PM of Spain infected

Good morning Yas Forums, it’s 10:55 in Spain right now.

I am a high rank member of the Spanish Socialist Party. Pedro Sánchez has been infected with coronavirus 4 days ago, but everything is hidden right now.

The Prime Minister would be obeyed to cede it’s office to the next vicepresident, the leftwing populist Pablo Iglesias.

PM was infected 4 days ago, but information has only been leaked to the party members today.

The Socialist Party is shuffling 2 ideas: keep it secret until it goes away and avoid public meetings and show the people prerecorded videos obviously not on air on TV. The other option is to reveal it the very same day the second lockdown finishes (April 11).

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So he's a pedo as well. Got it.

Holy fuck, this guy is gonna turn Spain into a fucking communist venezolan regime. Fuck this gravedigger

This virus is literally the new AIDS. Don’t like someone? Just shout he got it and everybody will avoid them.

Fake and gay

Lol I bet this faggot caught it at the women's march his govt shilled and downplayed the virus for

Why are you losers dead set on exterminating Spanish people and turning all of Spain into Afro-Mexico?

Lemme spam this board on /lit/ real quick:
too much Vox videos makes Juan go nutz

He's a pedrophile.

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Can you post some kind of proof of his infection? but yes, it's pretty clear the room the interviewer is asking him questions is not the same as the one pedro is in. The background lighting doesnt match. Even the pixel definitioin of the cameras dont match when you compare to the other interviews made in that room. Nobody in their sane minds would change the cameras (into a lower definition camera) and camera angles just because the president is talking, right?

I cannot, but I know someone that will

How bad are things in pre-mexico?

The situation has overflowed in all Spanish institutions. Healthcare in the most populated provinces has collapsed. Doctors have to make their own suits and masks out of plastic because there are no more medical supplies left. The government continues to try to dissuade public opinion and talk about other issues than deaths, the looming economic crisis and the future of all this. The PM no longer has real control over the rest of the ministers. There is already an internal struggle between supporters of Nadia Calviño (PSOE) and Pablo Iglesias (Podemos).

Podemos seeks to nationalize and nationalize thousands of public companies. He seeks to start a revolution that will bring him to power, he seeks the presidency of the government.

Muy bien chavalote, tienes algo para respaldar?

>t. high ranking member of the PP.


Attached: 18-cats-who-are-just-as-surprised-as-you-are-2-22294-1471473397-0_dblbig.jpg (625x415, 41.1K)

If truth post proof

When this thing blows over can you guys vote for the falange again?
My family wants to go back.

>vote for the falange

user... I...


^ this nigger has coronavirus!

Pedo Sánchez must die.

These president and el coletas must go to prison

Es un puto mugremita follanegros que no le importa ver España hundirse con tal de preservar a su lider

HE WANTS TO GO BACK (and spain will pay for it)


the fuck is that pic?

>I am a high rank member of the Spanish Socialist Party
Prove it or gtfo

Yeah I'm sure a Spanish socialist is coming to Yas Forums's Yas Forums board to leak info

Yas Forums, I have more news for you: the Spanish government has collapsed.

Pedro Sánchez will, very soon, change some of the ministers , Podemos will get out of this Government.

Isn't he the fag who dug up Franco's grave because his communist voters are still eternally butthurt over losing?

¿Cómo estáis pasando la cuarentena amigos?
Los informáticos lo tenemos bastante fácil con el teletrabajo.

Who cares if you get corona virus- you just feel sick for a week or so then fet better

I'm screencaping this but I don't believe it.

Attached: 1497557010110.png (500x281, 109.27K)

Pls let this be true

Attached: 1529616343083.jpg (640x638, 108.73K)


I hope so, it's kinda plausible considering that his tranny looking wife is infected too.

Deja de masturbarte amigo.

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Hola totally reliable source, can you pls tell us why the government got caught with their panties down? thnx

Yep, he is

Tell me juicy state info friend.

Pedro Falconetti, the undertaker

Fuck you. Maricon communista

U can use a VPN.

But u can't hide ur stupidity. Have a nice day in Barcelona my friendo.

You all deserve everything you get for selling out our ancestral lands to communist nigger sudacas and faggot rich jew guiris from UK

>Insert waiting for OP to deliver meme

>Pedro Sanchez

Attached: Pedro-sanchez.jpg (445x418, 62.32K)

God, I wish

Calviño president when?

Shut the fuck up, SJW


Attached: FED.jpg (1440x808, 448.51K)

I wish this was true but I know you are making this shit up

t. #butthurtfachaspeperos

Si mira te comento.

Pretty fake anti-aliasing.

dude I just made it on photoshop, it's a screencap from this very thread, it's called a MEME

Tell me more about those "MeM3s"

The Spanish are Turks. They're not European.

you want some of my hand made memes? here they go some

Attached: AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU-833x474.jpg (833x474, 293.7K)

ok ahmed...

You'd know all about turks wouldn't you hans

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I got more

Attached: sam exemique.jpg (1920x1080, 554.17K)

big if true add to to the screen shot plz

Attached: 1460837599206.png (1640x1640, 955.73K)


Q drops plus gitmo showing expansion of capacity. No one has the fake virus, all the elites are being rounded up and sent to gitmo to be hanged for satanic child sacrifice.

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