/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2756

► Detected: 786,876 (+2,161) ► Died: 37,838 (+55)
Live: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

— 3.8 billion people put under lockdown —
— 203 countries and territories infected —
— 2.0x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,425 different strains have been sequenced —

French nurse calls out French government

Lawsuits being filled against Bill of Rights violations

CBC investigator calls out Canadian government

28 year old doctor dies in Spain, no previous conditions

WHO official pretends he can't hear Taiwan question

27 year old in Britain dies without previous conditions

Heart attack main cause of death, not respiratory issues

Virus spreads through pipes

33 babies in Wuhan were born with COVID

New symptoms: loss of smell and taste

Brazil state has 0 official deaths but mortuaries are already collapsed

H1N1 only had 18,500 DNA-confirmed deaths, rest is estimated

Engineered SARS-related bat coronavirus caused polemic over risks

Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab

"Germany omits most deaths with other pathologies", Spanish biologist

05:53: 136 new cases and 2 new deaths in Israel.
05:34: Joachim Yhombi-Opango, the former president of the Republic of Congo, has succumbed to coronavirus at a Paris hospital.
05:01: 127 new cases and 1 new death in Thailand.


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A slow death, unforseen, unforgiving...

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The international links have been broken, the great supply chains are off, and the neoliberal consensus is not secure. What do YOU plan on doing about that?
From conversations with other anons, it’s clear that there are 2 factors to consider in our response.
The first are the problems in our local areas that require the most attention;
>Food production
>Elderly care
>Waste management
Basically, anything that is going to become a hardship in your local community. By addressing these problems, putting manpower and resources into them, we strengthen our communities AND our place and voice within them.
The second factor are the groups who will most likely be interested in contributing to this network. >Local religious institutions
>Local businesses
>Other political organisations
The problem is that most of the support for this would be based in leftist thinking. I understand the only practical way forward is a long march through leftist organisations, but it's not something you can do on your own.
So the best place to start would be to organise.
I know that's gonnabait a bunch of accusations, but few of us would deny we have some improvement to do; it’s easier to improve when it's a group you're letting down.
I'm not talking about setting up some Yas Forums meetup or some easily targettable fraternity LARP. All we'd have to do is join the networks listed above, and then find other anons through that and/or build up a base of support from the bottom up via speaking to other members.

We’re currently at step 1. We need to be making a list of Factor 1’s in our communities, collecting the contacts of factor 2’s, and creating a locally-specific plan of action from this information. By the time the market crashes, we should be ready to start step 2; putting this planning into effect.

Anybody else got any other ideas or comments?

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>cases almost non existent in china
>rapidly slowing down in italy
it's literally nothing

>Dead: 37,944
lol, still only 37,944.
How many days has it been stuck at 37,944? Four days? Five days?

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It's just a flu. Nothing serious.

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If i could get Agricultural land should o go for it and start working right now?

All Lies...
Good thread theme (for 6 minutes)...

>laws being passed at a insane speed
>protests are banned and participants can be charge with violating health order
step aside freedom -- the future's here.

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it's actually less than nothing
like a half of nothing maybe even one third
what's with all the commotion

At this rate we won't even go extinct. No extinction = no happening, obviously...shut it down.

Uh, Gary...you okay there dude...?

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You can kill the chip, safer than extracting it.
Search rfid zapper.

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>laws being passed at a insane speed
Oh my god... You're PASSING LAWS?!

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I see what you done Gary, now the world will see what you done.

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Already had this corona virus cold 2 weeks ago. I wish everyone would have it already so we can just move on already.

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what kind of garbage did they pass on monday? I'm still digesting the feast of shit from last week

So what happens when a real fuck your shit up bioweapon is released on the public when the world can't even handle this pussy little bitch flu virus??

And the public are very quick to dob in their neighbor for going for a walk, fucking thoughtcrimes are next

when will you niggers stop shilling for this flu? nothing will happen and everything will go back to normal in 3 weeks. look at Italy, already recovering. happeningfags BTFO!

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What did Gary mean by this?

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Want it again?

>786,876 infected
>37,838 dead
I don't even feel like posting the fucking face because It's that sad.

>Just move on already
user, I...

Giant nothingburger

The proper term now is balcony stalinist for these people.

Is argie dead?

Who else in constant fear of losing their NEET life and returning to wageslavery?

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Good that cases low in China. Together working world will eliminate this disease. I hope we can learn from this.

Maybe everyone who gets this will die of AIDS in 3 years time.

Imagine if everyone got HIV at the first outbreak, the death rate would have been 0% for years.

Allergy season started for me this week so I will pass on another cold ontop of it. Otherwise I don't care.

I saw it too, it shows he rapidly copypastes the text, and that he's into weird conspiracy theories.

Perhaps not surprising.

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expensive nothingburger
debt forevermore

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BREAKING NEWS: studies have shown that when you lift the bun, there is some thing inside. Scientists are calling it a somethingburger.

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>being allergic
>literally overreacting over plant jizz
now that's sad

Great term, I'm gonna ring talk back and call them out, because they all listen to talk back too.



>I hope we can learn from this.
Yes. I hope the west learned we need to glass china and deport chinks.

he's also a jehovah's witness

Gary is running a gay thread too.

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Infection rates in Italy dropping.
Doommong got nonced as a child.
Saville fingered him.
I have proof.

I mean

It's actually worse than the corona virus. atleast it was for me and my roommate. Itchy eyes sucks.

Growing stuff is rewarding and mostly fun, user. If you have an interest, I suggest starting small and working your way up.

Ring-a-round the rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!
We all fall down.

Should I get NVGs? Not good mil-spec ones, just Gen 1+ goggles with a built in illuminator. Could be fun and a pandemic sounds like a good excuse

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people are actually doing that in kiwiland? fuck's sake...

Only took them 1 month of lockdown too. That's only 1/12th of a GDP. A couple hundreed billion dollars to stop a minor cold.


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Happening canceled! Germany's death rate is 0,8%. Back to work fellas!!!

I really miss cheeseburgers my dudes. When will it be safe to get a fastfood chesseburger, in 3 years, or after I've caught this and hopefully recovered?

I'm going to have to go back to grilling them myself, but I'm so torn between charcoal and propane it's just easier to eat out. This is the true national emergency.

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I ordered something online, Fedex says it wont deliver in florida anymore. If you from florida user, don't use fedex.


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Bois. If nothing returns to normal in China, they can’t make loli dolls anymore. Has anyone thought of this?

I gave in and ordered burgers yesterday I could t fucking help myself.

weebs on youtube make their own dolls to evade law, you can do the same.

Hardout man. Even people out fishing on a fiver by themselves.

There are even people in Fitbit (etc) groups, who can see where their friends go, and they dob them in for goig on 20km bike rides. Their own friends. There was a website set up specifically to dob in people, it crashed on the first day.

It's here if anyone wants to dob me in police.govt.nz/105support

Don’t blaspheme in here


My right hand is covered in flaming hot cheeto dust

Will corona-chan let me lick it off or is that no no ?

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Good info, I want to know more about Gary. he must be eccentric as fuck to be doing this.

It's just a flu. Nothing serious.

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Good that Chinese alive low in China. Together working world will eliminate these insects. I hope we can learn from this.
Also, Mao Zedong sucks Satan's cock in Hell.

I’m really hungry 2:30 am gonna raid the fucking larder as they used to say in British air

>over 6 weeks
I won't dare eat anything someone else has prepared.

bosnia isnt rare desu

I've been living as a NEET for almost a year now... I want to get a job, but there's nothing for me right now.

I'm enjoying it so much, but I fear I'll stay a NEET if I don't find something soon...

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No you didn't. I had and it feels nothing like a cold.
It feels like a severe chest injury. You're not congested, your insides feel dry as straw and you have chest pains, fever and not much else.