Australia is literally China's supermarket

Australia is literally China's supermarket.

Universities exist to educate Chinese students. Australians are only allowed only attend them to keep up the facade of academic integrity

Houses in Australia aren't for living in. They exist for Chinese people to park huge sums of money in. They trade them as school children would Pokemon cards. The boomers will be the last generation of Australian home owners.

Australian resources, timber, ore, water are all dominated by Chinese interests to the point where it's impossible to decouple them from China because the entities that control the resources are Chinese.

Sydney and Melbourne exist as Chinese commerce and tourism hubs. Australians are discouraged from approaching by outpricing and being generally hostile to them when they walk around their own city. This is why most Australians are relegated to the country side.

Australia is being raped by China on a daily basis. Remember, koala meat was freely available at the Wuhan wet market.
Australia has sold itself out to China and when the generation that sold it dies the Chinese will be waiting to move in over their corpse.
When I see young Australians I feel saddened knowing I'm watching a generation of bright young people unaware they have been sold into serfdom to China and won't know it until it's too late.

Attached: china.png (580x387, 211.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Australia is a barren wasteland bolstered by foreign investments. No forests, no expansive farming lands, no natural resources outside of a few resource metals. Interesting culture, fun to look at from afar, couldn't imagine actually living somewhere so large yet so sparsely populated.

Poor natives, getting genocide and all

Remember when the Chinese Secretary of Defense delivered a speech about how they need lebensraum but don’t want to use the term lebensraum because it has negative connotations in the West?

Every Aussie with a functioning brain should be doing everything he can to get out.

That's what happens when your kids aspire to be "influencers" instead of astronauts.

Show flag.
Where should we go?
They're in a worse state than we are.

Reminder /cvg/ predicted this


soft cock faggot
no aussie is going anywhere

How nationalistic are Aussies now?

I know New Zealanders are very nationalistic. Don't know about Aussies though.

isn't everyone reliant on china at this point? you're definitely right that it's worse than other countries but still.

>New Zealanders are very nationalistic
lol just stop

the Americas or Europe.

>New Zealanders are very nationalistic

Outside of cheering on mayoris chasing an inflated rubber egg they arent at nationalistic at all.

I would like to doubt koala meat was being sold in the wet markets.

And if it was labelled koala meat it was probably some other meat.

No forests? Are you fucking gay?

>the Americas or Europe.
Show flag.
America and Europe are less Eurooean than Australia.

After this we end the Yellow Peril once and for all. Boomers are the worst generation to ever live, they, along with the kikes, did this.

>couldn't imagine actually living somewhere so large yet so sparsely populated.

You will.

Aussies eat kangaroo meat all the time, it's fantastic on a barbie

Nice post! But I think you might be a tiny bit racist, haha! It isn't healthy to think like this! And I noticed you mentioned wet markets. These markets are frowned upon in china. In fact, they are illegal. Please do not talk about this next time. Otherwise, good post!

I hope you will consider these things next time you discuss australia's prosperous relationship with China.

>Fights the largest war ever to ensure a degenerate and decadent future for English children and to give Jews an ethnostate they fought to the last man to deny their children from having.

Not even once.

And that's why I chase chink drivers in my landcruiser with my spotlights on, and nudge them at red lights with my five-poster. The soft slopey cunts never even get out of their overpriced shitboxes to confront me, chinks are so weak it's hilarious.

I hope the ching chong ding dong boys in winnie the pooh land feed some toilet paper and stolen baby formula to all those starving kids making my smartphones, the last shipment was shithouse and the batteries kept dying. Step up your game china and maybe you can finally be good at something.

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Go eat a bat Chang.
There will be a reckoning for China after this. We will remind you how we conquered the world then threw it away fighting each other.

Attached: o367gfl914u01.png (423x455, 323.55K)

>147 million hectares of forest continent wide.

There is more in my state.

>No forests, no expansive farming lands, no natural resources outside of a few resource metals
You don't know much about Australia do you?>couldn't imagine actually living somewhere so large yet so sparsely populated
That's part of the appeal, shame they got jewed into bringing in so many poos and chinks, could have been a white haven.

There's nothing there really. Wasteland.

Fuck off ricenigger.

Attached: 15620697725243.png (730x609, 476.91K)

Cracker, you be our bottom bitch.

You’re replying to an Aussie

that's americans

>Australians are only allowed only attend them to keep up the facade of academic integrity
>Australians are discouraged from approaching by outpricing and being generally hostile to them when they walk around their own city.
>This is why most Australians are relegated to the country side.
>Remember, koala meat was freely available at the Wuhan wet market.
None of those things are true.
Show flag, fag.
And this:
>Every Aussie with a functioning brain should be doing everything he can to get out.
Every white Australian should stay home and make babies. Sage - you're not even an Aussie and this is probably a slide thread.

Already did. Job opportunity opened up here in Japan and i jumped on it. My wage is slightly lower but everything here is a fraction of the cost in Sydney.

It's all true.

I'm leaving once I get access to my early super and taking the rest once I've relinquished citizenship. Can't do anything else against having your entire future sold out from under you to the mongoloid menace.

based. Most of those cunts have accident cameras though so make sure they dont get your plates and goto police

What do abos taste like

and go where cunt?

Redpill me on getting super. How does that work? Living in Japan

You should fuck off to the USA immediately.

Sup Skylar

not entire australia is outback you know


the americas? full of fucking spics? fuck off yank

talk shit
get hit

Attached: ay.jpg (120x125, 2.67K)

They fell for the free trade meme.

like pork deep fried in petrol(no sulphur)

Thanks for the reply! But I noticed you posted a picture of "bat soup" in reference to China.

Most Chinese people do not eat bat soup. They would be offended by this depiction of Chinese cuisine, and bat soup is actually illegal in China. It's an honest mistake on your part, but no worries! Would you consider deleting your picture? It could cause people to reach the wrong conclusion about China!

I'm aware, just 90% of it, everyone living on coasts.

Back to England or Ireland. Seems like a better place to be.

Govt will allow you to pul 10,000 from super before July and 10,000 after if you are on Neetbux.

What's wrong with Chinese?

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Quality trolling.

We made the country what it is today not hive minded yellow niggers, we wont leave but we’ll be more then happy to remove you and all other non-whites from Aus.

Don’t you have any pride, how can you not be embarrassed? You are a parasite that can’t even make your ethnic country into a first world one so you have to go try steal ours.

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and go where cunt?

Nothing. They are our greatest ally.

I have offset rego plates, standard reversing/retard cameras have a hard time capturing them.


Attached: you.jpg (315x160, 10.4K)

mate I'm only telling the truth. The countries of the Americas will still exist in 20 years time. Australia will be a shitting chinese neo Taiwan vassal filled with even more of the soulless bugmen.

Depends if you're still an Australian citizen. But with this corona shit you can now apply for 10k starting mid april and another 10k 6 or 12 months later, and if you get rid of your citizenship then you have to take all of your super with you.

So basically Pajeets with money but a lot less than you

they'll be mexico or china you fucking simpleton, europe is the only option

definitely. The lifestyle and culture available in London is leagues beyond the holographic garbage of Sydney or Melbourne. Not to mention a releif from the waves of insectmen that plague Australia.

strange that america did not invest first in to austrelia and complain now.


Boomers sold the door to the Chinese.

what do you do?

This post is hilarious enough in plain text, but when I saw your flag, the narrator in my head became a real bogan cunt, and it destroyed my sides

Hello? Based department?

Cheers cunt. Il give it a crack.

Sounds like Canada

then why didnt they sell to americans?

thats because Australia isint actually a continent. Its a part of Asia.

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I for one welcome our new insect overlords.

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