Tom Hanks

Still not dead... wtf.

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Other urls found in this thread:

none of the famous fucks will die
and if they do, it'll be fake

Release the cure Hanx!

None of them had it to begin with.

He could at least act dead.



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top kek

Anyone have the picture of the nurses with the signs “we stay there so you stay home” and there is subtle black guy. Asking for a friend


yes. i have it. it's too gay to post here, though.

>fish in the dark
>fried fish
Celebrities sound fishy

Attached: Screenshot_20200331_104631.jpg (1080x1131, 308.95K)

Hahahahahahaha ty

Hank is back home! I thought he was on his way to gitmo qfags?

Attached: KH-BGUK_1907239_001jpg-JS573688604.jpg (2033x1355, 436.42K)

He waved hello

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how can anything be too gay to post here?


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Folks there's no crying in baseball. We'll figure this out.

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The license plate proved it's a navy owned vehicle. He's at gitmo, and these are just for a press release to make it seem like he's fine.

Attached: rs_1024x759-180110154525-1024-tom-hanks-oprah-winfrey-president.jpg (1024x759, 85.62K)

yes, only fat mutts die

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celebrities who are part of the NWO all received a vaccination. the illness he experienced was due to this vaccination.

>Come on, Tom. Say it in your nigger voice.

Explain this one memeflag

Attached: classictypewritersymbol.png (724x549, 368.47K)

Source on the plate?

>on the way to Gitmo
>*throws keys.
>You drive the car, Tom.
Great idea.


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fucking lol

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It's a flu

How many people do you know who died from flu??

I still dont understand I’m sorry. What symbolism is tied to the typewriter?

I had a horrible case of the flu this February. If I got it a month later would they label it Corona?

Tom, go to bed

Show me his ankles faggotini

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There’s also no new video of him telling the world it’s all going to be okay like every douche celebrity likes to do especially after something tragic happens to them.

They all look like walking corpses.

How many people do you know who died from flu??

lurk more

They are wanting it to be cool and hip to have antibodies.
I beat Corona, gyus.
You built immunity?
Let me sequence your genome and patent it.
Don't be selfish now. You are now a chosen.
Fucking snakes.

wtf, source?

Hello mr goyboy my name is Le epic frog merchant and I will be recommending you to a dead discord server today. For real, discord for gg slash EBRzDzn is seriously the gayest site I have ever used in the history of the World Wide Web, and I would challenge anyone who can list a gayer site then that one to comment it below this comment
discord for gg slash EBRzDzn
discord for gg slash EBRzDzn

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What do we have here...

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The fucking type writer in the back!!!! whats a bet its a carona like hancs and madona

He got himself Greek citizenship a while ago.
That means he's a little harder to kill right now.

Is he really a paedo or just Qfag nonsense? I don't get a vibe from him at all even though I know most of Hollywood are pederasts and paedophiles.

> What do we have here

Mentally ill people filing frivolous lawsuits.

Attached: sanoo3.jpg (604x442, 33.87K)

It is, Corona typewriter.

Attached: Screenshot_20200331_112736.jpg (1080x1253, 227.45K)

Did you even bother to google his plane number? Its probably in LA. Gitmo is in cuba mong why cali plates in cuba?

look at the plaintiffs twitter
he is a nutjob

Guess we'll find out after the internet blackout. Maybe.