Mussolini Hitler Vibes

Every fucking time italy. I love those uniforms.

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bump for aestethics

Why is the army wearing adidas track suits?

Maybe in Slav world. Anyways, why are european police uniforms so much nicer looking?

It's called élan.
Look it up.

Not the army, that’s the Carbonara.

I love some spaghetti carbonara

Meanwhile in Australia.

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SAPOL look alright in their all-black uniforms.

I miss the old ones though. Slacks, light blue shirts, wide-brim hats, and revolvers. They were more friendly and approachable while still looking professional.

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Big if tru

Technically Carabinieri are part of the Army, they usually have MP roles

Revolvers are proper local police guns. Semiautos are for enforcers of the globohomo megastate.

lmao the pants have factory-built pee stains to protect the dignity of the popo

New Jersey

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guardia civil, not uniforms

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lower legs should taper tho. The rest is on point.
As expected from Italians, good al round taste.

whats that triangle on their caps?

why are they wearing the colors of their foreign countries rulers?

>uniform fetish
Nice that you are so accepting of your faggotry

You just know

Imagine getting pulled over by a femanist and nigger that speaks German.


>those trousers
i need them

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>As expected from Italians

Got me thinking - why is this? Why do they always look good? How do some cultures just get it right?

This goes all the way back to the Romans with these guys, why is that?

It's La Fiamma, The flame. The symbol of the Carabinieri is a hand grenade, like those used in the 17th and 18th centuries.

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>please show us your id
>lemme check
>mr user, you didn't engage in your mandatory enrichment program
>no worry tho
>you can pay a fine
>or engage with akim
>what do you want do mr user?


>Why are the wogs dressed like wogs
I reckon it might be because they're wogs mate.

I don't get it, what's the problem?

if you look closely they even gave that nigger an mp5

>backup policeman that doesn't approach stopped car has mask
>policeman that actually stops car and interacts with passengers doesn't have mask

Designed by armani?

I dare you to post uglier police uniforms than our.

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they look like janitors/mechanics

Baseball caps look so fucking bad on cops or just any authority, hate how common place they are.
They belong in peaked caps or something similar, they look so cheap in baseball caps.

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Tricorns or caps like the gendarme are good - the hat you posted just calls to mind some kind of tard-helmet.

They look like absolute shit.
Their winter gear is even worse, because they all get several sizes bigger jackets so that they could put on more clothes underneath.
But it's kinda ok, because they're inefficient and corrupt, so having shit uniforms is fitting.

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give me more and I'll rate.

that's because in ex-soviet shitholes (central european crater of civilization) janitors and police are equally qualified and unprofessional

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Is that a fucking grease gun?

Its professional looking at all, anything is better than a dollar store baseball cap with a iron-on patch in the center.

Ours are worse I think, at least yours resemble uniforms at all compared to this shit.

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Time for a kinobinieri dump

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>steals your gf

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Best American uniform I've ever seen.

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And some police to spice things up

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Norn iron

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meanwhile in france

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Holy shit, incredibly based.

>Muh hat
This was pretty dumb piggo

>Kek they don't spend their money on flashy uniform
>now give us gibs because we are out of money
Italians everyone, the niggers of Europe.

No, Ugo Bossi.


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goddammit, mutton

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>Belong in peaked caps.
No the belong in pith helmets

The one on the left's mustache is off by an inch

>Mussolini Hitler Vibes
Good tyo hear this time all Europe join them.

>whores in uniform

>Technically Carabinieri are part of the Army

Non è vero, studia. E' come dire che l'Aeronautica fa parte della Marina.

>A uniform where even the fat guy looks good
I expect no less from a fascist state.

Why the fuck are you fanboys of the fucking police?
I fucking hate the government I try to avoid taxes of possible and drive without licence.
Fuck the cops they are the only ones to protect the refugees here