making and speech are not dependent things

I judge him by his actions and his behaviors. I trust him alot because unlike a lot of politions he seems to care. Even to the point that he seems to read into 4chans wants and needs. Also the extreme anti-trump propaganda alerts me to the real bad guys.