France, Germany, UK

bypassed American sanctions on Iran with a New System the doesn't use USD.

>>gaddafi and saddam got killed for something less then this.

Attached: 9998.png (756x650, 461.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cvg predicted this.

likes BTFO

fucking phoneposting.
kikes BTFO

wrong, medical supplies are already exempt from sanctions.

RIP USD Hegemony

Attached: 998.png (750x615, 88.48K)

The US will ruin every EU company that tries to actually export to Iran and they've got their dirty fingers in SWIFT tracking all transactions. This is why INSTEX is based on barter, it's pathetic really.

The sooner we shake off the yoke of US hegemony the better.

Attached: 1534902273225.png (960x540, 773.41K)

Attached: USD.png (1139x891, 807.44K)

If it's not us it'll be someone else. Things might not be as peachy as you might imagine, though, with someone like china at the helm. At least we don't flood your country with hundreds of millions of our people.

Ally with Russia and France, then they can suck your intact benis

You flooded us with millions of refugees instead.

Attached: 8889.png (1121x793, 502.22K)

Attached: Global-Reserve-Currencies-share___2018-q1.png (462x448, 25.06K)

>millions of refugees
You would see multiples of that from China, along with them buying anything they can get out from under you.
We may be responsible for the refugees, but let's not forget that the EU let them in because they refuse to enforce the borders and them gave them houses among the general population.

We announced that the moment Trump fucked up the nuklear deal. And now that everything is in place the Mutt notices...


why exactly is there so much Yen in reserves?

Attached: checked.png (250x250, 36.96K)

>Export of EU medical products during a pandemic
Burn the UK, France and Germany

>Ally with Russia and France, then they can suck your intact benis
We are still occupied, so how is this supposed to work, dumbo.

Those filthy euros will PAY the PRICE for betraying their superiors.

>US cope
Truly, the most embarassing of copes.

Based and red pilled

>nwo country help nwo country, nwo country will do something about nwo country
You still dont get it

Now that's based. Just remember we the people have literally 0 control over our politicians actions and are mostly against them
You can nuke Paris any dat though they all live there

PressTV is an Iranian news agency you dumb fucks.

Quiet chang, humans are talking

millions of refugees from where?
>let's not forget that the EU let them in because they refuse to enforce the borders
and who wrote our laws? as if the US didn't plan the refugee wave to keep us down, they knew exactly what they're doing

Mutts aren't human.

American power is just Jewish power these days so I'm glad America is in decline.

Why is the EU so hell bent on trading with a country that doesn't respect LGBT+ and women rights?

how *clap* has *clap* that *clap* not *clap* happened *clap* yet *clap*

- Yas Forums doesn't recognize clapping as spam, but will not allow me to post greentext

I pay royalties to the German pension fund for infrastructure and factories built by communists, and the blame was put on some poor corrupt sods that sold state assets below price

without warning, though
wouldn't want them to flee

They are, technically. They just dont have souls.

Trump is making the US irrelevant on the world stage.

Your jewish overlords flooded us with millions of barbaric muslims, I'd honestly rather take my chances with chinks. Jews are far worse than chinks and actively want white genocide, America is nothing but a jew owned slave colony.

Dollar is about to implode!

We still occupy your shit nation. And you're gonna get slapped hard for this bullshit.

What a selfown. Medical supplies is strategic resources.

got killed to keep the oil prices low and because he basically went senile

got killed because it was either that or have confidence in the USA govt tank for the next 20 years.

Great. Finally we can export critical medical equipment to the third world without permission from Drumpf. End of nato when?

I am sure they need the bodybags more than us right now.


Attached: EUbRfOsWoAA1eVb.png (1113x612, 352.9K)

>millions of refugees from where?
not refugees, but Chinese nationals.

>as if the US didn't plan the refugee wave to keep us down, they knew exactly what they're doing
I don't think that's true at all, we took refugees as well. Obviously it was done by (((someone))) but they're not loyal to any country.

Tel Aviv knows.

Tel Aviv never forgives. If it takes a thousand years, they will have their revenge.

Corona will turn your god forsaken shithole from a Third World to a Fourth World country. Keep coping, mutt. You are finished.


Attached: FCCD9769-72E4-40FB-B861-9E759F87A7AD.jpg (750x692, 291.02K)

You guys are as bad as the kikes and chinks really. Its sad.

Your country is already modern germany kek

Damn, muslim cock so deep in their throats that they risk getting an American beatdown.

>they're already short on medical supplies
>in the middle of a pandemic
>still go out of there way to send shit to Islamic shitholes
>even if it angers the world hegemon
Really amazing. Why are our ancestors :) so retarded and suicidal?

Reuters•March 31, 2020

It's actually happening. The great noggening of goyim seems to have been dealt a severe blow.

Its almost like literally nobody wants you around or something.

Attached: Zombie picture.jpg (780x440, 67.56K)

you cherrypicked a few thousand at most. we had millions storming our borders and there's another 10 million or so waiting in Turkey and Lebanon

Excellent. Fuck Israel and United Corporations of America.

>wasting this much thought on a mutt
Just hide their posts, only 30% of them or so on here are good to talk to anymore.

Nigga youre not even white.

> If not for US there would be world peace
Fucken retard. There will always be needy people ready to knock on your border.

Nigger you were too pussy to join the military.

Don't you ever correct fuckin typos on my board again, bitch! Everyone knows what you meant. There's no comp professor here and you didn't pay shit to attend.

So it automatically enforces trade balance. Pretty interesting concept desu.

Its revenue faggot. Theyre buying from you instead of china. Trump wishes the world would buy medical supplies from the usa but they dont make any.

Trumptards and boomers are too stupid to realize it, but the only reason America is the world's superpower is because of its soft power, not its military power. USSR could match America militarily but not culturally.

The day America elected Trump to go "AMERICA FIRST", it nailed the coffin on the American century.

You won 10 year gains but lost the 100 year war. Watch as more and more countries ditch US-backed currencies and "sanctions". And no, you can't invade them all. You couldn't even invade 3rd world shitholes properly

Aw, look at that, a little vassals is about to rebel. How dare you! You will be put down in the end, so enjoy it while you still can.

If you didn’t correct your post then I would have given you a ticket.
t. Thread police

No jews to charge fees on money transfers. Genius. Fuck mutts theyll defend the kike system.

this. should have it for more countries

You don’t like it, USA? STFI.
t. Iran

This. I want to see the day.