
When you think about it, Africans are pretty based. Prove me wrong

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never change

Slavs are master race we have big dick very tall and not so smart but we make wyte bois and chinkcels our slaves so they be sciencecucks for us Slav bvlls dominate the world.

of course user-kun

The proof is Africa

can you speak a word of fucking english chang?

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well they know how to breed unlike us.

i agree, slavs are the niggers of europe kek. Low IQ, bad looking, physically inferior


>be serbia
>start WWI
>get ass kicked by bulgaria and completely annexed
>still wins because murica shows up
>gets yugoslavia for free
>germany gets blamed for the war
>indirectly cause WWII
Lmao fuck you guys

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>b-but slavs are superior

Blacks truly believe that they have big dicks, however is it grounded in reality? The biggest cock ever recorded belonged to a white person and average dick length in Nigeria is lower than in Germany. Perhaps this belief stems from fetish blacked american porn

if you were american I would invoke mutt's law

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Compared to niggers there is no comparison

Ahem, while you engage in your fantasies those toilets aren't going to clean themselves.

I don’t know how many wars have niggers lost to albanians?

>post OP talking about nigger dicks

You're comparing their military history to their culture.

They are cannibals and kill animals and albinos for medicinal purposes. They are literally dumber chinks. Fuck them. Not to mention they can't survive without gibs.

*endangered animals

what medicinal purposes can be extracted from a wh*teoid

only the Slavs in the Dinaric mountains are tall. and that's because you assimilated native Balkanic tribes there who probably spoke a similar language to Albanian so L.

Yeah niggers are way worse


Stop larping Bruce. You know they are bad. At least your abos are too dumb to do anything other than huff petrol. These monkeys just chimp out all the time.

at least my country has some semblance of being white.

human organs

You are an overseas Chinese colony. I wouldn't be so sure. Most of your real estate is owned by them.

Fuck off and die

bong btfo

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>same ID
Are you new here?

based niggers

Isn't bongland mostly sandniggers and regular niggers though? As much as OP is a faggot. He has a point.

I've noticed this a long time ago, every actual African I've met has been incredibly based. They're all devout Christians and incredibly kind and good-spirited


Some Africans are pretty based.

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Hello mr goyboy my name is Le epic frog merchant and I will be recommending you to a dead discord server today. For real, discord for gg slash EBRzDzn is seriously the gayest site I have ever used in the history of the World Wide Web, and I would challenge anyone who can list a gayer site then that one to comment it below this comment
discord for gg slash EBRzDzn
discord for gg slash EBRzDzn

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the only based niggers are the ones blacking the west

Serbfag still seething over Kosovo

>still wins because murica shows up
take your meds schizo

>indirectly cause WWII

Do you even know about your own countries history?
Bulgaria beat them so bad their remaining soldiers escaped to Albania and then sailed to Italy

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By starting WWI and having the blame placed on germany you caused WWII

>be nigger from africa
>smell like absolute shit
Do they not know what showers and shampoo are?
Why does every fucking black person and arab person smell like they haven't showered in years?

Retard alert wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop wop

>map from a youtube video
most of the CP troops on the balkans were AH bulgarians were called in to attack poorly defended eastern parts

You still lost though sweetie

whats your point serbia cannot win against the entire CP?

My point was is serbia is weak and a Yugoslavia was a Frankenstein if nations awarded to them

your point is as delusional as you serbia cannot beat both AH and bulgaria at the same time

Serbia couldn’t even beat bulgars in a 1v1

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obrenovici were complete retards whom ruined serbia
keep in mind bulgaria had the strongest army on the balkans

You still lost though my serbian friend

>4,5 mil country making a good 2 year stand against a country with 10 times more population all alone
>After those 2 years, Bulgarians strike from the back with their full army


Well the only time Serbia fought Bulgaria in a 1v1 they lost

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Niggers from Africa are actually way worse than American niggers.
They are more humble though

Fuck off they are shitalian

Actually this pic is true. Real African have npthing in common with US niggers. They are funny guys.

Janusz you are not germanic

Get the spiders outta your ass, Ausnigger

You've never met a pure-blooded nigger in your life. Abbos don't count. They aren't Africans

>Abbos aren't africans

No shit they aren't. I can see due to your countries lockdown and lack of education, you're really suffering aren't you.

Mutt, you cannot into Balkans history, there were countless wars from the 10th century onwards between Serbs and Bulgarians, and everyone was allied with everyone, everyone at war with everyone during the different exact times in history, it's only a matter of that who was more organised, better equiped, better manned in that exact time. For example, bad ruler means a almost surely lost war. Easy as that, don't fall for a Ubermensch nation among the Balkan states, no matter which one is it