>italian architecture
Italian architecture
What is it and where is that?
Sicilian-niggers. They boopity'd their last boppity.
>let me post the worst example instead of the best italy has to offer
That being said abominations like that need to be knocked down entirely.
The whole of europe needs a radical architectural movement to just go around destroying all these modernist/post modernist monstrosities. They epitomise the worst aspects of modernity and globalism. You find buildings like that all over the world, there is no cultural identity behind them
>Italian architecture
The Italians live in pizza box shaped houses and sleep on pizza shaped beds.
Looks Scottish
This is socialist rotting concrete garbage, not much Italian about it. Isn’t this in Naples or something?
> building is ok in design
> failed to recognize the real problem
> Italian Building Maintenance
fucking wops cant seem to grasp the concept of REPAIRS.
thats why all your most important buildings are just ruins
this can be said of any euro country, modern euros are useless as fuck
> filename
oh look another dumb seething germanoid with no architectural or broadly artistic history if not taken from someone else.
Literally built for bbc.
stupid assburger, this is scampia in naples.
Not Sicily, it's Scampia, Napoli and it was recently knocked down and gentrified
He is a fucking dutch not german pastabro
We gave you civilization, nigger
Before the mighty German arrived in Italy, you were all slaves
Show some humility
Mamma mia!
That's the one thing that struck me about Rome and some of the other places I saw in Italy:little or no maintenance, everythings crumbling and decrepit for what's supposed to be a first world country.
If there was proper upkeep those buildings would be a million times more comfy than the average commieblock and city apartment building
(((Modernist))) tumor in Naples, recently demolished. Luckily Italy has been building based architecture well into the fifties
Imagine being that dumb
Don't steal this from me, it's all I have.
you were living in literal turds until we came across you. literal turds, like subsaharan niggers. your artistic history is pure shit compared to ours, and anyways never original, always copied.
They are tearing these down.
Here (pic related) is another piece of beautiful 20th century Italian architecture. This by Vittorio Gregotti, who recently died of Coronavirus.
>artistic history
yeah, I'm not into gay softporn, but nice colors I guess
>you were living in turds
ehm, what the fuck. Whatever, just be grateful that you're not a slave anymore.
dude you’re so retarded that’s futurist architecture and based and redpilled created by fascists
when you were "free", it was a negroesque tribal-nomdaic freedom. after you discovered civilization you became the most enslaved people in europe to your authorities/leaders. the actual task is combining the necessity of civilization and that of freedom. we could, you couldn't. as a society, you have a tribalistic medieval-feudal mindset, we have a renaissance individualistic-free mindset. this is the difference between us.
Fascism has always been an insult to Roman values
Roman rules is should matter to Rome sons and daughters
Be cursed those who left their lands by the Gods
Northern Italy is a region that has the most beautiful and iconic examples of European architecture in all of Europe. Is this why it was targeted by the Wuhan Virus?
>Northern Italy
Not just northern Italy.
The WHOLE country has most beautiful and iconic examples of European architecture in all of Europe
>Is this why it was targeted by the Wuhan Virus?
No, person who brought the virus to northern Italy was some German faggot roaming around
>What is it and where is that?
Holy shit even our slums look more livable than that
Yas Forums told me Sicily was a shithole why do you kikes love lying
t. terroni
bice try poo, you subhumans live like rats
i feel bad for laughing
Are you fucking dumb, the idea of the Sticks Bound Together, the Fasci, was literally the symbol on the Roman Flag.
I will never let anyone shit on Italian architecture.
I got your back Italibros.
what would a dutch flatlander have against italians? makes me wonder
Literally Latin American-tier
I guess that means thank you. You're welcome!
That is fucking inspiring.
Mutts I hate 'em
>they have similar symbols therefore they did justice to Rome
Fascists took that symbol and made it a laughing stock
If you could comprehend what you read, you would have understood that
there's nothing funnier than when a terrone tries to take credit for roman/italian accomplishments and society when anything of value has only ever come out of northern or central italy
Thank you french neighbor
>1960's architecture
>in sc*mpia
Favelas are paradise compared to that
It will be europe soon you toothpaste asshole
Demolition has already been approved by the city gov
Your mom lives in the streets
What a cheesy comment
Don't forget this, you assblasted niggalovers
Brutalist architecture and no air con...fuck that. Just destroy your souls already
>We gave you civilization, nigger
>That's the one thing that struck me about Rome and some of the other places I saw in Italy
Did you go there to worship your catholic bullshit?
Some of these are amazing
I difficult to comprehend how they could come up with such amazing buildings especially when you see the shit built today.
Terrone architecture?
Lmao calm down faggot, don't get your noodles all in a bunch.
Fucking germtoids caused rome to collapse and descend europe in the dark age.
It is the place your nepheus went to buy heroine right?
I wish they included the bit where the nog tries to argue the point
Keep swallowing your shitty food that makes you be all obesetards idiots. Your country would have no history without us
A reddit meme to go with your posting style. Very nice.
>>italian architecture
latinos are doing the same shit in the USA
Yeah, I wonder...
Did someone steal your meatball? Is that why you're angry?
South europe is ruined since you tried for the third time to create a german empire. 1915-1918, 1940-1945 and now 1992-2020. The solution it is to split your dummass country in minoritarian regions and ban you all in any other country. Of course after getting nuked
It is just pure hate
>The solution it is to split your dummass country in minoritarian regions
Like it was before 1871.
When I think of a sharts I think 25% wop
Respect your ancestors mutt
>Your country would have no history without us
Sorry but American history belongs to Anglos.
Are you just here to try and discredit actual intelligent criticism and valid accusations against jews by being retarded on purpose?
Take off your meme flag
Maybe if you put down the wine and sobered up a bit
>When I think of a sharts I think 25% wop
They didn't arrive until the 1890's All the ground work was dome by and based upon Anglo culture, law and values